Callback function invoked when the library wants to read data from the source. The read data is sent in the stream |stream_id|. The implementation of this function must read at most |length| bytes of data from |source| (or possibly other places) and store them in |buf| and return number of data stored in |buf|. If EOF is reached, set DataFlags.EOF
The flags used to set in |data_flags| output parameter in DataSource.read_callback
Return values used in this library. The code range is [-999, -500], inclusive.
The status codes for the RST_STREAM and GOAWAY frames.
The flags for HTTP/2 frames. This enum defines all flags for all frames.
The frame types in HTTP/2 specification.
HTTP related flags to enforce HTTP semantics
The flag for a header field.
The category of HEADERS, which indicates the role of the frame. In HTTP/2 spec, request, response, push response and other arbitrary headers (e.g., trailers) are all called just HEADERS. To give the application the role of incoming HEADERS frame, we define several categories.
If local peer is stream initiator: OPENING : upon sending request HEADERS OPENED : upon receiving response HEADERS CLOSING : upon queuing RST_STREAM
HTTP Tokens
The header field, which mainly used to represent HTTP headers.
Distributed under the terms of the MIT license with an additional section 1.2 of the curl/libcurl project. Consult the provided file for details
(C) 2012-2015 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa (C) 2014-2015 Etienne Cimon