Changes header table size in the |Inflater|. This may trigger eviction in the dynamic table.
Finalize literal header representation - indexed name reception. If header is emitted, the HeaderField is returned
Signals the end of decompression for one header block.
Inflates name/value block stored in |input| with length |input.length|. This function performs decompression. For each successful emission of header field, InflateFlag.EMIT is set in |inflate_flags| and a header field is assigned to |hf_out| and the function returns. The caller must not free the members of |hf_out|.
Pointer to the entry which is used current header emission, for reference counting purposes.
header buffer
Stores current state of huffman decoding
true if string is huffman encoded
The index in indexed repr or indexed name
true if deflater requires that current entry is indexed
The number of bytes to read
The length of new name encoded in literal. For huffman encoded string, this is the length after it is decoded.
true if deflater requires that current entry must not be indexed
The maximum header table size the inflater supports. This is the same value transmitted in SettingsID.HEADER_TABLE_SIZE
The number of next shift to decode integer