1 /**
2  * Helpers
3  * 
4  * Copyright:
5  * (C) 2012-2015 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa
6  * (C) 2014-2015 Etienne Cimon
7  *
8  * License: 
9  * Distributed under the terms of the MIT license with an additional section 1.2 of the curl/libcurl project. 
10  * Consult the provided LICENSE.md file for details
11  */
12 module libhttp2.helpers;
14 import libhttp2.constants;
15 import std.bitmanip : bigEndianToNative, nativeToBigEndian;
16 import libhttp2.types;
17 import std.c.string : memcpy;
18 import std.string : toLowerInPlace;
19 import core.exception : onRangeError;
20 import std.algorithm : max, min;
22 void write(T)(ubyte* buf, T n) {
23 	auto x = nativeToBigEndian(n);
24 	memcpy(buf, x.ptr, T.sizeof);
25 }
27 void write(T)(ubyte[] buf, T n) {
28 	if (buf.length < T.sizeof) onRangeError();
29 	auto x = nativeToBigEndian(n);
30 	memcpy(buf.ptr, x.ptr, T.sizeof);
31 }
33 T read(T = uint)(in ubyte* buf) {
34 	return bigEndianToNative!T(buf[0 .. T.sizeof]);
35 }
37 T read(T = uint)(in ubyte[] buf) {
38 	if (buf.length < T.sizeof) onRangeError();
39 	return bigEndianToNative!T(cast(ubyte[T.sizeof])buf[0 .. T.sizeof]);
40 }
42 HeaderField[] copy()(auto const ref HeaderField[] hfa) {
43 	if (hfa.length == 0)
44 		return null;
46 	HeaderField[] ret = Mem.alloc!(HeaderField[])(hfa.length);
48 	foreach (size_t i, const ref HeaderField hf; hfa) {
49 		ret[i].flag = hf.flag;
50 		char[] copy;
51 		if (hf.name.length > 0)
52 			copy = copyToLower(hf.name);
54 		ret[i].name = cast(string) copy;
55 		if (hf.value.length > 0)
56 			ret[i].value = Mem.copy(hf.value);
57 		else ret[i].value = null;
58 	}
59 	return ret;
60 }
62 /*
63  * Makes copy of |iv| and return the copy. This function returns the 
64  * copy if it succeeds, or null.
65  */
66 Setting[] copy(in Setting[] iva) {
67 	if (iva.length == 0)
68 		return null;
69 	return cast(Setting[]) Mem.copy(iva);
70 }
73 bool equals(in HeaderField[] hfa, in HeaderField[] other) 
74 {
75 	import libhttp2.tests : sort;
76 	auto hfa2 = hfa.copy();
77 	auto other2 = other.copy();
78 	scope(exit) {
79 		foreach(i, ref hf; hfa2) {
80 			hf.free();
81 		}
82 		foreach(i, ref hf; other2) {
83 			hf.free();
84 		}
85 		Mem.free(hfa2);
86 		Mem.free(other2);
87 	}
88 	sort(hfa2);
89 	sort(other2);
90 	foreach(i, hf; hfa2)
91 		if (other2[i] != hf)
92 			return false;
93 	return true;
94 }
96 void free(ref HeaderField[] hfa)
97 {
98 	foreach(ref hf; hfa)
99 	{
100 		hf.free();
101 	}
102 	Mem.free(hfa);
103 	hfa = null;
104 }
107 /*
108  * This function was generated by genlibtokenlookup.py.  Inspired by
109  * h2o header lookup.  https://github.com/h2o/h2o
110  */
111 Token parseToken(in string name) {
112 	with(Token) switch (name.length) {
113 		case 2:
114 			switch (name[1]) {
115 				case 'e':
116 					if (name[0] == 't') {
117 						return TE;
118 					}
119 					break;
120 				default: break;
121 			}
122 			break;
123 		case 4:
124 			switch (name[3]) {
125 				case 't':
126 					if (name.ptr[0 .. 3] == "hos") {
127 						return HOST;
128 					}
129 					break;
130 				default: break;
131 			}
132 			break;
133 		case 5:
134 			switch (name[4]) {
135 				case 'h':
136 					if (name.ptr[0 .. 4] == ":pat") {
137 						return _PATH;
138 					}
139 					break;
140 				default: break;
141 			}
142 			break;
143 		case 7:
144 			switch (name[6]) {
145 				case 'd':
146 					if (name.ptr[0 .. 6] == ":metho") {
147 						return _METHOD;
148 					}
149 					break;
150 				case 'e':
151 					if (name.ptr[0 .. 6] == ":schem") {
152 						return _SCHEME;
153 					}
154 					if (name.ptr[0 .. 6] == "upgrad") {
155 						return UPGRADE;
156 					}
157 					break;
158 				case 's':
159 					if (name.ptr[0 .. 6] == ":statu") {
160 						return _STATUS;
161 					}
162 					break;
163 				default: break;
164 			}
165 			break;
166 		case 10:
167 			switch (name[9]) {
168 				case 'e':
169 					if (name.ptr[0 .. 9] == "keep-aliv") {
170 						return KEEP_ALIVE;
171 					}
172 					break;
173 				case 'n':
174 					if (name.ptr[0 .. 9] == "connectio") {
175 						return CONNECTION;
176 					}
177 					break;
178 				case 'y':
179 					if (name.ptr[0 .. 9] == ":authorit") {
180 						return _AUTHORITY;
181 					}
182 					break;
183 				default: break;
184 			}
185 			break;
186 		case 14:
187 			switch (name[13]) {
188 				case 'h':
189 					if (name.ptr[0 .. 13] == "content-lengt") {
190 						return CONTENT_LENGTH;
191 					}
192 					break;
193 				default: break;
194 			}
195 			break;
196 		case 16:
197 			switch (name[15]) {
198 				case 'n':
199 					if (name.ptr[0 .. 15] == "proxy-connectio") {
200 						return PROXY_CONNECTION;
201 					}
202 					break;
203 				default: break;
204 			}
205 			break;
206 		case 17:
207 			switch (name[16]) {
208 				case 'g':
209 					if (name.ptr[0 .. 16] == "transfer-encodin") {
210 						return TRANSFER_ENCODING;
211 					}
212 					break;
213 				default: break;
214 			}
215 			break;
216 		default: break;
217 	}
218 	return Token.ERROR;
219 }
222 /*
223  *   local_window_size
224  *   ^  *
225  *   |  *    recv_window_size
226  *   |  *  * ^
227  *   |  *  * |
228  *  0+++++++++
229  *   |  *  *   \
230  *   |  *  *   | This rage is hidden in flow control.  But it must be
231  *   v  *  *   / kept in order to restore it when window size is enlarged.
232  *   recv_reduction
233  *   (+ for negative direction)
234  *
235  *   recv_window_size could be negative if we decrease
236  *   local_window_size more than recv_window_size:
237  *
238  *   local_window_size
239  *   ^  *
240  *   |  *
241  *   |  *
242  *   0++++++++
243  *   |  *    ^ recv_window_size (negative)
244  *   |  *    |
245  *   v  *  *
246  *   recv_reduction
247  */
248 ErrorCode adjustLocalWindowSize(ref int local_window_size_ptr, ref int recv_window_size_ptr, ref int recv_reduction_ptr, ref int delta_ptr)
249 {
250 	if (delta_ptr > 0) {
251 		int recv_reduction_delta;
252 		int delta;
253 		int new_recv_window_size = max(0, recv_window_size_ptr) - delta_ptr;
255 		if (new_recv_window_size >= 0) 
256 		{
257 			recv_window_size_ptr = new_recv_window_size;
258 			return ErrorCode.OK;
259 		}
261 		delta = -new_recv_window_size;
263 		/* The delta size is strictly more than received bytes. Increase
264        	   local_window_size by that difference |delta|. */
265 		if (local_window_size_ptr > MAX_WINDOW_SIZE - delta)
266 		{
267 			return ErrorCode.FLOW_CONTROL;
268 		}
269 		local_window_size_ptr += delta;
271 		/* If there is recv_reduction due to earlier window_size
272        	   reduction, we have to adjust it too. */
273 		recv_reduction_delta = min(recv_reduction_ptr, delta);
275 		recv_reduction_ptr -= recv_reduction_delta;
277 		if (recv_window_size_ptr < 0) {
278 			recv_window_size_ptr += recv_reduction_delta;
279 		} else {
280 			/* If recv_window_size_ptr > 0, then those bytes are going to
281 		       be returned to the remote peer (by WINDOW_UPDATE with the
282 		       adjusted delta_ptr), so it is effectively 0 now.  We set to
283 		       recv_reduction_delta, because caller does not take into
284 		       account it in delta_ptr. */
285 			recv_window_size_ptr = recv_reduction_delta;
286 		}
288 		/* recv_reduction_delta must be paied from delta_ptr, since it
289        	   was added in window size reduction (see below). */
290 		delta_ptr -= recv_reduction_delta;
292 		return ErrorCode.OK;
293 	}
295 	if (local_window_size_ptr + delta_ptr < 0 ||
296 		recv_window_size_ptr < int.min - delta_ptr ||
297 		recv_reduction_ptr > int.max + delta_ptr)
298 	{
299 		return ErrorCode.FLOW_CONTROL;
300 	}
301 	/* Decreasing local window size. Note that we achieve this without
302 	   noticing to the remote peer. To do this, we cut
303 	   recv_window_size by -delta. This means that we don't send
304 	   WINDOW_UPDATE for -delta bytes. */
306 	local_window_size_ptr += delta_ptr;
307 	recv_window_size_ptr += delta_ptr;
308 	recv_reduction_ptr -= delta_ptr;
309 	delta_ptr = 0;
311 	return ErrorCode.OK;
312 }
314 bool shouldSendWindowUpdate(int local_window_size, int recv_window_size) {
315 	return recv_window_size >= local_window_size / 5;
316 }
318 char[] copyToLower(string str) {
319 	char[] str_copy = cast(char[])Mem.copy(str);
321 	for (size_t i = 0; i < str_copy.length; i++) {
322 		size_t idx = cast(size_t) cast(ubyte) str_copy[i];
323 		str_copy[i] = DOWNCASE_TBL[idx];
324 	}
326 	return str_copy;
327 }
329 /* Generated by gendowncasetbl.py */
330 immutable char[] DOWNCASE_TBL = [
331 	0 /* NUL  */,   1 /* SOH  */,   2 /* STX  */,   3 /* ETX  */,
332 	4 /* EOT  */,   5 /* ENQ  */,   6 /* ACK  */,   7 /* BEL  */,
333 	8 /* BS   */,   9 /* HT   */,   10 /* LF   */,  11 /* VT   */,
334 	12 /* FF   */,  13 /* CR   */,  14 /* SO   */,  15 /* SI   */,
335 	16 /* DLE  */,  17 /* DC1  */,  18 /* DC2  */,  19 /* DC3  */,
336 	20 /* DC4  */,  21 /* NAK  */,  22 /* SYN  */,  23 /* ETB  */,
337 	24 /* CAN  */,  25 /* EM   */,  26 /* SUB  */,  27 /* ESC  */,
338 	28 /* FS   */,  29 /* GS   */,  30 /* RS   */,  31 /* US   */,
339 	32 /* SPC  */,  33 /* !    */,  34 /* "    */,  35 /* #    */,
340 	36 /* $    */,  37 /* %    */,  38 /* &    */,  39 /* '    */,
341 	40 /* (    */,  41 /* )    */,  42 /* *    */,  43 /* +    */,
342 	44 /* ,    */,  45 /* -    */,  46 /* .    */,  47 /* /    */,
343 	48 /* 0    */,  49 /* 1    */,  50 /* 2    */,  51 /* 3    */,
344 	52 /* 4    */,  53 /* 5    */,  54 /* 6    */,  55 /* 7    */,
345 	56 /* 8    */,  57 /* 9    */,  58 /* :    */,  59 /* ;    */,
346 	60 /* <    */,  61 /* =    */,  62 /* >    */,  63 /* ?    */,
347 	64 /* @    */,  97 /* A    */,  98 /* B    */,  99 /* C    */,
348 	100 /* D    */, 101 /* E    */, 102 /* F    */, 103 /* G    */,
349 	104 /* H    */, 105 /* I    */, 106 /* J    */, 107 /* K    */,
350 	108 /* L    */, 109 /* M    */, 110 /* N    */, 111 /* O    */,
351 	112 /* P    */, 113 /* Q    */, 114 /* R    */, 115 /* S    */,
352 	116 /* T    */, 117 /* U    */, 118 /* V    */, 119 /* W    */,
353 	120 /* X    */, 121 /* Y    */, 122 /* Z    */, 91 /* [    */,
354 	92 /* \    */,  93 /* ]    */,  94 /* ^    */,  95 /* _    */,
355 	96 /* `    */,  97 /* a    */,  98 /* b    */,  99 /* c    */,
356 	100 /* d    */, 101 /* e    */, 102 /* f    */, 103 /* g    */,
357 	104 /* h    */, 105 /* i    */, 106 /* j    */, 107 /* k    */,
358 	108 /* l    */, 109 /* m    */, 110 /* n    */, 111 /* o    */,
359 	112 /* p    */, 113 /* q    */, 114 /* r    */, 115 /* s    */,
360 	116 /* t    */, 117 /* u    */, 118 /* v    */, 119 /* w    */,
361 	120 /* x    */, 121 /* y    */, 122 /* z    */, 123 /* {    */,
362 	124 /* |    */, 125 /* }    */, 126 /* ~    */, 127 /* DEL  */,
363 	128 /* 0x80 */, 129 /* 0x81 */, 130 /* 0x82 */, 131 /* 0x83 */,
364 	132 /* 0x84 */, 133 /* 0x85 */, 134 /* 0x86 */, 135 /* 0x87 */,
365 	136 /* 0x88 */, 137 /* 0x89 */, 138 /* 0x8a */, 139 /* 0x8b */,
366 	140 /* 0x8c */, 141 /* 0x8d */, 142 /* 0x8e */, 143 /* 0x8f */,
367 	144 /* 0x90 */, 145 /* 0x91 */, 146 /* 0x92 */, 147 /* 0x93 */,
368 	148 /* 0x94 */, 149 /* 0x95 */, 150 /* 0x96 */, 151 /* 0x97 */,
369 	152 /* 0x98 */, 153 /* 0x99 */, 154 /* 0x9a */, 155 /* 0x9b */,
370 	156 /* 0x9c */, 157 /* 0x9d */, 158 /* 0x9e */, 159 /* 0x9f */,
371 	160 /* 0xa0 */, 161 /* 0xa1 */, 162 /* 0xa2 */, 163 /* 0xa3 */,
372 	164 /* 0xa4 */, 165 /* 0xa5 */, 166 /* 0xa6 */, 167 /* 0xa7 */,
373 	168 /* 0xa8 */, 169 /* 0xa9 */, 170 /* 0xaa */, 171 /* 0xab */,
374 	172 /* 0xac */, 173 /* 0xad */, 174 /* 0xae */, 175 /* 0xaf */,
375 	176 /* 0xb0 */, 177 /* 0xb1 */, 178 /* 0xb2 */, 179 /* 0xb3 */,
376 	180 /* 0xb4 */, 181 /* 0xb5 */, 182 /* 0xb6 */, 183 /* 0xb7 */,
377 	184 /* 0xb8 */, 185 /* 0xb9 */, 186 /* 0xba */, 187 /* 0xbb */,
378 	188 /* 0xbc */, 189 /* 0xbd */, 190 /* 0xbe */, 191 /* 0xbf */,
379 	192 /* 0xc0 */, 193 /* 0xc1 */, 194 /* 0xc2 */, 195 /* 0xc3 */,
380 	196 /* 0xc4 */, 197 /* 0xc5 */, 198 /* 0xc6 */, 199 /* 0xc7 */,
381 	200 /* 0xc8 */, 201 /* 0xc9 */, 202 /* 0xca */, 203 /* 0xcb */,
382 	204 /* 0xcc */, 205 /* 0xcd */, 206 /* 0xce */, 207 /* 0xcf */,
383 	208 /* 0xd0 */, 209 /* 0xd1 */, 210 /* 0xd2 */, 211 /* 0xd3 */,
384 	212 /* 0xd4 */, 213 /* 0xd5 */, 214 /* 0xd6 */, 215 /* 0xd7 */,
385 	216 /* 0xd8 */, 217 /* 0xd9 */, 218 /* 0xda */, 219 /* 0xdb */,
386 	220 /* 0xdc */, 221 /* 0xdd */, 222 /* 0xde */, 223 /* 0xdf */,
387 	224 /* 0xe0 */, 225 /* 0xe1 */, 226 /* 0xe2 */, 227 /* 0xe3 */,
388 	228 /* 0xe4 */, 229 /* 0xe5 */, 230 /* 0xe6 */, 231 /* 0xe7 */,
389 	232 /* 0xe8 */, 233 /* 0xe9 */, 234 /* 0xea */, 235 /* 0xeb */,
390 	236 /* 0xec */, 237 /* 0xed */, 238 /* 0xee */, 239 /* 0xef */,
391 	240 /* 0xf0 */, 241 /* 0xf1 */, 242 /* 0xf2 */, 243 /* 0xf3 */,
392 	244 /* 0xf4 */, 245 /* 0xf5 */, 246 /* 0xf6 */, 247 /* 0xf7 */,
393 	248 /* 0xf8 */, 249 /* 0xf9 */, 250 /* 0xfa */, 251 /* 0xfb */,
394 	252 /* 0xfc */, 253 /* 0xfd */, 254 /* 0xfe */, 255 /* 0xff */
395 ];
398 char downcase(char c) {
399 	return cast(char)('A' <= c && c <= 'Z' ? (c - 'A' + 'a') : c);
400 }
402 bool memieq(const void *a, const void *b, size_t n) {
403 	size_t i;
404 	const ubyte* aa = cast(const ubyte*) a;
405 	const ubyte* bb =  cast(const ubyte*) b;
407 	for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
408 		if (downcase(aa[i]) != downcase(bb[i])) {
409 			return false;
410 		}
411 	}
412 	return true;
413 }