1 /**
2  * Session
3  * 
4  * Copyright:
5  * (C) 2012-2015 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa
6  * (C) 2014-2015 Etienne Cimon
7  *
8  * License: 
9  * Distributed under the terms of the MIT license with an additional section 1.2 of the curl/libcurl project. 
10  * Consult the provided LICENSE.md file for details
11  */
12 module libhttp2.session;
14 import libhttp2.constants;
15 import libhttp2.types;
16 import libhttp2.frame;
17 import libhttp2.stream;
18 import libhttp2.connector;
19 import libhttp2.deflater;
20 import libhttp2.inflater;
21 import libhttp2.buffers;
22 import libhttp2.priority_queue;
23 import libhttp2.helpers;
24 import libhttp2.huffman;
25 import core.exception : RangeError;
27 import memutils.circularbuffer;
28 import memutils.vector;
29 import memutils.hashmap;
31 import std.algorithm : min, max;
33 enum OptionsMask {
34 	NONE = 0,
35     NO_AUTO_WINDOW_UPDATE = 1 << 0,
36     RECV_CLIENT_PREFACE = 1 << 1,
37     NO_HTTP_MESSAGING = 1 << 2,
38 }
40 enum OutboundState {
41     POP_ITEM,
42     SEND_DATA,
44 }
46 struct ActiveOutboundItem {
47     OutboundItem item;
48     Buffers framebufs;
49 	OutboundState state = OutboundState.POP_ITEM;
51 	void reset() {
52 		LOGF("send: reset http2_active_outbound_item");
53 		LOGF("send: aob.item = %s", item);
54 		if(item) {
55 			item.free();
56 			Mem.free(item);
57 			item = null;
58 		}
59 		framebufs.reset();
60 		state = OutboundState.POP_ITEM;
61 	}
62 }
64 /// Internal state when receiving incoming frame
65 enum InboundState : ubyte {
66     /* Receiving frame header */
69     READ_HEAD,
70     READ_NBYTE,
80     READ_DATA,
81     IGN_DATA,
82     IGN_ALL,
83 }
85 struct InboundFrame {
86     Frame frame;
88     /* The received SETTINGS entry. The protocol says that we only cares
89 	   about the defined settings ID. If unknown ID is received, it is
90 	   ignored.  We use last entry to hold minimum header table size if
91 	   same settings are seen multiple times. */
92     Setting[INBOUND_NUM_IV] iva;
94     /// buffer pointers to small buffer, raw_sbuf 
95     Buffer sbuf;
97     /// buffer pointers to large buffer, raw_lbuf
98     Buffer lbuf;
100     /// Large buffer, malloced on demand
101     ubyte[] raw_lbuf;
103     /* The number of entry filled in |iva| */
104     size_t niv;
106     /* How many bytes we still need to receive for current frame */
107     size_t payloadleft;
109     /* padding length for the current frame */
110     size_t padlen;
112     InboundState state;
114     /* Small buffer.  Currently the largest contiguous chunk to buffer
115      is frame header.  We buffer part of payload, but they are smaller
116      than frame header. */
117     ubyte[FRAME_HDLEN] raw_sbuf;
119 	/// Returns the amount of bytes that are required by this frame
120 	size_t readLength(const ubyte* input, const ubyte* last)
121 	{
122 		return min(cast(size_t)(last - input), payloadleft);
123 	}
125 	/*
126 	 * Resets iframe.sbuf and advance its mark pointer by |left| bytes.
127 	 */
128 	void setMark(size_t left)
129 	{
130 		sbuf.reset;
131 		sbuf.mark += left;
132 	}
134 	size_t read(in ubyte* input, in ubyte* last) 
135 	{
136 		import std.c.string : memcpy;
138 		size_t readlen;
140 		readlen = min(last - input, sbuf.markAvailable);
142 		memcpy(sbuf.last, input, readlen);
143 		sbuf.last += readlen;
145 		return readlen;
146 	}
148 	/*
149 	 * Unpacks SETTINGS entry in iframe.sbuf.
150 	 */
151 	void unpackSetting() 
152 	{
153 		Setting _iv;
154 		_iv.unpack(sbuf[]);
156 		size_t i;
158 		with(Setting) switch (_iv.id) {
159 			case HEADER_TABLE_SIZE:
160 			case ENABLE_PUSH:
163 			case MAX_FRAME_SIZE:
165 				break;
166 			default:
167 				LOGF("recv: ignore unknown settings id=0x%02x", _iv.id);
168 				return;
169 		}
171 		for(i = 0; i < niv; ++i) {
172 			if (iva[i].id == _iv.id) {
173 				iva[i] = _iv;
174 				break;
175 			}
176 		}
178 		if (i == niv) {
179 			iva[niv] = _iv;
180 			niv++;
181 		}
183 		if (_iv.id == Setting.HEADER_TABLE_SIZE && _iv.value < iva[INBOUND_NUM_IV - 1].value) 
184 		{
185 			iva[INBOUND_NUM_IV - 1] = _iv;
186 		}
187 	}
188 private:
189 	/*
190 	 * Checks PADDED flags and set iframe.sbuf to read them accordingly.
191 	 * If padding is set, this function returns 1.  If no padding is set,
192 	 * this function returns 0.  On error, returns -1.
193 	 */
194 	int handlePad()
195 	{
196 		if (frame.hd.flags & FrameFlags.PADDED) {
197 			if (frame.hd.length < 1) {
198 				return -1;
199 			}
200 			setMark(1);
201 			return 1;
202 		}
203 		LOGF("recv: no padding in payload");
204 		return ErrorCode.OK;
205 	}
207 	/*
208 	 * Computes number of padding based on flags. This function returns
209 	 * padlen if it succeeds, or -1.
210 	 */
211 	int computePad() 
212 	{
213 		/* 1 for Pad Length field */
214 		int _padlen = sbuf.pos[0] + 1;
216 		LOGF("recv: padlen=%d", padlen);
218 		/* We cannot use iframe.frame.hd.length because of CONTINUATION */
219 		if (_padlen - 1 > payloadleft) {
220 			return -1;
221 		}
223 		padlen = _padlen;
225 		return _padlen;
226 	}
228 	/*
229 	 * This function returns the effective payload length in the data of
230 	 * length |readlen| when the remaning payload is |payloadleft|. The
231 	 * |payloadleft| does not include |readlen|. If padding was started
232 	 * strictly before this data chunk, this function returns -1.
233 	 */
234 	int effectiveReadLength(size_t _payloadleft, size_t readlen) 
235 	{
236 		size_t trail_padlen = frame.trailPadlen(padlen);
238 		if (trail_padlen > _payloadleft) {
239 			size_t padlen;
240 			padlen = trail_padlen - _payloadleft;
241 			if (readlen < padlen) {
242 				return -1;
243 			} else {
244 				return cast(int)(readlen - padlen);
245 			}
246 		}
247 		return cast(int)readlen;
248 	}
250 	void reset()
251 	{
252 		/* A bit risky code, since if this function is called from Session(), we rely on the fact that
253      	   frame.hd.type is 0, so that no free is performed. */
254 		with (FrameType) switch (frame.hd.type) {
255 			case HEADERS:
256 				frame.headers.free();
257 				break;
258 			case PRIORITY:
259 				frame.priority.free();
260 				break;
261 			case RST_STREAM:
262 				frame.rst_stream.free();
263 				break;
264 			case SETTINGS:
265 				frame.settings.free();
266 				break;
267 			case PUSH_PROMISE:
268 				frame.push_promise.free();
269 				break;
270 			case PING:
271 				frame.ping.free();
272 				break;
273 			case GOAWAY:
274 				frame.goaway.free();
275 				break;
276 			case WINDOW_UPDATE:
277 				frame.window_update.free();
278 				break;
279 			default: break;
280 		}
282 		destroy(frame);
284 		state = InboundState.READ_HEAD;
286 		sbuf = Buffer(raw_sbuf.ptr[0 .. raw_sbuf.sizeof]);
287 		sbuf.mark += FRAME_HDLEN;
289 		lbuf.free();
290 		lbuf = Buffer();
291 		destroy(iva);
292 		payloadleft = 0;
293 		padlen = 0;
294 		iva[INBOUND_NUM_IV - 1].id = Setting.HEADER_TABLE_SIZE;
295 		iva[INBOUND_NUM_IV - 1].value = uint.max;
296 		niv = 0;
297 	}
298 }
300 struct SettingsStorage {
301 	uint header_table_size = HD_DEFAULT_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE;
302 	uint enable_push = 1;
303 	uint max_concurrent_streams = INITIAL_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS;
304 	uint initial_window_size = INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE;
305 	uint max_frame_size = MAX_FRAME_SIZE_MIN;
306 	uint max_header_list_size = uint.max;
307 }
309 enum GoAwayFlags {
310     NONE = 0,
311     /* Flag means that connection should be terminated after sending GOAWAY. */
312     TERM_ON_SEND = 0x1,
313     /* Flag means GOAWAY to terminate session has been sent */
314     TERM_SENT = 0x2,
315     /* Flag means GOAWAY was sent */
316     SENT = 0x4,
317     /* Flag means GOAWAY was received */
318     RECV = 0x8,
319 }
321 enum {
322 	CLIENT = false,
323 	SERVER = true
324 }
326 class Session {
327 	~this() {
328 		if (connector !is null) free();
329 	}
331 	this(bool server, Connector callbacks, in Options options = Options.init)
332 	{
333 		if (server) {
334 			is_server = true;
335 			next_stream_id = 2; // server IDs always pair
336 		}
337 		else
338 			next_stream_id = 1; // client IDs always impair
340 		roots = Mem.alloc!StreamRoots();
341 		scope(failure) Mem.free(roots);
343 		hd_inflater = Inflater(true);
344 		scope(failure) hd_inflater.free();
346 		hd_deflater = Deflater(DEFAULT_MAX_DEFLATE_BUFFER_SIZE);
347 		scope(failure) hd_deflater.free();
349 		ob_pq = PriorityQueue(128);
350 		scope(failure) ob_pq.free();
352 		ob_ss_pq = PriorityQueue(128);
353 		scope(failure) ob_ss_pq.free();
355 		ob_da_pq = PriorityQueue(128);
356 		scope(failure) ob_da_pq.free();
358 		/* 1 for Pad Field. */
359 		aob.framebufs = Mem.alloc!Buffers(FRAMEBUF_CHUNKLEN, FRAMEBUF_MAX_NUM, 1, FRAME_HDLEN + 1);
360 		scope(failure) { aob.framebufs.free(); Mem.free(aob.framebufs); }
362 		aob.reset();
364 		if (options != Options.init) {
365 			if ((options.opt_set_mask & OptionFlags.NO_AUTO_WINDOW_UPDATE) && options.no_auto_window_update) 
366 			{
367 				opt_flags |= OptionsMask.NO_AUTO_WINDOW_UPDATE;
368 			}
370 			if (options.opt_set_mask & OptionFlags.PEER_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS) 
371 			{
372 				remote_settings.max_concurrent_streams = options.peer_max_concurrent_streams;
373 			}
375 			if ((options.opt_set_mask & OptionFlags.RECV_CLIENT_PREFACE) && options.recv_client_preface) 
376 			{
377 				opt_flags |= OptionsMask.RECV_CLIENT_PREFACE;
378 			}
380 			if ((options.opt_set_mask & OptionFlags.NO_HTTP_MESSAGING) && options.no_http_messaging)
381 			{
382 				opt_flags |= OptionsMask.NO_HTTP_MESSAGING;
383 			}
384 		}
386 		connector = callbacks;
388 		iframe.reset();
390 		if (is_server && opt_flags & OptionsMask.RECV_CLIENT_PREFACE) 
391 		{
392 			iframe.state = InboundState.READ_CLIENT_PREFACE;
393 			iframe.payloadleft = CLIENT_CONNECTION_PREFACE.length;
394 		} else static if (ENABLE_FIRST_SETTING_CHECK)
395 		{			
396 			iframe.state = InboundState.READ_FIRST_SETTINGS;
397 		}
398 	}
400 	/**
401 	 * Frees any resources allocated for $(D Session).  If $(D Session) is
402 	 * `null`, this function does nothing.
403 	 */
404 	void free() {		
405 		if (inflight_iva) 
406 			Mem.free(inflight_iva);
407 		roots.free();
408 		Mem.free(roots);
409 		freeAllStreams();
410 		iframe.reset();
411 		ob_pq.free();
412 		ob_ss_pq.free();
413 		ob_da_pq.free();
414 		aob.reset();
415 		hd_deflater.free();
416 		hd_inflater.free();
417 		aob.framebufs.free();
418 		if (aob.framebufs)
419 			Mem.free(aob.framebufs);
420 		destroy(streams);
421 		connector = null;
422 	}
424 	/**
425 	 * Sends pending frames to the remote peer.
426 	 *
427 	 * This function retrieves the highest prioritized frame from the
428 	 * outbound queue and sends it to the remote peer.  It does this as
429 	 * many as possible until the user callback $(D Connector.write) returns
430 	 * $(D ErrorCode.WOULDBLOCK) or the outbound queue becomes empty.
431 	 * 
432 	 * This function calls several $(D Connector) functions which are passed
433 	 * when initializing the $(D Session).  Here is the simple time chart
434 	 * which tells when each callback is invoked:
435 	 *
436 	 * 1. Get the next frame to be sent from a priority sorted outbound queue.
437 	 *
438 	 * 2. Prepare transmission of the frame.
439 	 *
440 	 * 3. $(D Connector.onFrameFailure) may be invoked if the control frame cannot 
441 	 * 	  be sent because some preconditions are not met (e.g., request HEADERS 
442 	 * 	  cannot be sent after GOAWAY). This then aborts the following steps.
443 	 *
444 	 * 4. $(D Connector.selectPaddingLength) is invoked if the frame is HEADERS, 
445 	 *    PUSH_PROMISE or DATA.
446 	 *
447 	 * 5. If the frame is request HEADERS, the stream is opened here.
448 	 *
449 	 * 6. $(D Connector.onFrameReady) is invoked.
450 	 *
451 	 * 7. $(D Connector.write) is invoked one or more times to send the frame.
452 	 *
453 	 * 8. $(D Connector.onFrameSent) is invoked after all data is transmitted.
454 	 *
455 	 * 9. $(D Connector.onStreamExit) may be invoked if the transmission of the frame 
456 	 *    triggers closure of the stream, it is destroyed afterwards.
457 	 *
458 	 * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
459 	 * negative error codes:
460 	 * 
461 	 * $(D ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE)
462 	 *     The callback function failed.
463 	 */
464 	ErrorCode send() {
465 		ErrorCode rv;
466 		ubyte[] data;
467 		int sentlen;
468 		Buffers framebufs = aob.framebufs;
470 		for (;;) {
471 			rv = memSendInternal(data, false);
472 			if (rv < 0)
473 				return rv;
474 			else if (data.length == 0)
475 				return ErrorCode.OK;
476 			try sentlen = connector.write(data);
477 			catch (Exception e) return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
479 			if (sentlen < 0) {
480 				if (cast(ErrorCode) sentlen == ErrorCode.WOULDBLOCK) {
481 					/* Transmission canceled. Rewind the offset */
482 					framebufs.cur.buf.pos -= data.length;					
483 					return ErrorCode.OK;
484 				}
486 				return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
487 			}
489 			/* Rewind the offset to the amount of unsent bytes */
490 			framebufs.cur.buf.pos -= (data.length - sentlen);
491 		}
493 		assert(false);
494 	}
496 	/**
497 	 * @function
498 	 *
499 	 * Returns the serialized data to send.
500 	 *
501 	 * This function behaves like `send()` except that it
502 	 * does not use $(D Connector.write) to transmit data.
503 	 * Instead, it assigns the serialized data to the given $(D ubyte[])
504 	 * |data_arr|.  The other callbacks are called in the same way as they are
505 	 * in `send()`.
506 	 *
507 	 * This function may not return all serialized data in one invocation.
508 	 * To get all data, call this function repeatedly until it returns an
509 	 * array of 0 length or one of negative error codes.
510 	 *
511 	 * The assigned |data_ar| is valid until the next call of
512 	 * `memSend()` or `send()`.
513 	 *
514 	 * The caller must send all data before sending the next chunk of
515 	 * data.
516 	 *
517 	 * This function returns an error code on failure or 0 on success
518 	 */
519 	ErrorCode memSend(ref ubyte[] data_arr) 
520 	{
521 		ErrorCode rv;
523 		rv = memSendInternal(data_arr, true);
524 		if (rv < 0) {
525 			return rv;
526 		}
528 		/* We have to call afterFrameSent here to handle stream
529 	       closure upon transmission of frames.  Otherwise, END_STREAM may
530 	       be reached to client before we call memSend
531 	       again and we may get exceeding number of incoming streams. */
532 		rv = afterFrameSent();
533 		if (rv < 0) {
534 			/* FATAL */
535 			assert(isFatal(rv));
536 			return rv;
537 		}
539 		return ErrorCode.OK;
540 	}
542 	/**
543 	 * Receives frames from the remote peer.
544 	 *
545 	 * This function receives as many frames as possible until the user
546 	 * callback $(D Connector.read) returns $(D ErrorCode.WOULDBLOCK).  
547 	 * This function calls several $(D Connector) functions which are passed 
548 	 * when initializing the $(D Session).  
549 	 * 
550 	 * Here is the simple time chart which tells when each callback is invoked:
551 	 *
552 	 * 1. $(D Connector.read) is invoked one or more times to receive the frame header.
553 	 *
554 	 * 2. $(D Connector.onFrameHeader) is invoked after the frame header is received.
555 	 *
556 	 * 3. If the frame is DATA frame:
557 	 *
558 	 *    1. $(D Connector.read) is invoked one or more times to receive the DATA payload. 
559 	 * 
560 	 * 	  2. $(D Connector.onDataChunk) is invoked alternatively with $(D Connector.read) 
561 	 *       for each chunk of data.
562 	 *
563 	 *    2. $(D Connector.onFrame) may be invoked if one DATA frame is completely received.
564 	 * 
565 	 * 	  3. $(D Connector.onStreamExit) may be invoked if the reception of the frame triggers 
566 	 *  	 closure of the stream.
567 	 *
568 	 * 4. If the frame is the control frame:
569 	 *
570 	 *    1. $(D Connector.read) is invoked one or more times to receive the whole frame.
571 	 *
572 	 *    2. If the received frame is valid, then following actions are
573 	 *       taken.  
574 	 * 		- If the frame is either HEADERS or PUSH_PROMISE:
575 	 *      	- $(D Connector.onHeaders) is invoked first.
576 	 * 			- $(D Connector.onHeaderField) is invoked for each header fields.
577 	 * 			- $(D Connector.onFrame) is invoked after all header fields.
578 	 * 		- For other frames:
579 	 *       	- $(D Connector.onFrame) is invoked.  
580 	 *          - $(D Connector.onStreamExit) may be invoked if the reception of the frame 
581 	 * 			  triggers the closure of the stream.
582 	 *
583 	 *    3. $(D Connector.onInvalidFrame) may be invoked if the received frame is unpacked 
584 	 * 		 but is interpreted as invalid.
585 	 *
586 	 * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
587 	 * negative error codes:
588 	 *
589 	 * $(D ErrorCode.EOF)
590 	 *     The remote peer did shutdown on the connection.
591 	 * $(D ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE)
592 	 *     The callback function failed.
593 	 * $(D ErrorCode.BAD_PREFACE)
594 	 *     Invalid client preface was detected.  This error only returns
595 	 *     when $(D Session) was configured as server and
596 	 *     `setRecvClientPreface()` is used.
597 	 */
598 	ErrorCode recv() {
599 		ubyte[INBOUND_BUFFER_LENGTH] buf;
600 		while (1) {
601 			int readlen;
602 			readlen = callRead(buf.ptr[0 .. buf.sizeof]);
603 			if (readlen > 0) {
604 				// process the received data
605 				int proclen = memRecv(buf[0 .. readlen]);
606 				if (proclen < 0) {
607 					return cast(ErrorCode)proclen;
608 				}
609 				assert(proclen == readlen);
610 			} else if (readlen == 0 || readlen == ErrorCode.WOULDBLOCK) {
611 				return ErrorCode.OK;
612 			} else if (readlen == ErrorCode.EOF) {
613 				return ErrorCode.EOF;
614 			} else if (readlen < 0) {
615 				return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
616 			}
617 		}
618 	}
620 	/**
621 	 * Processes data |input| as an input from the remote endpoint.  The
622 	 * |inlen| indicates the number of bytes in the |in|.
623 	 *
624 	 * This function behaves like $(D Session.recv) except that it
625 	 * does not use $(D Connector.read) to receive data; the
626 	 * |input| is the only data for the invocation of this function.  If all
627 	 * bytes are processed, this function returns.  The other connector
628 	 * are called in the same way as they are in $(D Session.recv).
629 	 *
630 	 * In the current implementation, this function always tries to
631 	 * process all input data unless either an error occurs or
632 	 * $(D ErrorCode.PAUSE) is returned from $(D Connector.onHeaderField) or
633 	 * $(D Connector.onDataChunk).  If $(D ErrorCode.PAUSE) is used, 
634 	 * the return value includes the number of bytes which was used to 
635 	 * produce the data or frame for the callback.
636 	 *
637 	 * This function returns the number of processed bytes, or one of the
638 	 * following negative error codes:
639 	 *
640 	 * $(D ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE)
641 	 *     The callback function failed.
642 	 * $(D ErrorCode.BAD_PREFACE)
643 	 *     Invalid client preface was detected.  This error only returns
644 	 *     when $(D Session) was configured as server and
645 	 *     `setRecvClientPreface()` is used.
646 	 */
647 	int memRecv(in ubyte[] input) 
648 	{
649 		const(ubyte)* pos = input.ptr;
650 		const ubyte* first = input.ptr;
651 		const ubyte* last = input.ptr + input.length;
652 		size_t readlen;
653 		int padlen;
654 		ErrorCode rv;
655 		bool busy;
656 		FrameHeader cont_hd;
657 		Stream stream;
658 		size_t pri_fieldlen;
660 		LOGF("recv: connection recv_window_size=%d, local_window=%d", recv_window_size, local_window_size);
662 		for (;;) {
663 			with(InboundState) final switch (iframe.state) {
665 					readlen = min(input.length, iframe.payloadleft);
667 					if (CLIENT_CONNECTION_PREFACE[$ - iframe.payloadleft .. $ - iframe.payloadleft + readlen] != pos[0 .. readlen])
668 					{
669 						return ErrorCode.BAD_PREFACE;
670 					}
672 					iframe.payloadleft -= readlen;
673 					pos += readlen;
675 					if (iframe.payloadleft == 0) {
676 						iframe.reset();
677 						iframe.state = READ_FIRST_SETTINGS;
678 					}
680 					break;
682 					LOGF("recv: [READ_FIRST_SETTINGS]");
684 					readlen = iframe.read(pos, last);
685 					pos += readlen;
687 					if (iframe.sbuf.markAvailable) {
688 						return cast(int)(pos - first);
689 					}
691 					if (iframe.sbuf.pos[3] != FrameType.SETTINGS || (iframe.sbuf.pos[4] & FrameFlags.ACK))
692 					{
694 						iframe.state = IGN_ALL;
696 						rv = terminateSessionWithReason(FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "SETTINGS expected");
698 						if (isFatal(rv)) {
699 							return rv;
700 						}
702 						return cast(int)input.length;
703 					}
705 					iframe.state = READ_HEAD;
707 					goto case READ_HEAD;
708 				case READ_HEAD: {
709 					bool on_frame_header_called;
711 					LOGF("recv: [READ_HEAD]");
713 					readlen = iframe.read(pos, last);
714 					pos += readlen;
716 					if (iframe.sbuf.markAvailable) {
717 						return cast(int)(pos - first);
718 					}
720 					iframe.frame.hd.unpack(iframe.sbuf[]);
721 					iframe.payloadleft = iframe.frame.hd.length;
723 					LOGF("recv: payloadlen=%d, type=%u, flags=0x%02x, stream_id=%d",
724 						iframe.frame.hd.length, iframe.frame.hd.type, iframe.frame.hd.flags, iframe.frame.hd.stream_id);
726 					if (iframe.frame.hd.length > local_settings.max_frame_size) {
727 						LOGF("recv: length is too large %d > %u", iframe.frame.hd.length, local_settings.max_frame_size);
729 						busy = true;
731 						iframe.state = IGN_PAYLOAD;
733 						rv = terminateSessionWithReason(FrameError.FRAME_SIZE_ERROR, "too large frame size");
735 						if (isFatal(rv)) {
736 							return rv;
737 						}
739 						break;
740 					}
742 					switch (iframe.frame.hd.type) {
743 						case FrameType.DATA: {
744 							LOGF("recv: DATA");
746 							iframe.frame.hd.flags &= (FrameFlags.END_STREAM | FrameFlags.PADDED);
747 							/* Check stream is open. If it is not open or closing, ignore payload. */
748 							busy = true;
750 							rv = onDataFailFast();
751 							if (rv == ErrorCode.IGN_PAYLOAD) {
752 								LOGF("recv: DATA not allowed stream_id=%d", iframe.frame.hd.stream_id);
753 								iframe.state = IGN_DATA;
754 								break;
755 							}
757 							if (isFatal(rv)) {
758 								return rv;
759 							}
761 							rv = cast(ErrorCode)iframe.handlePad();
762 							if (rv < 0) {
763 								iframe.state = IGN_DATA;
764 								rv = terminateSessionWithReason(FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "DATA: insufficient padding space");
766 								if (isFatal(rv)) {
767 									return rv;
768 								}
769 								break;
770 							}
772 							if (rv == 1) {
773 								iframe.state = READ_PAD_DATA;
774 								break;
775 							}
777 							iframe.state = READ_DATA;
778 							break;
779 						}
780 						case FrameType.HEADERS:
782 							LOGF("recv: HEADERS");
784 							iframe.frame.hd.flags &= (FrameFlags.END_STREAM | FrameFlags.END_HEADERS | FrameFlags.PADDED | FrameFlags.PRIORITY);
786 							rv = cast(ErrorCode)iframe.handlePad();
787 							if (rv < 0) {
788 								busy = true;
790 								iframe.state = IGN_PAYLOAD;
792 								rv = terminateSessionWithReason(FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "HEADERS: insufficient padding space");
793 								if (isFatal(rv)) {
794 									return rv;
795 								}
796 								break;
797 							}
799 							if (rv == 1) {
800 								iframe.state = READ_NBYTE;
801 								break;
802 							}
804 							pri_fieldlen = priorityLength(iframe.frame.hd.flags);
806 							if (pri_fieldlen > 0) {
807 								if (iframe.payloadleft < pri_fieldlen) {
808 									busy = true;
809 									iframe.state = FRAME_SIZE_ERROR;
810 									break;
811 								}
813 								iframe.state = READ_NBYTE;
815 								iframe.setMark(pri_fieldlen);
816 								break;
817 							}
819 							/* Call onFrameHeader here because processHeadersFrame() may call onHeaders callback */
820 							bool ok = callOnFrameHeader(iframe.frame.hd);
822 							if (!ok) {
823 								return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
824 							}
826 							on_frame_header_called = true;
828 							rv = processHeadersFrame();
830 							if (isFatal(rv)) {
831 								return rv;
832 							}
834 							busy = true;
836 							if (rv == ErrorCode.IGN_HEADER_BLOCK) {
837 								iframe.state = IGN_HEADER_BLOCK;
838 								break;
839 							}
841 							iframe.state = READ_HEADER_BLOCK;
843 							break;
844 						case FrameType.PRIORITY:
845 							LOGF("recv: PRIORITY");
847 							iframe.frame.hd.flags = FrameFlags.NONE;
849 							if (iframe.payloadleft != PRIORITY_SPECLEN) {
850 								busy = true;
852 								iframe.state = FRAME_SIZE_ERROR;
854 								break;
855 							}
857 							iframe.state = READ_NBYTE;
859 							iframe.setMark(PRIORITY_SPECLEN);
861 							break;
862 						case FrameType.RST_STREAM:
863 						case FrameType.WINDOW_UPDATE:
864 							static if (DEBUG) {
865 								switch (iframe.frame.hd.type) {
866 									case FrameType.RST_STREAM:
867 										LOGF("recv: RST_STREAM");
868 										break;
869 									case FrameType.WINDOW_UPDATE:
870 										LOGF("recv: WINDOW_UPDATE");
871 										break;
872 									default: break;
873 								}
874 							}
876 							iframe.frame.hd.flags = FrameFlags.NONE;
878 							if (iframe.payloadleft != 4) {
879 								busy = true;
880 								iframe.state = FRAME_SIZE_ERROR;
881 								break;
882 							}
884 							iframe.state = READ_NBYTE;
886 							iframe.setMark(4);
888 							break;
889 						case FrameType.SETTINGS:
890 							LOGF("recv: SETTINGS");
892 							iframe.frame.hd.flags &= FrameFlags.ACK;
894 							if ((iframe.frame.hd.length % FRAME_SETTINGS_ENTRY_LENGTH) ||
895 								((iframe.frame.hd.flags & FrameFlags.ACK) && iframe.payloadleft > 0)) {
896 								busy = true;
897 								iframe.state = FRAME_SIZE_ERROR;
898 								break;
899 							}
901 							iframe.state = READ_SETTINGS;
903 							if (iframe.payloadleft) {
904 								iframe.setMark(FRAME_SETTINGS_ENTRY_LENGTH);
905 								break;
906 							}
908 							busy = true;
910 							iframe.setMark(0);
912 							break;
913 						case FrameType.PUSH_PROMISE:
914 							LOGF("recv: PUSH_PROMISE");
916 							iframe.frame.hd.flags &= (FrameFlags.END_HEADERS | FrameFlags.PADDED);
918 							rv = cast(ErrorCode)iframe.handlePad();
919 							if (rv < 0) {
920 								busy = true;
921 								iframe.state = IGN_PAYLOAD;
922 								rv = terminateSessionWithReason(FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "PUSH_PROMISE: insufficient padding space");
923 								if (isFatal(rv)) {
924 									return rv;
925 								}
926 								break;
927 							}
929 							if (rv == 1) {
930 								iframe.state = READ_NBYTE;
931 								break;
932 							}
934 							if (iframe.payloadleft < 4) {
935 								busy = true;
936 								iframe.state = FRAME_SIZE_ERROR;
937 								break;
938 							}
940 							iframe.state = READ_NBYTE;
942 							iframe.setMark(4);
944 							break;
945 						case FrameType.PING:
946 							LOGF("recv: PING");
948 							iframe.frame.hd.flags &= FrameFlags.ACK;
950 							if (iframe.payloadleft != 8) {
951 								busy = true;
952 								iframe.state = FRAME_SIZE_ERROR;
953 								break;
954 							}
956 							iframe.state = READ_NBYTE;
957 							iframe.setMark(8);
959 							break;
960 						case FrameType.GOAWAY:
961 							LOGF("recv: GOAWAY");
963 							iframe.frame.hd.flags = FrameFlags.NONE;
965 							if (iframe.payloadleft < 8) {
966 								busy = true;
967 								iframe.state = FRAME_SIZE_ERROR;
968 								break;
969 							}
971 							iframe.state = READ_NBYTE;
972 							iframe.setMark(8);
974 							break;
975 						case FrameType.CONTINUATION:
976 							LOGF("recv: unexpected CONTINUATION");
978 							/* Receiving CONTINUATION in this state are subject to connection error of type PROTOCOL_ERROR */
979 							rv = terminateSessionWithReason(FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "CONTINUATION: unexpected");
980 							if (isFatal(rv))
981 							{
982 								return rv;
983 							}
985 							busy = true;
987 							iframe.state = IGN_PAYLOAD;
989 							break;
990 						default:
991 							LOGF("recv: unknown frame");
993 							/* Silently ignore unknown frame type. */
995 							busy = true;
997 							iframe.state = IGN_PAYLOAD;
999 							break;
1000 					}
1002 					if (!on_frame_header_called) {
1003 						switch (iframe.state) {
1004 							case IGN_HEADER_BLOCK:
1005 							case IGN_PAYLOAD:
1006 							case FRAME_SIZE_ERROR:
1007 							case IGN_DATA:
1008 								break;
1009 							default:
1010 								bool ok = callOnFrameHeader(iframe.frame.hd);
1012 								if (!ok) {
1013 									return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
1014 								}
1015 						}
1016 					}
1018 					break;
1019 				}
1020 				case READ_NBYTE:
1021 					LOGF("recv: [READ_NBYTE]");
1023 					readlen = iframe.read(pos, last);
1024 					pos += readlen;
1025 					iframe.payloadleft -= readlen;
1027 					LOGF("recv: readlen=%d, payloadleft=%d, left=%d, type=%s", readlen, iframe.payloadleft, iframe.sbuf.markAvailable, iframe.frame.hd.type);
1029 					if (iframe.sbuf.markAvailable) {
1030 						return cast(int)(pos - first);
1031 					}
1033 					switch (iframe.frame.hd.type) {
1034 						case FrameType.HEADERS:
1035 							if (iframe.padlen == 0 && (iframe.frame.hd.flags & FrameFlags.PADDED)) {
1036 								padlen = iframe.computePad();
1037 								if (padlen < 0) {
1038 									busy = true;
1039 									rv = terminateSessionWithReason(FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "HEADERS: invalid padding");
1040 									if (isFatal(rv)) {
1041 										return rv;
1042 									}
1043 									iframe.state = IGN_PAYLOAD;
1044 									break;
1045 								}
1046 								iframe.frame.headers.padlen = padlen;
1048 								pri_fieldlen = priorityLength(iframe.frame.hd.flags);
1049 								if (pri_fieldlen > 0) {
1050 									if (iframe.payloadleft < pri_fieldlen) {
1051 										busy = true;
1052 										iframe.state = FRAME_SIZE_ERROR;
1053 										break;
1054 									}
1055 									iframe.state = READ_NBYTE;
1056 									iframe.setMark(pri_fieldlen);
1057 									break;
1058 								} else {
1059 									/* Truncate buffers used for padding spec */
1060 									iframe.setMark(0);
1061 								}
1062 							}
1064 							rv = processHeadersFrame();
1065 							if (isFatal(rv)) {
1066 								return rv;
1067 							}
1069 							busy = true;
1071 							if (rv == ErrorCode.IGN_HEADER_BLOCK) {
1072 								iframe.state = IGN_HEADER_BLOCK;
1073 								break;
1074 							}
1076 							iframe.state = READ_HEADER_BLOCK;
1078 							break;
1079 						case FrameType.PRIORITY:
1080 							rv = processPriorityFrame();
1081 							if (isFatal(rv)) {
1082 								return rv;
1083 							}
1085 							iframe.reset();
1087 							break;
1088 						case FrameType.RST_STREAM:
1089 							rv = processRstStreamFrame();
1090 							if (isFatal(rv)) {
1091 								return rv;
1092 							}
1094 							iframe.reset();
1096 							break;
1097 						case FrameType.PUSH_PROMISE:
1098 							if (iframe.padlen == 0 && (iframe.frame.hd.flags & FrameFlags.PADDED)) {
1099 								padlen = iframe.computePad();
1100 								if (padlen < 0) {
1101 									busy = true;
1102 									rv = terminateSessionWithReason(FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "PUSH_PROMISE: invalid padding");
1103 									if (isFatal(rv)) {
1104 										return rv;
1105 									}
1106 									iframe.state = IGN_PAYLOAD;
1107 									break;
1108 								}
1110 								iframe.frame.push_promise.padlen = padlen;
1112 								if (iframe.payloadleft < 4) {
1113 									busy = true;
1114 									iframe.state = FRAME_SIZE_ERROR;
1115 									break;
1116 								}
1118 								iframe.state = READ_NBYTE;
1120 								iframe.setMark(4);
1122 								break;
1123 							}
1125 							rv = processPushPromiseFrame();
1126 							if (isFatal(rv)) {
1127 								return rv;
1128 							}
1130 							busy = true;
1132 							if (rv == ErrorCode.IGN_HEADER_BLOCK) {
1133 								iframe.state = IGN_HEADER_BLOCK;
1134 								break;
1135 							}
1137 							iframe.state = READ_HEADER_BLOCK;
1139 							break;
1140 						case FrameType.PING:
1141 							rv = processPingFrame();
1142 							if (isFatal(rv)) {
1143 								return rv;
1144 							}
1146 							iframe.reset();
1148 							break;
1149 						case FrameType.GOAWAY: {
1150 							size_t debuglen;
1152 							/* 8 is Last-stream-ID + Error Code */
1153 							debuglen = iframe.frame.hd.length - 8;
1155 							if (debuglen > 0) {
1156 								iframe.raw_lbuf = Mem.alloc!(ubyte[])(debuglen);
1157 								iframe.lbuf = Buffer(iframe.raw_lbuf);
1158 							}
1160 							busy = true;
1162 							iframe.state = READ_GOAWAY_DEBUG;
1164 							break;
1165 						}
1166 						case FrameType.WINDOW_UPDATE:
1167 							rv = processWindowUpdateFrame();
1168 							if (isFatal(rv)) {
1169 								return rv;
1170 							}
1172 							iframe.reset();
1174 							break;
1175 						default:
1176 							/* This is unknown frame */
1177 							iframe.reset();
1179 							break;
1180 					}
1181 					break;
1182 				case READ_HEADER_BLOCK:
1183 				case IGN_HEADER_BLOCK: {
1184 					int data_readlen;
1185 					static if (DEBUG) {
1186 						if (iframe.state == READ_HEADER_BLOCK) {
1187 							LOGF("recv: [READ_HEADER_BLOCK]");
1188 						} else {
1189 							LOGF("recv: [IGN_HEADER_BLOCK]");
1190 						}
1191 					}
1193 					readlen = iframe.readLength(pos, last);
1195 					LOGF("recv: readlen=%d, payloadleft=%d", readlen, iframe.payloadleft - readlen);
1197 					data_readlen = iframe.effectiveReadLength(iframe.payloadleft - readlen, readlen);
1199 					if (data_readlen >= 0) {
1200 						size_t trail_padlen;
1201 						size_t hd_proclen = 0;
1202 						trail_padlen = iframe.frame.trailPadlen(iframe.padlen);
1203 						LOGF("recv: block final=%d", (iframe.frame.hd.flags & FrameFlags.END_HEADERS) && iframe.payloadleft - data_readlen == trail_padlen);
1205 						rv = inflateHeaderBlock(iframe.frame, hd_proclen, cast(ubyte[])pos[0 .. data_readlen], 
1206 												(iframe.frame.hd.flags & FrameFlags.END_HEADERS) && iframe.payloadleft - data_readlen == trail_padlen,
1207 												iframe.state == READ_HEADER_BLOCK);
1209 						if (isFatal(rv)) {
1210 							return rv;
1211 						}
1213 						if (rv == ErrorCode.PAUSE) {
1214 							pos += hd_proclen;
1215 							iframe.payloadleft -= hd_proclen;
1217 							return cast(int)(pos - first);
1218 						}
1220 						if (rv == ErrorCode.TEMPORAL_CALLBACK_FAILURE) {
1221 							/* The application says no more headers. We decompress the
1222 				             rest of the header block but not invoke on_header_callback
1223 				             and on_frame_recv_callback. */
1224 							pos += hd_proclen;
1225 							iframe.payloadleft -= hd_proclen;
1227 							addRstStream(iframe.frame.hd.stream_id, FrameError.INTERNAL_ERROR);
1228 							busy = true;
1229 							iframe.state = IGN_HEADER_BLOCK;
1230 							break;
1231 						}
1233 						pos += readlen;
1234 						iframe.payloadleft -= readlen;
1236 						if (rv == ErrorCode.HEADER_COMP) {
1237 							/* GOAWAY is already issued */
1238 							if (iframe.payloadleft == 0) {
1239 								iframe.reset();
1240 							} else {
1241 								busy = true;
1242 								iframe.state = IGN_PAYLOAD;
1243 							}
1244 							break;
1245 						}
1246 					} else {
1247 						pos += readlen;
1248 						iframe.payloadleft -= readlen;
1249 					}
1251 					if (iframe.payloadleft) {
1252 						break;
1253 					}
1255 					if ((iframe.frame.hd.flags & FrameFlags.END_HEADERS) == 0) {
1257 						iframe.setMark(FRAME_HDLEN);
1259 						iframe.padlen = 0;
1261 						if (iframe.state == READ_HEADER_BLOCK)
1262 							iframe.state = EXPECT_CONTINUATION;
1263 						else 
1264 							iframe.state = IGN_CONTINUATION;
1266 					} else {
1267 						if (iframe.state == READ_HEADER_BLOCK) {
1268 							rv = afterHeaderBlockReceived();
1269 							if (isFatal(rv)) {
1270 								return rv;
1271 							}
1272 						}
1273 						iframe.reset();
1274 					}
1275 					break;
1276 				}
1277 				case IGN_PAYLOAD:
1278 					LOGF("recv: [IGN_PAYLOAD]");
1280 					readlen = iframe.readLength(pos, last);
1281 					iframe.payloadleft -= readlen;
1282 					pos += readlen;
1284 					LOGF("recv: readlen=%d, payloadleft=%d", readlen, iframe.payloadleft);
1286 					if (iframe.payloadleft) {
1287 						break;
1288 					}
1290 					switch (iframe.frame.hd.type) {
1291 						case FrameType.HEADERS:
1292 						case FrameType.PUSH_PROMISE:
1293 						case FrameType.CONTINUATION:
1294 							/* Mark inflater bad so that we won't perform further decoding */
1295 							hd_inflater.ctx.bad = 1;
1296 							break;
1297 						default:
1298 							break;
1299 					}
1301 					iframe.reset();
1303 					break;
1304 				case FRAME_SIZE_ERROR:
1305 					LOGF("recv: [FRAME_SIZE_ERROR]");
1307 					rv = terminateSession(FrameError.FRAME_SIZE_ERROR);
1308 					if (isFatal(rv)) {
1309 						return rv;
1310 					}
1312 					busy = true;
1314 					iframe.state = IGN_PAYLOAD;
1316 					break;
1317 				case READ_SETTINGS:
1318 					LOGF("recv: [READ_SETTINGS]");
1320 					readlen = iframe.read(pos, last);
1321 					iframe.payloadleft -= readlen;
1322 					pos += readlen;
1324 					LOGF("recv: readlen=%d, payloadleft=%d", readlen, iframe.payloadleft);
1326 					if (iframe.sbuf.markAvailable) {
1327 						break;
1328 					}
1330 					if (readlen > 0) 
1331 						iframe.unpackSetting();
1333 					if (iframe.payloadleft) {
1334 						iframe.setMark(FRAME_SETTINGS_ENTRY_LENGTH);
1335 						break;
1336 					}
1338 					rv = processSettingsFrame();
1340 					if (isFatal(rv)) {
1341 						return rv;
1342 					}
1344 					iframe.reset();
1346 					break;
1347 				case READ_GOAWAY_DEBUG:
1348 					LOGF("recv: [READ_GOAWAY_DEBUG]");
1350 					readlen = iframe.readLength(pos, last);
1352 					iframe.lbuf.last[0 .. readlen] = pos[0 .. readlen];
1353 					iframe.lbuf.last += readlen;
1355 					iframe.payloadleft -= readlen;
1356 					pos += readlen;
1358 					LOGF("recv: readlen=%d, payloadleft=%d", readlen, iframe.payloadleft);
1360 					if (iframe.payloadleft) {
1361 						assert(iframe.lbuf.available > 0);
1363 						break;
1364 					}
1366 					rv = processGoAwayFrame();
1368 					if (isFatal(rv)) {
1369 						return rv;
1370 					}
1372 					iframe.reset();
1374 					break;
1376 				case IGN_CONTINUATION:
1377 					static if (DEBUG) {
1378 						if (iframe.state == EXPECT_CONTINUATION) {
1379 							LOGF("recv: [EXPECT_CONTINUATION]");
1380 						} else {
1381 							LOGF("recv: [IGN_CONTINUATION]");
1382 						}
1383 					}
1385 					readlen = iframe.read(pos, last);
1386 					pos += readlen;
1388 					if (iframe.sbuf.markAvailable) {
1389 						return cast(int)(pos - first);
1390 					}
1392 					cont_hd.unpack(iframe.sbuf.pos);
1393 					iframe.payloadleft = cont_hd.length;
1395 					LOGF("recv: payloadlen=%d, type=%u, flags=0x%02x, stream_id=%d", cont_hd.length, cont_hd.type, cont_hd.flags, cont_hd.stream_id);
1397 					if (cont_hd.type != FrameType.CONTINUATION ||
1398 						cont_hd.stream_id != iframe.frame.hd.stream_id) {
1399 						LOGF("recv: expected stream_id=%d, type=%d, but got stream_id=%d, type=%d", 
1400 							iframe.frame.hd.stream_id, FrameType.CONTINUATION, cont_hd.stream_id, cont_hd.type);
1401 						rv = terminateSessionWithReason(FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "unexpected non-CONTINUATION frame or stream_id is invalid");
1402 						if (isFatal(rv)) {
1403 							return rv;
1404 						}
1406 						busy = true;
1408 						iframe.state = IGN_PAYLOAD;
1410 						break;
1411 					}
1413 					/* CONTINUATION won't bear FrameFlags.PADDED flag */                
1414 					iframe.frame.hd.flags |= cont_hd.flags & FrameFlags.END_HEADERS;
1415 					iframe.frame.hd.length += cont_hd.length;
1417 					busy = true;
1419 					if (iframe.state == EXPECT_CONTINUATION) {
1420 						iframe.state = READ_HEADER_BLOCK;
1422 						bool ok = callOnFrameHeader(cont_hd);
1424 						if (!ok) {
1425 							return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
1426 						}
1427 					} else {
1428 						iframe.state = IGN_HEADER_BLOCK;
1429 					}
1431 					break;
1432 				case READ_PAD_DATA:
1433 					LOGF("recv: [READ_PAD_DATA]");
1435 					readlen = iframe.read(pos, last);
1436 					pos += readlen;
1437 					iframe.payloadleft -= readlen;
1439 					LOGF("recv: readlen=%d, payloadleft=%d, left=%d", readlen, iframe.payloadleft, iframe.sbuf.markAvailable);
1441 					if (iframe.sbuf.markAvailable) {
1442 						return cast(int)(pos - first);
1443 					}
1445 					/* Pad Length field is subject to flow control */
1446 					rv = updateRecvConnectionWindowSize(readlen);
1447 					if (isFatal(rv)) {
1448 						return rv;
1449 					}
1451 					/* Pad Length field is consumed immediately */
1452 					rv = consume(iframe.frame.hd.stream_id, readlen);
1454 					if (isFatal(rv)) {
1455 						return rv;
1456 					}
1458 					stream = getStream(iframe.frame.hd.stream_id);
1459 					if (stream) 
1460 						updateRecvStreamWindowSize(stream, readlen, iframe.payloadleft || (iframe.frame.hd.flags & FrameFlags.END_STREAM) == 0);
1462 					busy = true;
1464 					padlen = iframe.computePad();
1465 					if (padlen < 0) {
1466 						rv = terminateSessionWithReason(FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "DATA: invalid padding");
1467 						if (isFatal(rv)) {
1468 							return rv;
1469 						}
1470 						iframe.state = IGN_DATA;
1471 						break;
1472 					}
1474 					iframe.frame.data.padlen = padlen;
1476 					iframe.state = READ_DATA;
1478 					break;
1479 				case READ_DATA:
1480 					LOGF("recv: [READ_DATA]");
1482 					readlen = iframe.readLength(pos, last);
1483 					iframe.payloadleft -= readlen;
1484 					pos += readlen;
1486 					LOGF("recv: readlen=%d, payloadleft=%d", readlen, iframe.payloadleft);
1488 					if (readlen > 0) {
1489 						int data_readlen;
1491 						rv = updateRecvConnectionWindowSize(readlen);
1492 						if (isFatal(rv)) {
1493 							return rv;
1494 						}
1496 						stream = getStream(iframe.frame.hd.stream_id);
1497 						if (stream)
1498 							updateRecvStreamWindowSize(stream, readlen, iframe.payloadleft || (iframe.frame.hd.flags & FrameFlags.END_STREAM) == 0);
1500 						data_readlen = iframe.effectiveReadLength(iframe.payloadleft, readlen);
1502 						padlen = cast(int)(readlen - data_readlen);
1504 						if (padlen > 0) {
1505 							/* Padding is considered as "consumed" immediately */
1506 							rv = consume(iframe.frame.hd.stream_id, padlen);
1508 							if (isFatal(rv)) {
1509 								return rv;
1510 							}
1511 						}
1513 						LOGF("recv: data_readlen=%d", data_readlen);
1515 						if (stream && data_readlen > 0) {
1516 							if (isHTTPMessagingEnabled()) {
1517 								if (!stream.onDataChunk(data_readlen)) {
1518 									addRstStream(iframe.frame.hd.stream_id, FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR);
1519 									busy = true;
1520 									iframe.state = IGN_DATA;
1521 									break;
1522 								}
1523 							}
1525 							ubyte[] data_nopad =  cast(ubyte[])(pos - readlen)[0 .. data_readlen];
1526 							FrameFlags flags = iframe.frame.hd.flags;
1527 							int stream_id = iframe.frame.hd.stream_id;
1528 							bool pause;
1529 							bool ok;
1530 							try ok = connector.onDataChunk(flags, stream_id, data_nopad, pause);
1531 							catch (Exception e) return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
1533 							if (pause) {
1534 								return cast(int)(pos - first);
1535 							}
1537 							if (!ok) {
1538 								return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
1539 							}
1541 						}
1542 					}
1544 					if (iframe.payloadleft) {
1545 						break;
1546 					}
1548 					rv = processDataFrame();
1549 					if (isFatal(rv)) {
1550 						return rv;
1551 					}
1553 					iframe.reset();
1555 					break;
1556 				case IGN_DATA:
1557 					LOGF("recv: [IGN_DATA]");
1559 					readlen = iframe.readLength(pos, last);
1560 					iframe.payloadleft -= readlen;
1561 					pos += readlen;
1563 					LOGF("recv: readlen=%d, payloadleft=%d", readlen, iframe.payloadleft);
1565 					if (readlen > 0) {
1566 						/* Update connection-level flow control window for ignored DATA frame too */
1567 						rv = updateRecvConnectionWindowSize(readlen);
1568 						if (isFatal(rv)) {
1569 							return rv;
1570 						}
1572 						if (opt_flags & OptionsMask.NO_AUTO_WINDOW_UPDATE) {
1574 							/* Ignored DATA is considered as "consumed" immediately. */
1575 							rv = updateConnectionConsumedSize(readlen);
1577 							if (isFatal(rv)) {
1578 								return rv;
1579 							}
1580 						}
1581 					}
1583 					if (iframe.payloadleft) {
1584 						break;
1585 					}
1587 					iframe.reset();
1589 					break;
1590 				case IGN_ALL:
1591 					return cast(int)input.length;
1592 			}
1594 			if (!busy && pos == last) {
1595 				break;
1596 			}
1598 			busy = false;
1599 		}
1601 		assert(pos == last);
1603 		return cast(int)(pos - first);
1604 	}
1606 	/**
1607 	 * Puts back previously deferred DATA frame in the stream |stream_id|
1608 	 * to the outbound queue.
1609 	 *
1610 	 * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
1611 	 * negative error codes:
1612 	 *
1613 	 * $(D ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
1614 	 *     The stream does not exist; or no deferred data exist.
1615 	 */
1616 	ErrorCode resumeData(int stream_id)
1617 	{
1618 		Stream stream = getStream(stream_id);
1620 		if (!stream || !stream.isItemDeferred()) 
1621 			return ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
1623 		stream.resumeDeferredItem(StreamFlags.DEFERRED_USER, this);
1624 		return ErrorCode.OK;
1625 	}
1627 	/**
1628 	 * Returns true value if $(D Session) wants to receive data from the
1629 	 * remote peer.
1630 	 *
1631 	 * If both `wantRead()` and `wantWrite()` return false, the application should
1632 	 * drop the connection.
1633 	 */
1634 	bool wantRead() 
1635 	{
1636 		size_t num_active_streams;
1638 		/* If this flag is set, we don't want to read. The application should drop the connection. */
1639 		if (goaway_flags & GoAwayFlags.TERM_SENT) {
1640 			return false;
1641 		}
1643 		num_active_streams = getNumActiveStreams();
1645 		/* Unless termination GOAWAY is sent or received, we always want to read incoming frames. */
1646 		if (num_active_streams > 0) {
1647 			return true;
1648 		}
1650 		/* If there is no active streams and GOAWAY has been sent or received, we are done with this session. */
1651 		return (goaway_flags & (GoAwayFlags.SENT | GoAwayFlags.RECV)) == 0;
1652 	}
1654 	/**
1655 	 * Returns true value if $(D Session) wants to send data to the remote
1656 	 * peer.
1657 	 *
1658 	 * If both `wantRead()` and `wantWrite()` return false, the application should
1659 	 * drop the connection.
1660 	 */
1661 	bool wantWrite()
1662 	{
1663 		/* If these flag is set, we don't want to write any data. The application should drop the connection. */
1664 		if (goaway_flags & GoAwayFlags.TERM_SENT)
1665 		{
1666 			return false;
1667 		}
1669 		/*
1670 		 * Unless termination GOAWAY is sent or received, we want to write
1671 		 * frames if there is pending ones. If pending frame is request/push
1672 		 * response HEADERS and concurrent stream limit is reached, we don't
1673 		 * want to write them.
1674 		 */
1676 		if (!aob.item && ob_pq.empty &&
1677 			(ob_da_pq.empty || remote_window_size == 0) &&
1678 			(ob_ss_pq.empty || isOutgoingConcurrentStreamsMax())) 
1679 		{
1680 			return false;
1681 		}
1683 		/* If there is no active streams and GOAWAY has been sent or received, we are done with this session. */
1684 		return (goaway_flags & (GoAwayFlags.SENT | GoAwayFlags.RECV)) == 0;
1685 	}
1687 	/**
1688 	 * Returns stream_user_data for the stream |stream_id|.  The
1689 	 * stream_user_data is provided by `submitRequest()`,
1690 	 * `submitHeaders()` or  `setStreamUserData()`. 
1691 	 * Unless it is set using `setStreamUserData()`, if the stream is
1692 	 * initiated by the remote endpoint, stream_user_data is always
1693 	 * `null`.  If the stream does not exist, this function returns
1694 	 * `null`.
1695 	 */
1696 	void* getStreamUserData(int stream_id) {
1697 		Stream stream = getStream(stream_id);
1698 		if (stream) {
1699 			return stream.userData;
1700 		} else {
1701 			return null;
1702 		}
1703 	}
1705 	/**
1706 	 * Sets the |stream_user_data| to the stream denoted by the
1707 	 * |stream_id|.  If a stream user data is already set to the stream,
1708 	 * it is replaced with the |stream_user_data|.  It is valid to specify
1709 	 * `null` in the |stream_user_data|, which nullifies the associated
1710 	 * data pointer.
1711 	 *
1712 	 * It is valid to set the |stream_user_data| to the stream reserved by
1713 	 * PUSH_PROMISE frame.
1714 	 *
1715 	 * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of following
1716 	 * negative error codes:
1717 	 *
1718 	 * $(D ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
1719 	 *     The stream does not exist
1720 	 */
1721 	ErrorCode setStreamUserData(int stream_id, void* stream_user_data){
1722 		Stream stream = getStream(stream_id);
1723 		if (!stream)
1724 			return ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
1725 		stream.userData = stream_user_data;
1726 		return ErrorCode.OK;
1727 	}
1729 	/**
1730 	 * Returns the number of frames in the outbound queue.  This does not
1731 	 * include the deferred DATA frames.
1732 	 */
1733 	size_t getOutboundQueueSize() {
1734 		return ob_pq.length + ob_ss_pq.length + ob_da_pq.length;
1735 	}
1737 	/**
1738 	 * Returns the number of DATA payload in bytes received without
1739 	 * WINDOW_UPDATE transmission for the stream |stream_id|.  The local
1740 	 * (receive) window size can be adjusted by
1741 	 * $(D submitWindowUpdate).  This function takes into account
1742 	 * that and returns effective data length.  In particular, if the
1743 	 * local window size is reduced by submitting negative
1744 	 * window_size_increment with $(D submitWindowUpdate), this
1745 	 * function returns the number of bytes less than actually received.
1746 	 *
1747 	 * This function returns -1 if it fails.
1748 	 */
1749 	int getStreamEffectiveRecvDataLength(int stream_id) 
1750 	{
1751 		Stream stream = getStream(stream_id);
1752 		if (!stream)
1753 			return -1;
1754 		return stream.recvWindowSize < 0 ? 0 : stream.recvWindowSize;
1755 	}
1757 	/**
1758 	 * Returns the local (receive) window size for the stream |stream_id|.
1759 	 * The local window size can be adjusted by
1760 	 * $(D submitWindowUpdate).  This function takes into account
1761 	 * that and returns effective window size.
1762 	 *
1763 	 * This function returns -1 if it fails.
1764 	 */	
1765 	int getStreamEffectiveLocalWindowSize(int stream_id)
1766 	{
1767 		Stream stream = getStream(stream_id);
1768 		if (!stream)
1769 			return -1;
1770 		return stream.localWindowSize;
1771 	}
1773 	/**
1774 	 * Returns the number of DATA payload in bytes received without
1775 	 * WINDOW_UPDATE transmission for a connection.  The local (receive)
1776 	 * window size can be adjusted by $(D submitWindowUpdate).
1777 	 * This function takes into account that and returns effective data
1778 	 * length.  In particular, if the local window size is reduced by
1779 	 * submitting negative window_size_increment with
1780 	 * $(D submitWindowUpdate), this function returns the number
1781 	 * of bytes less than actually received.
1782 	 *
1783 	 * This function returns -1 if it fails.
1784 	 */
1785 	int getEffectiveRecvDataLength()
1786 	{
1787 		return recv_window_size < 0 ? 0 : recv_window_size;
1788 	}
1790 	/**
1791 	 * Returns the local (receive) window size for a connection.  The
1792 	 * local window size can be adjusted by
1793 	 * $(D submitWindowUpdate).  This function takes into account
1794 	 * that and returns effective window size.
1795 	 *
1796 	 * This function returns -1 if it fails.
1797 	 */
1798 	int getEffectiveLocalWindowSize() 
1799 	{
1800 		return local_window_size;
1801 	}
1803 	/**
1804 	 * Returns the remote window size for a given stream |stream_id|.
1805 	 *
1806 	 * This is the amount of flow-controlled payload (e.g., DATA) that the
1807 	 * local endpoint can send without stream level WINDOW_UPDATE.  There
1808 	 * is also connection level flow control, so the effective size of
1809 	 * payload that the local endpoint can actually send is
1810 	 * min(getStreamRemoteWindowSize(), getRemoteWindowSize()).
1811 	 *
1812 	 * This function returns -1 if it fails.
1813 	 */
1814 	int getStreamRemoteWindowSize(int stream_id) 
1815 	{
1816 		Stream stream = getStream(stream_id);
1817 		if (!stream)
1818 			return -1;
1820 		/* stream.remoteWindowSize can be negative when Setting.INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE is changed. */
1821 		return max(0, stream.remoteWindowSize);
1822 	}
1824 	/**
1825 	 * Returns the remote window size for a connection.
1826 	 *
1827 	 * This function always succeeds.
1828 	 */
1829 	int getRemoteWindowSize() {
1830 		return remote_window_size;
1831 	}
1833 	/**
1834 	 * Returns 1 if local peer half closed the given stream |stream_id|.
1835 	 * Returns 0 if it did not.  Returns -1 if no such stream exists.
1836 	 */
1837 	int getStreamLocalClose(int stream_id)
1838 	{
1839 		Stream stream = getStream(stream_id);
1841 		if (!stream)
1842 			return -1;
1844 		return (stream.shutFlags & ShutdownFlag.WR) != 0;
1845 	}
1847 	/**
1848 	 * Returns 1 if remote peer half closed the given stream |stream_id|.
1849 	 * Returns 0 if it did not.  Returns -1 if no such stream exists.
1850 	 */
1851 	int getStreamRemoteClose(int stream_id) 
1852 	{
1853 		Stream stream = getStream(stream_id);
1855 		if (!stream)
1856 			return -1;
1858 		return (stream.shutFlags & ShutdownFlag.RD) != 0;
1859 	}
1861 	/**
1862 	 * Signals the session so that the connection should be terminated.
1863 	 *
1864 	 * The last stream ID is the minimum value between the stream ID of a
1865 	 * stream for which $(D Connector.onFrame) was called
1866 	 * most recently and the last stream ID we have sent to the peer
1867 	 * previously.
1868 	 *
1869 	 * The |error_code| is the error code of this GOAWAY frame.  The
1870 	 * pre-defined error code is one of $(D FrameError).
1871 	 *
1872 	 * After the transmission, both `wantRead()` and
1873 	 * `wantWrite()` return 0.
1874 	 *
1875 	 * This function should be called when the connection should be
1876 	 * terminated after sending GOAWAY.  If the remaining streams should
1877 	 * be processed after GOAWAY, use `submitGoAway()` instead.
1878 	 */
1879 	ErrorCode terminateSession(FrameError error_code)
1880 	{
1881 		return terminateSession(last_proc_stream_id, error_code, null);
1882 	}
1885 	/**
1886 	 * Signals the session so that the connection should be terminated.
1887 	 *
1888 	 * This function behaves like $(D Session.terminateSession),
1889 	 * but the last stream ID can be specified by the application for fine
1890 	 * grained control of stream.  The HTTP/2 specification does not allow
1891 	 * last_stream_id to be increased.  So the actual value sent as
1892 	 * last_stream_id is the minimum value between the given
1893 	 * |last_stream_id| and the last_stream_id we have previously sent to
1894 	 * the peer.
1895 	 *
1896 	 * The |last_stream_id| is peer's stream ID or 0.  So if $(D Session) is
1897 	 * initialized as client, |last_stream_id| must be even or 0.  If
1898 	 * $(D Session) is initialized as server, |last_stream_id| must be odd or
1899 	 * 0.
1900 	 *
1901 	 * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
1902 	 * negative error codes:
1903 	 *
1904 	 * $(D ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
1905 	 *     The |last_stream_id| is invalid.
1906 	 */
1907 	ErrorCode terminateSession(int last_stream_id, FrameError error_code) {
1908 		return terminateSession(last_stream_id, error_code, null);
1909 	}
1911 	/**
1912 	 * Returns the value of SETTINGS |id| notified by a remote endpoint.
1913 	 * The |id| must be one of values defined in $(D SettingsID).
1914 	 */
1915 	uint getRemoteSettings(SettingsID id) {
1916 		switch (id) {
1917 			case Setting.HEADER_TABLE_SIZE:
1918 				return remote_settings.header_table_size;
1919 			case Setting.ENABLE_PUSH:
1920 				return remote_settings.enable_push;
1921 			case Setting.MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS:
1922 				return remote_settings.max_concurrent_streams;
1923 			case Setting.INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE:
1924 				return remote_settings.initial_window_size;
1925 			case Setting.MAX_FRAME_SIZE:
1926 				return remote_settings.max_frame_size;
1927 			case Setting.MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE:
1928 				return remote_settings.max_header_list_size;
1929 			default: return -1;
1930 		}
1931 	}
1933 	/**
1934 	 * Tells the $(D Session) that next stream ID is |next_stream_id|.  The
1935 	 * |next_stream_id| must be equal or greater than the value returned
1936 	 * by `getNextStreamID()`.
1937 	 *
1938 	 * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
1939 	 * negative error codes:
1940 	 *
1941 	 * $(D ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
1942 	 *     The |next_stream_id| is strictly less than the value
1943 	 *     `getNextStreamID()` returns.
1944 	 */
1945 	ErrorCode setNextStreamID(int _next_stream_id)
1946 	{
1947 		if (_next_stream_id < 0 || next_stream_id > cast(uint)next_stream_id) {
1948 			return ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
1949 		}
1951 		next_stream_id = _next_stream_id;
1953 		return ErrorCode.OK;
1954 	}
1956 	/**
1957 	 * Returns the next outgoing stream ID.  Notice that return type is
1958 	 * uint.  If we run out of stream ID for this session, this
1959 	 * function returns 1 << 31.
1960 	 */
1961 	uint getNextStreamID() 
1962 	{
1963 		return next_stream_id;
1964 	}
1966 	/**
1967 	 * Tells the $(D Session) that |size| bytes for a stream denoted by
1968 	 * |stream_id| were consumed by application and are ready to
1969 	 * WINDOW_UPDATE. The consumed bytes are counted towards both connection and
1970 	 * stream level WINDOW_UPDATE (see `consumeConnection` and `consumeStream`).
1971 	 * This function is intended to be used without
1972 	 * automatic window update (see $(D Options.setNoAutoWindowUpdate).
1973 	 *
1974 	 * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
1975 	 * negative error codes:
1976 	 *
1977 	 * $(D ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
1978 	 *     The |stream_id| is 0.
1979 	 * $(D ErrorCode.INVALID_STATE)
1980 	 *     Automatic WINDOW_UPDATE is not disabled.
1981 	 */
1982 	ErrorCode consume(int stream_id, size_t size) {
1983 		ErrorCode rv;
1984 		Stream stream;
1986 		if (stream_id == 0) {
1987 			return ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
1988 		}
1990 		if (!(opt_flags & OptionsMask.NO_AUTO_WINDOW_UPDATE)) {
1991 			return ErrorCode.INVALID_STATE;
1992 		}
1994 		rv = updateConnectionConsumedSize(size);
1996 		if (isFatal(rv)) {
1997 			return rv;
1998 		}
2000 		stream = getStream(stream_id);
2002 		if (!stream)
2003 			return ErrorCode.OK;
2005 		rv = updateStreamConsumedSize(stream, size);
2007 		if (isFatal(rv)) {
2008 			return rv;
2009 		}
2011 		return ErrorCode.OK;
2012 	}
2014 	/**
2015 	 * Like $(D consume), but this only tells library that
2016 	 * |size| bytes were consumed only for connection level.  Note that
2017 	 * HTTP/2 maintains connection and stream level flow control windows
2018 	 * independently.
2019 	 *
2020 	 * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
2021 	 * negative error codes:
2022 	 *
2023 	 * $(D ErrorCode.INVALID_STATE)
2024 	 *     Automatic WINDOW_UPDATE is not disabled.
2025 	 */
2026 	ErrorCode consumeConnection(size_t size)
2027 	{
2028 		ErrorCode rv;
2030 		if (!(opt_flags & OptionsMask.NO_AUTO_WINDOW_UPDATE))
2031 			return ErrorCode.INVALID_STATE;
2032 		rv = updateConnectionConsumedSize(size);
2033 		if (isFatal(rv))
2034 			return rv;
2035 		return ErrorCode.OK;
2036 	}
2038 	/**
2039 	 * @function
2040 	 *
2041 	 * Like $(D consume), but this only tells library that
2042 	 * |size| bytes were consumed only for stream denoted by |stream_id|.
2043 	 * Note that HTTP/2 maintains connection and stream level flow control
2044 	 * windows independently.
2045 	 *
2046 	 * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
2047 	 * negative error codes:
2048 	 *
2049 	 * $(D ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
2050 	 *     The |stream_id| is 0.
2051 	 * $(D ErrorCode.INVALID_STATE)
2052 	 *     Automatic WINDOW_UPDATE is not disabled.
2053 	 */
2054 	ErrorCode consumeStream(int stream_id, size_t size)
2055 	{
2056 		ErrorCode rv;
2057 		Stream stream;
2059 		if (stream_id == 0) 
2060 			return ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
2062 		if (!(opt_flags & OptionsMask.NO_AUTO_WINDOW_UPDATE))
2063 			return ErrorCode.INVALID_STATE;
2065 		stream = getStream(stream_id);
2067 		if (!stream)
2068 			return ErrorCode.OK;
2070 		rv = updateStreamConsumedSize(stream, size);
2072 		if (isFatal(rv)) {
2073 			return rv;
2074 		}
2076 		return ErrorCode.OK;
2078 	}
2080 	/**
2081 	 * Performs post-process of HTTP Upgrade request.  This function can
2082 	 * be called from both client and server, but the behavior is very
2083 	 * different in each other.
2084 	 *
2085 	 * If called from client side, the |settings_payload| must be the
2086 	 * value sent in `HTTP2-Settings` header field and must be decoded
2087 	 * by base64url decoder.   The |settings_payload| is unpacked and its
2088 	 * setting values will be submitted using $(D submitSettings).
2089 	 * This means that the client application code does not need to submit
2090 	 * SETTINGS by itself.  The stream with stream ID=1 is opened and the
2091 	 * |stream_user_data| is used for its stream_user_data.  The opened
2092 	 * stream becomes half-closed (local) state.
2093 	 *
2094 	 * If called from server side, the |settings_payload| must be the
2095 	 * value received in `HTTP2-Settings` header field and must be
2096 	 * decoded by base64url decoder. It is treated as if the SETTINGS
2097 	 * frame with that payload is received.  Thus, callback functions for
2098 	 * the reception of SETTINGS frame will be invoked.  The stream with
2099 	 * stream ID=1 is opened.  The |stream_user_data| is ignored.  The
2100 	 * opened stream becomes half-closed (remote).
2101 	 *
2102 	 * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
2103 	 * negative error codes:
2104 	 *
2105 	 * $(D ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
2106 	 *     The |settings_payload| is badly formed.
2107 	 * $(D ErrorCode.PROTO)
2108 	 *     The stream ID 1 is already used or closed; or is not available.
2109 	 */
2110 	ErrorCode upgrade(in ubyte[] settings_payload, void* stream_user_data = null) 
2111 	{
2112 		Stream stream;
2113 		Frame frame;
2114 		Setting[] iva;
2115 		ErrorCode rv;
2116 		PrioritySpec pri_spec;
2118 		if ((!is_server && next_stream_id != 1) || (is_server && last_recv_stream_id >= 1)) {
2119 			return ErrorCode.PROTO;
2120 		}
2122 		if (settings_payload.length % FRAME_SETTINGS_ENTRY_LENGTH) {
2123 			return ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
2124 		}
2126 		Settings.unpack(iva, settings_payload);
2128 		if (is_server) {
2129 			frame.hd = FrameHeader(cast(uint)settings_payload.length, FrameType.SETTINGS, FrameFlags.NONE, 0);
2130 			frame.settings.iva = iva;
2131 			rv = onSettings(frame, true /* No ACK */);
2132 		} else {
2133 			rv = submitSettings(this, iva);
2134 		}
2136 		if (rv != 0)
2137 			return rv;
2139 		if (iva) Mem.free(iva);
2141 		stream = openStream(1, StreamFlags.NONE, pri_spec, StreamState.OPENING, stream_user_data);
2143 		if (is_server)
2144 		{
2145 			stream.shutdown(ShutdownFlag.RD);
2146 			last_recv_stream_id = 1;
2147 			last_proc_stream_id = 1;
2148 		} else {
2149 			stream.shutdown(ShutdownFlag.WR);
2150 			next_stream_id += 2;
2151 		}
2153 		return ErrorCode.OK;
2154 	}
2156 	/*
2157 	 * Returns true if |stream_id| is initiated by local endpoint.
2158 	 */	
2159 	bool isMyStreamId(int stream_id)
2160 	{
2161 		int rem;
2162 		if (stream_id == 0) {
2163 			return false;
2164 		}
2165 		rem = stream_id & 0x1;
2166 		if  (is_server) {
2167 			return rem == 0;
2168 		}
2169 		return rem == 1;
2170 	}
2172 	/*
2173 	 * Adds |item| to the outbound queue in $(D Session).  When this function
2174 	 * succeeds, it takes ownership of |item|. So caller must not free it
2175 	 * on success.
2176 	 *
2177 	 * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
2178 	 * negative error codes:
2179 	 *
2180 	 * ErrorCode.STREAM_CLOSED
2181 	 *     Stream already closed (DATA frame only)
2182 	 * 
2183 	 * ErrorCode.DATA_EXIST
2184 	 */
2185 	ErrorCode addItem(OutboundItem item) 
2186 	{
2187 		/* TODO: Return error if stream is not found for the frame requiring stream presence. */
2188 		Stream stream = getStream(item.frame.hd.stream_id);
2189 		Frame* frame = &item.frame;
2191 		if (frame.hd.type != FrameType.DATA) {        
2192 			switch (frame.hd.type) {
2193 				case FrameType.RST_STREAM:
2194 					if (stream)
2195 						stream.state = StreamState.CLOSING;
2196 					break;
2197 				case FrameType.SETTINGS:
2198 					item.weight = OB_SETTINGS_WEIGHT;                
2199 					break;
2200 				case FrameType.PING:
2201 					/* Ping has highest priority. */
2202 					item.weight = OB_PING_WEIGHT;                
2203 					break;
2204 				default:
2205 					break;
2206 			}
2208 			if (frame.hd.type == FrameType.HEADERS) {
2209 				/* We push request HEADERS and push response HEADERS to
2210 		         dedicated queue because their transmission is affected by
2211 		         Setting.MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS */
2212 				/* TODO: If 2 HEADERS are submitted for reserved stream, then
2213 		         both of them are queued into ob_ss_pq, which is not
2214 		         desirable. */
2215 				if (frame.headers.cat == HeadersCategory.REQUEST) {
2216 					ob_ss_pq.push(item);
2217 					item.queued = 1;
2218 				} else if (stream && (stream.state == StreamState.RESERVED || item.aux_data.headers.attach_stream)) {
2219 					item.weight = stream.effectiveWeight;
2220 					item.cycle = last_cycle;
2221 					stream.attachItem(item, this);
2222 				} else {
2223 					ob_pq.push(item);
2224 					item.queued = 1;
2225 				}
2226 			} else {
2227 				ob_pq.push(item);
2228 				item.queued = 1;
2229 			}
2231 			return ErrorCode.OK;
2232 		}
2234 		if (!stream) {
2235 			return ErrorCode.STREAM_CLOSED;
2236 		}
2238 		if (stream.item) {
2239 			return ErrorCode.DATA_EXIST;
2240 		}
2242 		item.weight = stream.effectiveWeight;
2243 		item.cycle = last_cycle;
2245 		stream.attachItem(item, this);
2247 		return ErrorCode.OK;
2248 	}
2250 	/*
2251 	 * Adds RST_STREAM frame for the stream |stream_id| with the error
2252 	 * code |error_code|. This is a convenient function built on top of
2253 	 * $(D Session.addFrame) to add RST_STREAM easily.
2254 	 *
2255 	 * This function simply returns without adding RST_STREAM frame if
2256 	 * given stream is in StreamState.CLOSING state, because multiple
2257 	 * RST_STREAM for a stream is redundant.
2258 	 */
2259 	void addRstStream(int stream_id, FrameError error_code) 
2260 	{
2261 		ErrorCode rv;
2262 		OutboundItem item;
2263 		Frame* frame;
2264 		Stream stream;
2266 		stream = getStream(stream_id);
2267 		if (stream && stream.state == StreamState.CLOSING) 
2268 			return;		
2270 		/* Cancel pending request HEADERS in ob_ss_pq if this RST_STREAM refers to that stream. */
2271 		if (!is_server && isMyStreamId(stream_id) && ob_ss_pq.top)
2272 		{
2273 			OutboundItem top;
2274 			Frame* headers_frame;
2276 			top = ob_ss_pq.top;
2277 			headers_frame = &top.frame;
2279 			assert(headers_frame.hd.type == FrameType.HEADERS);
2281 			if (headers_frame.hd.stream_id <= stream_id && cast(uint)stream_id < next_stream_id) 
2282 			{
2283 				foreach (OutboundItem item; ob_ss_pq) {
2285 					HeadersAuxData* aux_data = &item.aux_data.headers;
2287 					if (item.frame.hd.stream_id != stream_id || aux_data.canceled) 
2288 					{
2289 						continue;
2290 					}
2292 					aux_data.error_code = error_code;
2293 					aux_data.canceled = 1;				
2294 					return;
2295 				}
2296 			}
2297 		}
2299 		item = Mem.alloc!OutboundItem(this);    
2300 		frame = &item.frame;
2302 		frame.rst_stream = RstStream(stream_id, error_code);
2303 		addItem(item);
2304 	}
2306 	/*
2307 	 * Adds PING frame. This is a convenient functin built on top of
2308 	 * $(D Session.addFrame) to add PING easily.
2309 	 *
2310 	 * If the |opaque_data| is not null, it must point to 8 bytes memory
2311 	 * region of data. The data pointed by |opaque_data| is copied. It can
2312 	 * be null. In this case, 8 bytes null is used.
2313 	 *
2314 	 */
2315 	void addPing(FrameFlags flags, in ubyte[] opaque_data) 
2316 	{
2317 		ErrorCode rv;
2318 		OutboundItem item;
2319 		Frame* frame;
2321 		item = Mem.alloc!OutboundItem(this);
2323 		frame = &item.frame;
2325 		frame.ping = Ping(flags, opaque_data);
2327 		addItem(item);
2328 	}
2330 	/*
2331 	 * Adds GOAWAY frame with the last-stream-ID |last_stream_id| and the
2332 	 * error code |error_code|. This is a convenient function built on top
2333 	 * of $(D Session.addFrame) to add GOAWAY easily.  The
2334 	 * |aux_flags| are bitwise-OR of one or more of
2335 	 * GoAwayAuxFlags.
2336 	 *
2337 	 * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
2338 	 * negative error codes:
2339 	 * 
2340 	 * ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT
2341 	 *     The |opaque_data_len| is too large.
2342 	 */
2343 	ErrorCode addGoAway(int last_stream_id, FrameError error_code, in string opaque_data, GoAwayAuxFlags aux_flags) {
2344 		ErrorCode rv;
2345 		OutboundItem item;
2346 		Frame* frame;
2347 		string opaque_data_copy;
2348 		GoAwayAuxData* aux_data;
2350 		if (isMyStreamId(last_stream_id)) {
2351 			return ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
2352 		}
2354 		if (opaque_data.length > 0) {
2355 			if (opaque_data.length + 8 > MAX_PAYLOADLEN) {
2356 				return ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
2357 			}
2358 			opaque_data_copy = cast(string)Mem.copy(opaque_data);
2359 		}
2361 		item = Mem.alloc!OutboundItem(this);
2363 		frame = &item.frame;
2365 		/* last_stream_id must not be increased from the value previously sent */
2366 		last_stream_id = min(last_stream_id, local_last_stream_id);
2368 		frame.goaway = GoAway(last_stream_id, error_code, opaque_data_copy);
2370 		aux_data = &item.aux_data.goaway;
2371 		aux_data.flags = aux_flags;
2373 		addItem(item);
2374 		return ErrorCode.OK;
2375 	}
2376 	/*
2377 	 * Adds WINDOW_UPDATE frame with stream ID |stream_id| and
2378 	 * window-size-increment |window_size_increment|. This is a convenient
2379 	 * function built on top of $(D Session.addFrame) to add
2380 	 * WINDOW_UPDATE easily.
2381 	 */
2382 	void addWindowUpdate(FrameFlags flags, int stream_id, int window_size_increment) {
2383 		ErrorCode rv;
2384 		OutboundItem item;
2385 		Frame* frame;
2387 		item = Mem.alloc!OutboundItem(this);    
2388 		frame = &item.frame;
2390 		frame.window_update = WindowUpdate(flags, stream_id, window_size_increment);
2392 		addItem(item);
2393 	}
2395 	/*
2396 	 * Adds SETTINGS frame.
2397 	 */
2398 	ErrorCode addSettings(FrameFlags flags, in Setting[] iva) 
2399 	{
2400 		OutboundItem item;
2401 		Frame* frame;
2402 		Setting[] iva_copy;
2403 		size_t i;
2405 		if (flags & FrameFlags.ACK) {
2406 			if (iva.length != 0) {
2407 				return ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
2408 			}
2409 		}
2410 		else if (inflight_iva.length != 0) 
2411 			return ErrorCode.TOO_MANY_INFLIGHT_SETTINGS;
2413 		if (!iva.check())
2414 			return ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
2416 		item = Mem.alloc!OutboundItem(this);
2417 		scope(failure) Mem.free(item);
2419 		if (iva.length > 0)
2420 			iva_copy = iva.copy();
2421 		else
2422 			iva_copy = null;
2424 		scope(failure) if(iva_copy) Mem.free(iva_copy);
2426 		if ((flags & FrameFlags.ACK) == 0) {
2427 			if (iva.length > 0)
2428 				inflight_iva = iva.copy();
2429 			else
2430 				inflight_iva = null;     
2432 		}
2434 		frame = &item.frame;
2436 		frame.settings = Settings(flags, iva_copy);
2438 		addItem(item);
2440 		/* Extract Setting.MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS and ENABLE_PUSH here. We use it to refuse the 
2441 		 * incoming stream and PUSH_PROMISE with RST_STREAM. */
2442 		foreach_reverse(ref iv; iva)
2443 		{
2444 			if (iv.id == Setting.MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS) {
2445 				pending_local_max_concurrent_stream = iv.value;
2446 				break;
2447 			}
2448 		}
2449 		foreach_reverse(ref iv; iva)
2450 		{
2451 			if (iv.id == Setting.ENABLE_PUSH) {
2452 				pending_enable_push = iv.value>0;
2453 				break;
2454 			}
2455 		}
2457 		return ErrorCode.OK;
2458 	}
2460 	/**
2461 	 * Creates new stream in $(D Session) with stream ID |stream_id|,
2462 	 * priority |pri_spec| and flags |flags|.  The |flags| is bitwise OR
2463 	 * of StreamFlags.  Since this function is called when initial
2464 	 * HEADERS is sent or received, these flags are taken from it.  The
2465 	 * state of stream is set to |initial_state|. The |stream_user_data|
2466 	 * is a pointer to the arbitrary user supplied data to be associated
2467 	 * to this stream.
2468 	 *
2469 	 * If |initial_state| is StreamState.RESERVED, this function sets the
2470 	 * StreamFlags.PUSH flag.
2471 	 *
2472 	 * This function returns a pointer to created new stream object.
2473 	 */
2474 	Stream openStream(int stream_id, StreamFlags flags, PrioritySpec pri_spec_in, StreamState initial_state, void *stream_user_data = null)
2475 	{
2476 		ErrorCode rv;
2477 		Stream stream;
2478 		Stream dep_stream;
2479 		Stream root_stream;
2480 		bool stream_alloc;
2481 		PrioritySpec pri_spec_default;
2482 		PrioritySpec pri_spec = pri_spec_in;
2483 		stream = getStreamRaw(stream_id);
2485 		if (stream) {
2486 			assert(stream.state == StreamState.IDLE);
2487 			assert(stream.inDepTree());
2488 			detachIdleStream(stream);
2489 			stream.remove();
2490 		} else {
2491 			if (is_server && initial_state != StreamState.IDLE && !isMyStreamId(stream_id))				
2492 				adjustClosedStream(1);
2493 			stream_alloc = true;
2494 		}
2496 		if (pri_spec.stream_id != 0) {
2497 			dep_stream = getStreamRaw(pri_spec.stream_id);
2498 			if  (is_server && !dep_stream && idleStreamDetect(pri_spec.stream_id)) 
2499 			{
2500 				/* Depends on idle stream, which does not exist in memory. Assign default priority for it. */            
2501 				dep_stream = openStream(pri_spec.stream_id, StreamFlags.NONE, pri_spec_default, StreamState.IDLE, null);
2502 			} else if (!dep_stream || !dep_stream.inDepTree()) {
2503 				/* If dep_stream is not part of dependency tree, stream will get default priority. */
2504 				pri_spec = pri_spec_default;
2505 			}
2506 		}
2508 		if (initial_state == StreamState.RESERVED)
2509 			flags |= StreamFlags.PUSH;
2511 		if (stream_alloc)
2512 			stream = Mem.alloc!Stream(stream_id, flags, initial_state, pri_spec.weight, roots, 
2513 									  remote_settings.initial_window_size, local_settings.initial_window_size, stream_user_data);
2514 		else
2515 			stream.initialize(stream_id, flags, initial_state, pri_spec.weight, roots, 
2516 				remote_settings.initial_window_size, local_settings.initial_window_size, stream_user_data);
2517 		scope(failure) if (stream_alloc) Mem.free(stream);
2519 		if (stream_alloc)
2520 			streams[stream_id] = stream;
2521 		scope(failure) if (stream_alloc) streams.remove(stream_id);
2523 		switch (initial_state) {
2524 			case StreamState.RESERVED:
2525 				if (isMyStreamId(stream_id)) {
2526 					/* half closed (remote) */
2527 					stream.shutdown(ShutdownFlag.RD);
2528 				} else {
2529 					/* half closed (local) */
2530 					stream.shutdown(ShutdownFlag.WR);
2531 				}
2532 				/* Reserved stream does not count in the concurrent streams limit. That is one of the DOS vector. */
2533 				break;
2534 			case StreamState.IDLE:
2535 				/* Idle stream does not count toward the concurrent streams limit. This is used as anchor node in dependency tree. */
2536 				assert(is_server);
2537 				keepIdleStream(stream);
2538 				break;
2539 			default:
2540 				if (isMyStreamId(stream_id)) {
2541 					++num_outgoing_streams;
2542 				} else {
2543 					++num_incoming_streams;
2544 				}
2545 		}
2547 		/* We don't have to track dependency of received reserved stream */
2548 		if (stream.shutFlags & ShutdownFlag.WR)
2549 			return stream;
2551 		if (pri_spec.stream_id == 0)
2552 		{
2554 			++roots.num_streams;
2556 			if (pri_spec.exclusive && roots.num_streams <= MAX_DEP_TREE_LENGTH)
2557 				stream.makeTopmostRoot(this);
2558 			else
2559 				roots.add(stream);
2561 			return stream;
2562 		}
2565 		/* TODO Client does not have to track dependencies of streams except
2566 	     for those which have upload data.  Currently, we just track
2567 	     everything. */    
2568 		assert(dep_stream);
2570 		root_stream = dep_stream.getRoot();
2572 		if (root_stream.subStreams < MAX_DEP_TREE_LENGTH) {
2573 			if (pri_spec.exclusive) {
2574 				dep_stream.insert(stream);
2575 			} else {
2576 				dep_stream.add(stream);
2577 			}
2578 		} else {
2579 			stream.weight = DEFAULT_WEIGHT;        
2580 			roots.add(stream);
2581 		}
2583 		return stream;
2584 	}
2586 	/*
2587 	 * Closes stream whose stream ID is |stream_id|. The reason of closure
2588 	 * is indicated by the |error_code|. When closing the stream,
2589 	 * $(D Connector.onStreamExit) will be called.
2590 	 *
2591 	 * If the session is initialized as server and |stream| is incoming
2592 	 * stream, stream is just marked closed and this function calls
2593 	 * keepClosedStream() with |stream|.  Otherwise,
2594 	 * |stream| will be deleted from memory.
2595 	 *
2596 	 * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one the following
2597 	 * negative error codes:
2598 	 *
2599 	 * ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT
2600 	 *     The specified stream does not exist.
2601 	 * ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE
2602 	 *     The callback function failed.
2603 	 */
2604 	ErrorCode closeStream(int stream_id, FrameError error_code)
2605 	{
2606 		Stream stream = getStream(stream_id);
2608 		if (!stream) {
2609 			return ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
2610 		}
2612 		LOGF("stream: stream(%s=%d close", stream, stream.id);
2614 		if (stream.item) {
2615 			OutboundItem item = stream.item;
2617 			stream.detachItem(this);
2619 			/* If item is queued, it will be deleted when it is popped
2620 		       (prepareFrame() will fail).  If aob.item
2621 		       points to this item, let active_outbound_item_reset()
2622 		       free the item. */
2623 			if (!item.queued && item != aob.item) {
2624 				item.free();
2625 				Mem.free(item);
2626 			}
2627 		}
2629 		/* We call $(D Connector.onStreamExit) even if stream.state is
2630 		     StreamState.INITIAL. This will happen while sending request
2631 		     HEADERS, a local endpoint receives RST_STREAM for that stream. It
2632 		     may be PROTOCOL_ERROR, but without notifying stream closure will
2633 		     hang the stream in a local endpoint.
2634 		*/    
2635 		try 
2636 			if (!connector.onStreamExit(stream_id, error_code))
2637 				return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
2638 		catch (Exception e) return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
2640 		/* pushed streams which is not opened yet is not counted toward max concurrent limits */
2641 		if ((stream.flags & StreamFlags.PUSH) == 0) {
2642 			if (isMyStreamId(stream_id)) {
2643 				--num_outgoing_streams;
2644 			} else {
2645 				--num_incoming_streams;
2646 			}
2647 		}
2649 		/* Closes both directions just in case they are not closed yet */
2650 		stream.flags = cast(StreamFlags)(stream.flags | StreamFlags.CLOSED);
2652 		if  (is_server && stream.inDepTree())
2653 		{
2654 			/* On server side, retain stream at most MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS
2655 		       combined with the current active incoming streams to make
2656 		       dependency tree work better. */
2657 			keepClosedStream(stream);
2658 		} else {
2659 			destroyStream(stream);
2660 		}
2661 		return ErrorCode.OK;
2662 	}
2664 	/*
2665 	 * Deletes |stream| from memory.  After this function returns, stream
2666 	 * cannot be accessed.
2667 	 *
2668 	 */
2669 	void destroyStream(Stream stream)
2670 	{
2671 		LOGF("stream: destroy closed stream(%s=%d", stream, stream.id);
2673 		stream.remove();
2675 		streams.remove(stream.id);
2676 		stream.free();
2677 		Mem.free(stream);
2678 	}
2680 	/*
2681 	 * Tries to keep incoming closed stream |stream|.  Due to the
2682 	 * limitation of maximum number of streams in memory, |stream| is not
2683 	 * closed and just deleted from memory (see destroyStream).
2684 	 */
2685 	void keepClosedStream(Stream stream)
2686 	{
2687 		LOGF("stream: keep closed stream(%s=%d, state=%d", stream, stream.id, stream.state);
2689 		if (closed_stream_tail) {
2690 			closed_stream_tail.closedNext = stream;
2691 			stream.closedPrev = closed_stream_tail;
2692 		} else {
2693 			closed_stream_head = stream;
2694 		}
2695 		closed_stream_tail = stream;
2697 		++num_closed_streams;
2699 		adjustClosedStream(0);
2700 	}
2702 	/*
2703 	 * Appends |stream| to linked list |session.idle_stream_head|.  We
2704 	 * apply fixed limit for list size.  To fit into that limit, one or
2705 	 * more oldest streams are removed from list as necessary.
2706 	 */
2707 	void keepIdleStream(Stream stream)
2708 	{
2709 		LOGF("stream: keep idle stream(%s=%d, state=%d", stream, stream.id, stream.state);
2711 		if (idle_stream_tail) {
2712 			idle_stream_tail.closedNext = stream;
2713 			stream.closedPrev = idle_stream_tail;
2714 		} else {
2715 			idle_stream_head = stream;
2716 		}
2717 		idle_stream_tail = stream;
2719 		++num_idle_streams;
2721 		adjustIdleStream();
2722 	}
2724 	/*
2725 	 * Detaches |stream| from idle streams linked list.
2726 	 */
2728 	void detachIdleStream(Stream stream) 
2729 	{
2730 		Stream prev_stream;
2731 		Stream next_stream;
2733 		LOGF("stream: detach idle stream(%s=%d, state=%d", stream, stream.id, stream.state);
2735 		prev_stream = stream.closedPrev;
2736 		next_stream = stream.closedNext;
2738 		if (prev_stream) {
2739 			prev_stream.closedNext = next_stream;
2740 		} else {
2741 			idle_stream_head = next_stream;
2742 		}
2744 		if (next_stream) {
2745 			next_stream.closedPrev = prev_stream;
2746 		} else {
2747 			idle_stream_tail = prev_stream;
2748 		}
2750 		stream.closedPrev = null;
2751 		stream.closedNext = null;
2753 		--num_idle_streams;
2754 	}
2756 	/*
2757 	 * Deletes closed stream to ensure that number of incoming streams
2758 	 * including active and closed is in the maximum number of allowed
2759 	 * stream.  If |offset| is nonzero, it is decreased from the maximum
2760 	 * number of allowed stream when comparing number of active and closed
2761 	 * stream and the maximum number.
2762 	 */
2763 	void adjustClosedStream(int offset) 
2764 	{
2765 		size_t num_stream_max;
2767 		num_stream_max = min(local_settings.max_concurrent_streams, pending_local_max_concurrent_stream);
2769 		LOGF("stream: adjusting kept closed streams  num_closed_streams=%d, num_incoming_streams=%d, max_concurrent_streams=%d",
2770 				num_closed_streams, num_incoming_streams, num_stream_max);
2772 		while (num_closed_streams > 0 && num_closed_streams + num_incoming_streams + offset > num_stream_max)
2773 		{
2774 			Stream head_stream;
2776 			head_stream = closed_stream_head;
2778 			assert(head_stream);
2780 			closed_stream_head = head_stream.closedNext;
2782 			if (closed_stream_head) 
2783 				closed_stream_head.closedPrev = null;
2784 			else
2785 				closed_stream_tail = null;
2787 			destroyStream(head_stream);
2788 			/* head_stream is now freed */
2789 			--num_closed_streams;
2790 		}
2791 	}
2793 	/*
2794 	 * Deletes idle stream to ensure that number of idle streams is in
2795 	 * certain limit.
2796 	 */
2797 	void adjustIdleStream() 
2798 	{
2799 		size_t _max;
2801 		/* Make minimum number of idle streams 2 so that allocating 2
2802 	     streams at once is easy.  This happens when PRIORITY frame to
2803 	     idle stream, which depends on idle stream which does not
2804 	     exist. */
2805 		_max = max(2, min(local_settings.max_concurrent_streams, pending_local_max_concurrent_stream));
2807 		LOGF("stream: adjusting kept idle streams num_idle_streams=%d, max=%d", num_idle_streams, _max);
2809 		while (num_idle_streams > _max) {
2810 			Stream head;
2812 			head = idle_stream_head;
2813 			assert(head);
2815 			idle_stream_head = head.closedNext;
2817 			if (idle_stream_head) {
2818 				idle_stream_head.closedPrev = null;
2819 			} else {
2820 				idle_stream_tail = null;
2821 			}
2823 			destroyStream(head);
2824 			/* head is now destroyed */
2825 			--num_idle_streams;
2826 		}
2827 	}
2829 	/*
2830 	 * Closes stream with stream ID |stream_id| if both transmission and
2831 	 * reception of the stream were disallowed. The |error_code| indicates
2832 	 * the reason of the closure.
2833 	 *
2834 	 * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
2835 	 * negative error codes:
2836 	 *
2837 	 * ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT
2838 	 *   The stream is not found.
2839 	 * ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE
2840 	 *   The callback function failed.
2841 	 */
2842 	ErrorCode closeStreamIfShutRdWr(Stream stream)
2843 	{
2844 		if ((stream.shutFlags & ShutdownFlag.RDWR) == ShutdownFlag.RDWR)
2845 			return closeStream(stream.id, FrameError.NO_ERROR);
2846 		return ErrorCode.OK;
2847 	}
2849 	void endRequestHeadersReceived(Frame frame, Stream stream)
2850 	{
2851 		if (frame.hd.flags & FrameFlags.END_STREAM) {
2852 			stream.shutdown(ShutdownFlag.RD);
2853 		}
2854 		/* Here we assume that stream is not shutdown in ShutdownFlag.WR */
2855 	}
2857 	ErrorCode endResponseHeadersReceived(Frame frame, Stream stream) 
2858 	{
2859 		if (frame.hd.flags & FrameFlags.END_STREAM) {
2860 			/* This is the last frame of this stream, so disallow further receptions. */
2861 			stream.shutdown(ShutdownFlag.RD);
2862 			return closeStreamIfShutRdWr(stream);
2863 		}
2865 		return ErrorCode.OK;
2866 	}
2868 	ErrorCode endHeadersReceived(Frame frame, Stream stream)
2869 	{
2870 		if (frame.hd.flags & FrameFlags.END_STREAM) {
2871 			stream.shutdown(ShutdownFlag.RD);
2872 			return closeStreamIfShutRdWr(stream);
2873 		}
2874 		return ErrorCode.OK;
2875 	}
2878 	ErrorCode onRequestHeaders(Frame frame) 
2879 	{
2880 		ErrorCode rv;
2881 		Stream stream;
2882 		if (frame.hd.stream_id == 0) {
2883 			return handleInflateInvalidConnection(frame, FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "request HEADERS: stream_id == 0");
2884 		}
2886 		/* If client recieves idle stream from server, it is invalid
2887 	     regardless stream ID is even or odd.  This is because client is
2888 	     not expected to receive request from server. */
2889 		if (!is_server) {
2890 			if (idleStreamDetect(frame.hd.stream_id)) {
2891 				return handleInflateInvalidConnection(frame, FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "request HEADERS: client received request");
2892 			}
2894 			return ErrorCode.IGN_HEADER_BLOCK;
2895 		}
2897 		if (!isNewPeerStreamId(frame.hd.stream_id)) 
2898 		{
2899 			/* The spec says if an endpoint receives a HEADERS with invalid
2900 		       stream ID, it MUST issue connection error with error code
2901 		       PROTOCOL_ERROR.  But we could get trailer HEADERS after we have
2902 		       sent RST_STREAM to this stream and peer have not received it.
2903 		       Then connection error is too harsh.  It means that we only use
2904 		       connection error if stream ID refers idle stream.  OTherwise we
2905 		       just ignore HEADERS for now. */
2906 			if (idleStreamDetect(frame.hd.stream_id)) {
2907 				return handleInflateInvalidConnection(frame, FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "request HEADERS: invalid stream_id");
2908 			}
2910 			return ErrorCode.IGN_HEADER_BLOCK;
2911 		}
2913 		last_recv_stream_id = frame.hd.stream_id;
2915 		if (goaway_flags & GoAwayFlags.SENT) {
2916 			/* We just ignore stream after GOAWAY was queued */
2917 			return ErrorCode.IGN_HEADER_BLOCK;
2918 		}
2920 		if (isIncomingConcurrentStreamsMax()) {
2921 			return handleInflateInvalidConnection(frame, FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "request HEADERS: max concurrent streams exceeded");
2922 		}
2924 		if (frame.headers.pri_spec.stream_id == frame.hd.stream_id) {
2925 			return handleInflateInvalidConnection(frame, FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "request HEADERS: depend on itself");
2926 		}
2928 		if (isIncomingConcurrentStreamsPendingMax()) {
2929 			return handleInflateInvalidStream(frame, FrameError.REFUSED_STREAM);
2930 		}
2932 		stream = openStream(frame.hd.stream_id, StreamFlags.NONE, frame.headers.pri_spec, StreamState.OPENING, null);
2933 		last_proc_stream_id = last_recv_stream_id;
2935 		if (!callOnHeaders(frame))
2936 			return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
2938 		return ErrorCode.OK;
2939 	}
2941 	ErrorCode onResponseHeaders(Frame frame, Stream stream) 
2942 	{
2943 		ErrorCode rv;
2944 		/* This function is only called if stream.state == StreamState.OPENING and stream_id is local side initiated. */
2945 		assert(stream.state == StreamState.OPENING && isMyStreamId(frame.hd.stream_id));
2946 		if (frame.hd.stream_id == 0) {
2947 			return handleInflateInvalidConnection(frame, FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "response HEADERS: stream_id == 0");
2948 		}
2949 		if (stream.shutFlags & ShutdownFlag.RD) {
2950 			/* half closed (remote): from the spec:
2952 	           If an endpoint receives additional frames for a stream that is
2953 	           in this state it MUST respond with a stream error (Section
2954 	           5.4.2) of type STREAM_CLOSED.
2955 	        */
2956 			return handleInflateInvalidStream(frame, FrameError.STREAM_CLOSED);
2957 		}
2958 		stream.state = StreamState.OPENED;
2959 		if (!callOnHeaders(frame))
2960 			return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
2961 		return ErrorCode.OK;
2962 	}
2964 	ErrorCode onPushResponseHeaders(Frame frame, Stream stream) 
2965 	{
2966 		ErrorCode rv;
2967 		assert(stream.state == StreamState.RESERVED);
2968 		if (frame.hd.stream_id == 0) {
2969 			return handleInflateInvalidConnection(frame, FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "push response HEADERS: stream_id == 0");
2970 		}
2971 		if (goaway_flags) {
2972 			/* We don't accept new stream after GOAWAY is sent or received. */
2973 			return ErrorCode.IGN_HEADER_BLOCK;
2974 		}
2976 		if (isIncomingConcurrentStreamsMax()) {
2977 			return handleInflateInvalidConnection(frame, FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "push response HEADERS: max concurrent streams exceeded");
2978 		}
2979 		if (isIncomingConcurrentStreamsPendingMax()) {
2980 			return handleInflateInvalidStream(frame, FrameError.REFUSED_STREAM);
2981 		}
2983 		stream.promiseFulfilled();
2984 		++num_incoming_streams;
2985 		if (!callOnHeaders(frame))
2986 			return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
2987 		return ErrorCode.OK;
2988 	}
2990 	/*
2991 	 * Called when HEADERS is received, assuming |frame| is properly
2992 	 * initialized.  This function will first validate received frame and
2993 	 * then open stream sending it through callback functions.
2994 	 *
2995 	 * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
2996 	 * negative error codes:
2997 	 *
2998 	 * ErrorCode.IGN_HEADER_BLOCK
2999 	 *     Frame was rejected and header block must be decoded but
3000 	 *     result must be ignored.
3001 	 * ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE
3002 	 *     The DataProvider failed
3003 	 */
3004 	ErrorCode onHeaders(Frame frame, Stream stream) 
3005 	{
3006 		ErrorCode rv;
3007 		if (frame.hd.stream_id == 0) {
3008 			return handleInflateInvalidConnection(frame, FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "HEADERS: stream_id == 0");
3009 		}
3010 		if (stream.state == StreamState.RESERVED) 
3011 		{
3012 			/* reserved. The valid push response HEADERS is processed by
3013 		       onPushResponseHeaders(). This
3014 		       generic HEADERS is called invalid cases for HEADERS against
3015 		       reserved state. */
3016 			return handleInflateInvalidConnection(frame, FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "HEADERS: stream in reserved");
3017 		}
3018 		if ((stream.shutFlags & ShutdownFlag.RD)) {
3019 			/* half closed (remote): from the spec:
3021 		       If an endpoint receives additional frames for a stream that is
3022 		       in this state it MUST respond with a stream error (Section
3023 		       5.4.2) of type STREAM_CLOSED.
3024 		    */
3025 			return handleInflateInvalidStream(frame, FrameError.STREAM_CLOSED);
3026 		}
3027 		if (isMyStreamId(frame.hd.stream_id)) {
3028 			if (stream.state == StreamState.OPENED) {
3029 				if (!callOnHeaders(frame))
3030 					return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
3031 				return ErrorCode.OK;
3032 			} else if (stream.state == StreamState.CLOSING) {
3033 				/* This is race condition. StreamState.CLOSING indicates
3034 		         that we queued RST_STREAM but it has not been sent. It will
3035 		         eventually sent, so we just ignore this frame. */
3036 				return ErrorCode.IGN_HEADER_BLOCK;
3037 			} else {
3038 				return handleInflateInvalidStream(frame, FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR);
3039 			}
3040 		}
3041 		/* If this is remote peer initiated stream, it is OK unless it
3042 		   has sent END_STREAM frame already. But if stream is in
3043 		   StreamState.CLOSING, we discard the frame. This is a race
3044 		   condition. */
3045 		if (stream.state != StreamState.CLOSING) 
3046 		{
3047 			if (!callOnHeaders(frame))
3048 				return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
3049 			return ErrorCode.OK;
3050 		}
3051 		return ErrorCode.IGN_HEADER_BLOCK;
3052 	}
3054 	/*
3055 	 * Called when PRIORITY is received, assuming |frame| is properly
3056 	 * initialized.
3057 	 *
3058 	 * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
3059 	 * negative error codes:
3060 	 *
3061 	 * ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE
3062 	 *     The DataProvider failed
3063 	 */
3064 	ErrorCode onPriority(Frame frame) 
3065 	{
3066 		ErrorCode rv;
3067 		Stream stream;
3069 		if (frame.hd.stream_id == 0) {
3070 			return handleInvalidConnection(frame, FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "PRIORITY: stream_id == 0");
3071 		}
3073 		if (!is_server) {
3074 			/* Re-prioritization works only in server */	
3075 			bool ok = callOnFrame(frame);
3076 			if (!ok)
3077 				return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
3078 			return ErrorCode.OK;
3079 		}
3081 		stream = getStreamRaw(frame.hd.stream_id);
3083 		if (!stream) {
3084 			/* PRIORITY against idle stream can create anchor node in dependency tree. */
3085 			if (!idleStreamDetect(frame.hd.stream_id)) {
3086 				return ErrorCode.OK;
3087 			}
3089 			stream = openStream(frame.hd.stream_id, StreamFlags.NONE, frame.priority.pri_spec, StreamState.IDLE, null);
3090 		} else
3091 			reprioritizeStream(stream, frame.priority.pri_spec);
3093 		bool ok = callOnFrame(frame);
3094 		if (!ok)
3095 			return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
3096 		return ErrorCode.OK;
3097 	}
3099 	/*
3100 	 * Called when RST_STREAM is received, assuming |frame| is properly
3101 	 * initialized.
3102 	 *
3103 	 * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one the following
3104 	 * negative error codes:
3105 	 *
3106 	 * ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE
3107 	 *     The DataProvider failed
3108 	 */
3109 	ErrorCode onRstStream(Frame frame) 
3110 	{
3111 		ErrorCode rv;
3112 		Stream stream;
3113 		if (frame.hd.stream_id == 0) {
3114 			return handleInvalidConnection(frame, FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "RST_STREAM: stream_id == 0");
3115 		}
3116 		stream = getStream(frame.hd.stream_id);
3117 		if (!stream) {
3118 			if (idleStreamDetect(frame.hd.stream_id)) {
3119 				return handleInvalidConnection(frame, FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "RST_STREAM: stream in idle");
3120 			}
3121 		}
3123 		bool ok = callOnFrame(frame);
3124 		if (!ok)
3125 			return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
3127 		rv = closeStream(frame.hd.stream_id, frame.rst_stream.error_code);
3128 		if (isFatal(rv)) {
3129 			return rv;
3130 		}
3131 		return ErrorCode.OK;
3132 	}
3134 	/*
3135 	 * Called when SETTINGS is received, assuming |frame| is properly
3136 	 * initialized. If |noack| is non-zero, SETTINGS with ACK will not be
3137 	 * submitted. If |frame| has NGFrameFlags.ACK flag set, no SETTINGS
3138 	 * with ACK will not be submitted regardless of |noack|.
3139 	 *
3140 	 * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one the following
3141 	 * negative error codes:
3142 	 *
3143 	 * ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE
3144 	 *     The DataProvider failed
3145 	 */
3147 	ErrorCode onSettings(Frame frame, bool noack) 
3148 	{
3149 		ErrorCode rv;
3150 		size_t i;
3152 		if (frame.hd.stream_id != 0) {
3153 			return handleInvalidConnection(frame, FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "SETTINGS: stream_id != 0");
3154 		}
3155 		if (frame.hd.flags & FrameFlags.ACK) {
3156 			if (frame.settings.iva.length != 0) {
3157 				return handleInvalidConnection(frame, FrameError.FRAME_SIZE_ERROR, "SETTINGS: ACK and payload != 0");
3158 			}
3159 			if (!inflight_iva) {
3160 				return handleInvalidConnection(frame, FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "SETTINGS: unexpected ACK");
3161 			}
3162 			rv = updateLocalSettings(inflight_iva);
3163 			Mem.free(inflight_iva);
3164 			inflight_iva = null;
3165 			if (rv != ErrorCode.OK) {
3166 				FrameError error_code = FrameError.INTERNAL_ERROR;
3167 				if (isFatal(rv)) {
3168 					return rv;
3169 				}
3170 				if (rv == ErrorCode.HEADER_COMP) {
3171 					error_code = FrameError.COMPRESSION_ERROR;
3172 				}
3173 				return handleInvalidConnection(frame, error_code, null);
3174 			}
3175 			bool ok = callOnFrame(frame);
3176 			if (!ok)
3177 				return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
3178 			return ErrorCode.OK;
3179 		}
3181 		for (i = 0; i < frame.settings.iva.length; ++i) {
3182 			Setting entry = frame.settings.iva[i];
3184 			with(Setting) switch (entry.id) {
3185 				case HEADER_TABLE_SIZE:
3187 					if (entry.value > MAX_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE) {
3188 						return handleInvalidConnection(frame, FrameError.COMPRESSION_ERROR, "SETTINGS: too large Setting.HEADER_TABLE_SIZE");
3189 					}
3191 					hd_deflater.changeTableSize(entry.value);
3193 					remote_settings.header_table_size = entry.value;
3195 					break;
3196 				case ENABLE_PUSH:
3198 					if (entry.value != 0 && entry.value != 1) {
3199 						return handleInvalidConnection(frame, FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "SETTINGS: invalid Setting.ENABLE_PUSH");
3200 					}
3202 					if (!is_server && entry.value != 0) {
3203 						return handleInvalidConnection(frame, FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "SETTINGS: server attempted to enable push");
3204 					}
3206 					remote_settings.enable_push = entry.value;
3208 					break;
3211 					remote_settings.max_concurrent_streams = entry.value;
3213 					break;
3214 				case INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE:                
3215 					/* Update the initial window size of the all active streams */
3216 					/* Check that initial_window_size < (1u << 31) */
3217 					if (entry.value > MAX_WINDOW_SIZE) {
3218 						return handleInvalidConnection(frame, FrameError.FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR, "SETTINGS: too large Setting.INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE");
3219 					}
3221 					rv = updateRemoteInitialWindowSize(entry.value);
3223 					if (isFatal(rv)) {
3224 						return rv;
3225 					}
3227 					if (rv != ErrorCode.OK) {
3228 						return handleInvalidConnection(frame, FrameError.FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR, null);
3229 					}
3231 					remote_settings.initial_window_size = entry.value;
3233 					break;
3234 				case MAX_FRAME_SIZE:
3236 					if (entry.value < MAX_FRAME_SIZE_MIN ||
3237 						entry.value > MAX_FRAME_SIZE_MAX) {
3238 						return handleInvalidConnection(frame, FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "SETTINGS: invalid Setting.MAX_FRAME_SIZE");
3239 					}
3241 					remote_settings.max_frame_size = entry.value;
3243 					break;
3244 				case MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE:
3246 					remote_settings.max_header_list_size = entry.value;
3248 					break;
3249 				default: break;
3250 			}
3251 		}
3253 		if (!noack && !isClosing()) {
3254 			rv = addSettings(FrameFlags.ACK, null);
3256 			if (rv != ErrorCode.OK) {
3257 				if (isFatal(rv)) {
3258 					return rv;
3259 				}
3261 				return handleInvalidConnection(frame, FrameError.INTERNAL_ERROR, null);
3262 			}
3263 		}
3264 		bool ok = callOnFrame(frame);
3265 		if (!ok)
3266 			return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
3267 		return ErrorCode.OK;
3268 	}
3269 	/*
3270 	 * Called when PUSH_PROMISE is received, assuming |frame| is properly
3271 	 * initialized.
3272 	 *
3273 	 * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
3274 	 * negative error codes:
3275 	 *
3276 	 * ErrorCode.IGN_HEADER_BLOCK
3277 	 *     Frame was rejected and header block must be decoded but
3278 	 *     result must be ignored.
3279 	 * ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE
3280 	 *     The DataProvider failed
3281 	 */
3283 	ErrorCode onPushPromise(Frame frame) 
3284 	{
3285 		ErrorCode rv;
3286 		Stream stream;
3287 		Stream promised_stream;
3288 		PrioritySpec pri_spec;
3290 		if (frame.hd.stream_id == 0) {
3291 			return handleInflateInvalidConnection(frame, FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "PUSH_PROMISE: stream_id == 0");
3292 		}
3293 		if (is_server || local_settings.enable_push == 0) {
3294 			return handleInflateInvalidConnection(frame, FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "PUSH_PROMISE: push disabled");
3295 		}
3296 		if (goaway_flags) {
3297 			/* We just dicard PUSH_PROMISE after GOAWAY is sent or received. */
3298 			return ErrorCode.IGN_HEADER_BLOCK;
3299 		}
3301 		if (!isMyStreamId(frame.hd.stream_id)) {
3302 			return handleInflateInvalidConnection(frame, FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "PUSH_PROMISE: invalid stream_id");
3303 		}
3305 		if (!isNewPeerStreamId(frame.push_promise.promised_stream_id)) {
3306 			/* The spec says if an endpoint receives a PUSH_PROMISE with
3307 		       illegal stream ID is subject to a connection error of type
3308 		       PROTOCOL_ERROR. */
3309 			return handleInflateInvalidConnection(frame, FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "PUSH_PROMISE: invalid promised_stream_id");
3310 		}
3311 		last_recv_stream_id = frame.push_promise.promised_stream_id;
3312 		stream = getStream(frame.hd.stream_id);
3313 		if (!stream || stream.state == StreamState.CLOSING || !pending_enable_push) {
3314 			if (!stream) {
3315 				if (idleStreamDetect(frame.hd.stream_id)) {
3316 					return handleInflateInvalidConnection(frame, FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "PUSH_PROMISE: stream in idle");
3317 				}
3318 			}
3319 			addRstStream(frame.push_promise.promised_stream_id, FrameError.REFUSED_STREAM);
3320 			return ErrorCode.IGN_HEADER_BLOCK;
3321 		}
3322 		if (stream.shutFlags & ShutdownFlag.RD) {
3323 			try 
3324 				if (!connector.onInvalidFrame(frame, FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR))
3325 					return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
3326 			catch(Exception e) return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
3328 			addRstStream(frame.push_promise.promised_stream_id, FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR);
3329 			return ErrorCode.IGN_HEADER_BLOCK;
3330 		}
3332 		/* TODO: It is unclear reserved stream depends on associated stream with or without exclusive flag set */
3333 		pri_spec = PrioritySpec(stream.id, DEFAULT_WEIGHT, 0);
3335 		promised_stream = openStream(frame.push_promise.promised_stream_id, StreamFlags.NONE, pri_spec, StreamState.RESERVED, null);
3337 		last_proc_stream_id = last_recv_stream_id;
3338 		if (!callOnHeaders(frame))
3339 			return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
3340 		return ErrorCode.OK;
3341 	}
3343 	/*
3344 	 * Called when PING is received, assuming |frame| is properly
3345 	 * initialized.
3346 	 *
3347 	 * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
3348 	 * negative error codes:
3349 	 *
3350 	 * ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE
3351 	 *   The callback function failed.
3352 	 */
3353 	ErrorCode onPing(Frame frame) 
3354 	{
3355 		int rv = 0;
3356 		if (frame.hd.stream_id != 0) {
3357 			return handleInvalidConnection(frame, FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "PING: stream_id != 0");
3358 		}
3359 		if ((frame.hd.flags & FrameFlags.ACK) == 0 && !isClosing()) 
3360 		{
3361 			/* Peer sent ping, so ping it back */
3362 			addPing(FrameFlags.ACK, frame.ping.opaque_data);
3363 		}
3364 		bool ok = callOnFrame(frame);
3365 		if (!ok)
3366 			return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
3367 		return ErrorCode.OK;
3368 	}
3370 	/*
3371 	 * Called when GOAWAY is received, assuming |frame| is properly
3372 	 * initialized.
3373 	 *
3374 	 * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
3375 	 * negative error codes:
3376 	 *
3377 	 * ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE
3378 	 *   The callback function failed.
3379 	 */
3380 	ErrorCode onGoAway(Frame frame) 
3381 	{		
3382 		if (frame.hd.stream_id != 0) 
3383 		{
3384 			return handleInvalidConnection(frame, FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "GOAWAY: stream_id != 0");
3385 		}
3387 		/* Spec says Endpoints MUST NOT increase the value they send in the last stream identifier. */
3388 		if ((frame.goaway.last_stream_id > 0 && !isMyStreamId(frame.goaway.last_stream_id)) ||
3389 			 remote_last_stream_id < frame.goaway.last_stream_id) 
3390 		{
3391 			return handleInvalidConnection(frame, FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "GOAWAY: invalid last_stream_id");
3392 		}
3394 		goaway_flags |= GoAwayFlags.RECV;
3396 		remote_last_stream_id = frame.goaway.last_stream_id;
3398 		bool ok = callOnFrame(frame);
3399 		if (!ok)
3400 			return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
3402 		return closeStreamOnGoAway(frame.goaway.last_stream_id, false);
3403 	}
3405 	/*
3406 	 * Called when WINDOW_UPDATE is recieved, assuming |frame| is properly
3407 	 * initialized.
3408 	 *
3409 	 * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
3410 	 * negative error codes:
3411 	 * ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE
3412 	 *   The callback function failed.
3413 	 */
3414 	ErrorCode onWindowUpdate(Frame frame) 
3415 	{
3416 		if (frame.hd.stream_id == 0)
3417 		{
3418 			/* Handle connection-level flow control */
3419 			if (frame.window_update.window_size_increment == 0)		
3420 				return handleInvalidConnection(frame, FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, null);
3422 			if (MAX_WINDOW_SIZE - frame.window_update.window_size_increment < remote_window_size)
3423 				return handleInvalidConnection(frame, FrameError.FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR, null);
3425 			remote_window_size += frame.window_update.window_size_increment;
3427 		} else {
3428 			/* handle stream window update */
3429 			Stream stream = getStream(frame.hd.stream_id);
3431 			if (!stream) {
3432 				if (idleStreamDetect(frame.hd.stream_id))
3433 					return handleInvalidConnection(frame, FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "WINDOW_UPDATE to idle stream");
3434 				return ErrorCode.OK;
3435 			}
3437 			if (isReservedRemote(stream)) 
3438 				return handleInvalidConnection(frame, FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "WINDOW_UPADATE to reserved stream");
3440 			if (frame.window_update.window_size_increment == 0) 
3441 				return handleInvalidStream(frame, FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR);
3443 			if (MAX_WINDOW_SIZE - frame.window_update.window_size_increment < stream.remoteWindowSize)
3444 				return handleInvalidStream(frame, FrameError.FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR);
3446 			stream.remoteWindowSize = stream.remoteWindowSize + frame.window_update.window_size_increment;
3448 			if (stream.remoteWindowSize > 0 && stream.isDeferredByFlowControl())        
3449 				stream.resumeDeferredItem(StreamFlags.DEFERRED_FLOW_CONTROL, this);
3450 		}
3452 		bool ok = callOnFrame(frame);
3454 		if (!ok)
3455 			return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
3457 		return ErrorCode.OK;
3458 	}
3460 	/*
3461 	 * Called when DATA is received, assuming |frame| is properly
3462 	 * initialized.
3463 	 *
3464 	 * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
3465 	 * negative error codes:
3466 	 * ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE
3467 	 *   The callback function failed.
3468 	 */
3469 	ErrorCode onData(Frame frame) 
3470 	{
3471 		ErrorCode rv;
3472 		bool call_cb = true;
3473 		Stream stream = getStream(frame.hd.stream_id);
3475 		/* We don't call on_frame_recv_callback if stream has been closed already or being closed. */
3476 		if (!stream || stream.state == StreamState.CLOSING) {
3477 			/* This should be treated as stream error, but it results in lots
3478 		       of RST_STREAM. So just ignore frame against nonexistent stream
3479 		       for now. */
3480 			return ErrorCode.OK;
3481 		}
3483 		if (isHTTPMessagingEnabled() && (frame.hd.flags & FrameFlags.END_STREAM)) 
3484 		{
3485 			if (!stream.validateRemoteEndStream()) {
3486 				call_cb = false;
3487 				handleInvalidStream2(stream.id, frame, FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR);
3488 			}
3489 		}
3491 		if (call_cb) {
3492 			bool ok = callOnFrame(frame);
3493 			if (!ok) {
3494 				return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
3495 			}
3496 		}
3498 		if (frame.hd.flags & FrameFlags.END_STREAM)
3499 		{
3500 			stream.shutdown(ShutdownFlag.RD);
3501 			rv = closeStreamIfShutRdWr(stream);
3502 			if (isFatal(rv)) {
3503 				return rv;
3504 			}
3505 		}
3506 		return ErrorCode.OK;
3507 	}
3509 	/*
3510 	 * Packs DATA frame |frame| in wire frame format and stores it in
3511 	 * |bufs|.  Payload will be read using |aux_data.data_prd|.  The
3512 	 * length of payload is at most |datamax| bytes.
3513 	 *
3514 	 * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
3515 	 * negative error codes:
3516 	 *
3517 	 * ErrorCode.DEFERRED
3518 	 *     The DATA frame is postponed.
3520 	 *     The DataProvider failed (stream error).
3521 	 * ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE
3522 	 *     The DataProvider failed (session error).
3523 	 */
3524 	ErrorCode packData(Buffers bufs, int datamax, ref Frame frame, ref DataAuxData aux_data) {
3525 		ErrorCode rv;
3526 		DataFlags data_flags;
3527 		int payloadlen;
3528 		int padded_payloadlen;
3529 		Buffer* buf;
3530 		size_t max_payloadlen;
3532 		assert(bufs.head == bufs.cur);
3534 		buf = &bufs.cur.buf;
3536 		Stream stream = getStream(frame.hd.stream_id);
3538 		if (!stream)
3539 			return ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
3541 		try payloadlen = connector.maxFrameSize(frame.hd.type, stream.id, remote_window_size, stream.remoteWindowSize, remote_settings.max_frame_size);
3542 		catch(Exception e) payloadlen = min(remote_window_size, stream.remoteWindowSize, remote_settings.max_frame_size);
3543 		LOGF("send: read_length_callback=%d", payloadlen);
3545 		payloadlen = enforceFlowControlLimits(stream, payloadlen);
3547 		LOGF("send: read_length_callback after flow control=%d", payloadlen);
3549 		if (payloadlen <= 0)
3550 			return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
3552 		if (payloadlen > buf.available) {
3553 			import core.exception : OutOfMemoryError;
3554 			/* Resize the current buffer(s).  The reason why we do +1 for buffer size is for possible padding field. */
3555 			try {
3556 				aob.framebufs.realloc(FRAME_HDLEN + 1 + payloadlen);
3557 				assert(aob.framebufs == bufs);
3558 				buf = &bufs.cur.buf;
3559 			} catch (OutOfMemoryError oom) {
3560 				/* If reallocation failed, old buffers are still in tact.  So use safe limit. */
3561 				payloadlen = datamax;
3562 				rv = ErrorCode.NOMEM;
3563 			}
3564 		}
3566 		datamax = payloadlen;
3568 		/* Current max DATA length is less then buffer chunk size */
3569 		assert(buf.available >= datamax);
3571 		data_flags = DataFlags.NONE;
3573 		payloadlen = aux_data.data_prd(buf.pos[0 .. datamax], data_flags);
3575 		if (payloadlen == ErrorCode.DEFERRED ||
3576 			payloadlen == ErrorCode.TEMPORAL_CALLBACK_FAILURE)
3577 		{
3578 			import libhttp2.helpers : toString;
3579 			LOGF("send: DATA postponed due to %s", toString(cast(ErrorCode)payloadlen));
3581 			return cast(ErrorCode)payloadlen;
3582 		}
3584 		if (payloadlen < 0 || datamax < cast(size_t)payloadlen) 
3585 		{
3586 			/* This is the error code when callback is failed. */
3587 			return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
3588 		}
3590 		buf.last = buf.pos + payloadlen;
3591 		buf.pos -= FRAME_HDLEN;
3593 		/* Clear flags, because this may contain previous flags of previous DATA */
3594 		frame.hd.flags = FrameFlags.NONE;
3596 		if (data_flags & DataFlags.EOF) {
3597 			aux_data.eof = true;
3598 			if (aux_data.flags & DataFlags.EOF)
3599 				frame.hd.flags |= FrameFlags.END_STREAM;
3600 		}
3602 		if (data_flags & DataFlags.NO_COPY)
3603 			aux_data.no_copy = true;
3605 		frame.hd.length = payloadlen;
3606 		frame.data.padlen = 0;
3608 		max_payloadlen = min(datamax, frame.hd.length + MAX_PADLEN);
3610 		padded_payloadlen = callSelectPadding(frame, max_payloadlen);
3612 		if (isFatal(cast(int)padded_payloadlen)) {
3613 			return cast(ErrorCode)padded_payloadlen;
3614 		}
3616 		frame.data.padlen = padded_payloadlen - payloadlen;
3618 		frame.hd.pack((*buf)[]);
3620 		frame.hd.addPad(bufs, frame.data.padlen, aux_data.no_copy);
3622 		return ErrorCode.OK;
3623 	}
3624 	/*
3625 	 * This function is called when HTTP header field |hf| in |frame| is
3626 	 * received for |stream|.  This function will validate |hf| against
3627 	 * the current state of stream.  
3628 	 * 
3629 	 * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
3630 	 * negative error codes:
3631 	 *
3632 	 * ErrorCode.HTTP_HEADER
3633 	 *     Invalid HTTP header field was received.
3634 	 * ErrorCode.IGN_HTTP_HEADER
3635 	 *     Invalid HTTP header field was received but it can be treated as
3636 	 *     if it was not received because of compatibility reasons.
3637 	 */
3638 	ErrorCode validateHeaderField(Stream stream, in Frame frame, HeaderField hf, bool trailer)
3639 	{
3640 		/* We are strict for pseudo header field.  One bad character
3641 			   should lead to fail.  OTOH, we should be a bit forgiving for
3642 			   regular headers, since existing public internet has so much
3643 			   illegal headers floating around and if we kill the stream
3644 			   because of this, we may disrupt many web sites and/or
3645 			   libraries.  So we become conservative here, and just ignore
3646 			   those illegal regular headers. */
3647 		if (!hf.validateName())
3648 		{
3649 			size_t i;
3650 			if (hf.name.length > 0 && hf.name[0] == ':') {
3651 				return ErrorCode.HTTP_HEADER;
3652 			}
3653 			/* header field name must be lower-cased without exception */
3654 			for (i = 0; i < hf.name.length; ++i) {
3655 				char c = hf.name[i];
3656 				if ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') {
3657 					return ErrorCode.HTTP_HEADER;
3658 				}
3659 			}
3661 			/* When ignoring regular headers, we set this flag so that we
3662 			   still enforce header field ordering rule for pseudo header
3663 			   fields. */
3664 			stream.httpFlags = cast(HTTPFlags)(stream.httpFlags | HTTPFlags.PSEUDO_HEADER_DISALLOWED);
3665 			return ErrorCode.IGN_HTTP_HEADER;
3666 		}
3668 		if (!hf.validateValue()) 
3669 		{
3670 			assert(hf.name.length > 0);
3671 			if (hf.name[0] == ':') {
3672 				return ErrorCode.HTTP_HEADER;
3673 			}
3675 			/* When ignoring regular headers, we set this flag so that we
3676 			   still enforce header field ordering rule for pseudo header
3677 			   fields. */
3678 			stream.httpFlags = cast(HTTPFlags)(stream.httpFlags | HTTPFlags.PSEUDO_HEADER_DISALLOWED);
3679 			return ErrorCode.IGN_HTTP_HEADER;
3680 		}
3682 		if (is_server || frame.hd.type == FrameType.PUSH_PROMISE)
3683 			return hf.validateRequestHeader(stream, trailer) ? ErrorCode.OK : ErrorCode.HTTP_HEADER;
3685 		return hf.validateResponseHeader(stream, trailer) ? ErrorCode.OK : ErrorCode.HTTP_HEADER;
3686 	}
3688 	/*
3689 	 * Pops and returns next item to send. If there is no such item,
3690 	 * returns null.  This function takes into account max concurrent
3691 	 * streams. That means if session.ob_pq is empty but
3692 	 * session.ob_ss_pq has item and max concurrent streams is reached,
3693 	 * then this function returns null.
3694 	 */
3695 	OutboundItem popNextOutboundItem() {
3696 		OutboundItem item;
3697 		OutboundItem headers_item;
3699 		if (ob_pq.empty) {
3700 			if (ob_ss_pq.empty) {
3701 				if (remote_window_size == 0 || ob_da_pq.empty)
3702 					return null;
3703 				item = ob_da_pq.top;
3704 				ob_da_pq.pop(); 
3705 				item.queued = 0;
3706 				return item;
3707 			}
3709 			/* Pop item only when concurrent connection limit is not reached */
3710 			if (isOutgoingConcurrentStreamsMax()) {
3711 				if (remote_window_size == 0 || ob_da_pq.empty)
3712 					return null;
3714 				item = ob_da_pq.top;
3715 				ob_da_pq.pop();
3716 				item.queued = 0;
3717 				return item;
3718 			}
3720 			item = ob_ss_pq.top;
3721 			ob_ss_pq.pop();			
3722 			item.queued = 0;			
3723 			return item;
3724 		}
3726 		if (ob_ss_pq.empty) {
3727 			item = ob_pq.top;
3728 			ob_pq.pop();			
3729 			item.queued = 0;			
3730 			return item;
3731 		}
3733 		item = ob_pq.top;
3734 		headers_item = ob_ss_pq.top;
3736 		if (isOutgoingConcurrentStreamsMax() ||
3737 			item.weight > headers_item.weight ||
3738 			(item.weight == headers_item.weight && item.seq < headers_item.seq)) 
3739 		{
3740 			ob_pq.pop();			
3741 			item.queued = 0;
3742 			return item;
3743 		}
3745 		ob_ss_pq.pop();		
3746 		headers_item.queued = 0;		
3747 		return headers_item;
3748 	}
3750 	/*
3751 	 * Returns next item to send. If there is no such item, this function
3752 	 * returns null.  This function takes into account max concurrent
3753 	 * streams. That means if session.ob_pq is empty but
3754 	 * session.ob_ss_pq has item and max concurrent streams is reached,
3755 	 * then this function returns null.
3756 	 */
3757 	OutboundItem getNextOutboundItem() {
3758 		OutboundItem item;
3759 		OutboundItem headers_item;
3761 		if (ob_pq.empty) {
3762 			if (ob_ss_pq.empty) {
3763 				if (remote_window_size == 0 || ob_da_pq.empty)
3764 					return null;				
3766 				return ob_da_pq.top;
3767 			}
3769 			/* Return item only when concurrent connection limit is not reached */
3770 			if (isOutgoingConcurrentStreamsMax()) {
3771 				if (remote_window_size == 0 || ob_da_pq.empty)
3772 					return null;				
3774 				return ob_da_pq.top;
3775 			}
3777 			return ob_ss_pq.top;
3778 		}
3780 		if (ob_ss_pq.empty) {
3781 			return ob_pq.top;
3782 		}
3784 		item = ob_pq.top;
3785 		headers_item = ob_ss_pq.top;
3787 		if (isOutgoingConcurrentStreamsMax() || item.weight > headers_item.weight ||
3788 		   (item.weight == headers_item.weight && item.seq < headers_item.seq))
3789 		{
3790 			return item;
3791 		}
3793 		return headers_item;
3794 	}
3796 	/*
3797 	 * Updates local settings with the |iva|. The number of elements in the
3798 	 * array pointed by the |iva| is given by the |iva.length|.  This function
3799 	 * assumes that the all settings_id member in |iva| are in range 1 to
3800 	 * Setting.MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE, inclusive.
3801 	 *
3802 	 * While updating individual stream's local window size, if the window
3803 	 * size becomes strictly larger than MAX_WINDOW_SIZE,
3804 	 * RST_STREAM is issued against such a stream.
3805 	 *
3806 	 * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
3807 	 * negative error codes:
3808 	 *
3809 	 * ErrorCode.HEADER_COMP
3810 	 *     The header table size is out of range
3811 	 */
3812 	ErrorCode updateLocalSettings(in Setting[] iva) 
3813 	{
3814 		ErrorCode rv;
3815 		size_t i;
3816 		int new_initial_window_size = -1;
3817 		int header_table_size = -1;
3818 		bool header_table_size_seen;
3819 		/* Use the value last seen. */
3820 		foreach(iv; iva) {
3821 			switch (iv.id) {
3822 				case Setting.HEADER_TABLE_SIZE:
3823 					header_table_size_seen = true;
3824 					header_table_size = iv.value;
3825 					break;
3826 				case Setting.INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE:
3827 					new_initial_window_size = iv.value;
3828 					break;
3829 				default: break;
3830 			}
3831 		}
3832 		if (header_table_size_seen)
3833 			hd_inflater.changeTableSize(header_table_size);
3835 		if (new_initial_window_size != -1) {
3836 			rv = updateLocalInitialWindowSize(new_initial_window_size, local_settings.initial_window_size);
3837 			if (rv != ErrorCode.OK) {
3838 				return rv;
3839 			}
3840 		}
3842 		foreach(iv; iva) {
3843 			with(Setting) switch (iv.id) {
3844 				case HEADER_TABLE_SIZE:
3845 					local_settings.header_table_size = iv.value;
3846 					break;
3847 				case ENABLE_PUSH:
3848 					local_settings.enable_push = iv.value;
3849 					break;
3851 					local_settings.max_concurrent_streams = iv.value;
3852 					break;
3853 				case INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE:
3854 					local_settings.initial_window_size = iv.value;
3855 					break;
3856 				case MAX_FRAME_SIZE:
3857 					local_settings.max_frame_size = iv.value;
3858 					break;
3859 				case MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE:
3860 					local_settings.max_header_list_size = iv.value;
3861 					break;
3862 				default: break;
3863 			}
3864 		}
3866 		pending_local_max_concurrent_stream = INITIAL_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS;
3867 		pending_enable_push = true;
3869 		return ErrorCode.OK;
3870 	}
3872 	/*
3873 	 * Re-prioritize |stream|. The new priority specification is |pri_spec|.
3874 	 */
3875 	void reprioritizeStream(Stream stream, ref PrioritySpec pri_spec) 
3876 	{
3877 		Stream dep_stream;
3878 		Stream root_stream;
3879 		PrioritySpec pri_spec_default;
3881 		if (!stream.inDepTree())
3882 			return;
3884 		if (pri_spec.stream_id == stream.id) {
3885 			terminateSessionWithReason(FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "depend on itself");
3886 			return;
3887 		}
3889 		if (pri_spec.stream_id != 0) {
3890 			dep_stream = getStreamRaw(pri_spec.stream_id);
3892 			if  (is_server && !dep_stream && idleStreamDetect(pri_spec.stream_id))
3893 			{ 				
3894 				dep_stream = openStream(pri_spec.stream_id, StreamFlags.NONE, pri_spec_default, StreamState.IDLE, null);
3896 			} else if (!dep_stream || !dep_stream.inDepTree()) {
3897 				pri_spec = pri_spec_default;
3898 			}
3899 		}
3901 		if (pri_spec.stream_id == 0) {
3902 			stream.removeSubtree();
3904 			/* We have to update weight after removing stream from tree */
3905 			stream.weight = pri_spec.weight;
3907 			if (pri_spec.exclusive &&
3908 				roots.num_streams <= MAX_DEP_TREE_LENGTH) {
3910 				stream.makeTopmostRoot(this);
3911 			} else {
3912 				stream.makeRoot(this);
3913 			}
3915 			return;
3916 		}
3918 		assert(dep_stream);
3920 		if (stream.subtreeContains(dep_stream)) {
3921 			LOGF("stream: cycle detected, dep_stream(%s=%d stream(%s)=%d", dep_stream, dep_stream.id, stream, stream.id);
3923 			dep_stream.removeSubtree();
3924 			dep_stream.makeRoot(this);
3925 		}
3927 		stream.removeSubtree();
3929 		/* We have to update weight after removing stream from tree */
3930 		stream.weight = pri_spec.weight;
3932 		root_stream = dep_stream.getRoot();
3934 		if (root_stream.subStreams + stream.subStreams > MAX_DEP_TREE_LENGTH) 
3935 		{
3936 			stream.weight = DEFAULT_WEIGHT;
3938 			stream.makeRoot(this);
3939 			} else {
3940 				if (pri_spec.exclusive)
3941 				dep_stream.insertSubtree(stream, this);
3942 			else
3943 				dep_stream.addSubtree(stream, this);
3944 		}
3945 	}
3947 	/*
3948 	 * Terminates current $(D Session) with the |error_code|.  The |reason|
3949 	 * is null-terminated debug string.
3950 	 *
3951 	 * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
3952 	 * negative error codes:
3953 	 *
3954 	 * ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT
3955 	 *     The |reason| is too long.
3956 	 */	
3957 	ErrorCode terminateSessionWithReason(FrameError error_code, string reason)
3958 	{
3959 		return terminateSession(last_proc_stream_id, error_code, reason);
3960 	}
3962 	/*
3963 	 * Returns true if the number of outgoing opened streams is larger than or equal to
3964 	 * remote_settings.max_concurrent_streams.
3965 	 */
3966 	bool isOutgoingConcurrentStreamsMax() 
3967 	{
3968 		return remote_settings.max_concurrent_streams <= num_outgoing_streams;
3969 	}
3971 	/*
3972 	 * Returns true if the number of incoming opened streams is larger
3973 	 * than or equal to local_settings.max_concurrent_streams.
3974 	 */
3975 	bool isIncomingConcurrentStreamsMax() 
3976 	{
3977 		return local_settings.max_concurrent_streams <= num_incoming_streams;
3978 	}
3980 	/*
3981 	 * Returns true if the number of incoming opened streams is larger
3982 	 * than or equal to session.pending_local_max_concurrent_stream.
3983 	 */
3984 	bool isIncomingConcurrentStreamsPendingMax()
3985 	{
3986 		return pending_local_max_concurrent_stream <= num_incoming_streams;
3987 	}
3989 	bool isHTTPMessagingEnabled() 
3990 	{
3991 		return (opt_flags & OptionsMask.NO_HTTP_MESSAGING) == 0;
3992 	}
3994 	/*
3995 	 * Returns true if |frame| is trailer headers.
3996 	 */
3997 	bool isTrailerHeaders(Stream stream, in Frame frame) 
3998 	{
3999 		if (!stream || frame.hd.type != FrameType.HEADERS) {
4000 			return false;
4001 		}
4002 		if (is_server) {
4003 			return frame.headers.cat == HeadersCategory.HEADERS;
4004 		}
4006 		return frame.headers.cat == HeadersCategory.HEADERS && (stream.httpFlags & HTTPFlags.EXPECT_FINAL_RESPONSE) == 0;
4007 	}
4009 	/* Returns true if the |stream| is in reserved(remote) state */
4010 	bool isReservedRemote(Stream stream)
4011 	{
4012 		return stream.state == StreamState.RESERVED && !isMyStreamId(stream.id);
4013 	}
4015 	/* Returns true if the |stream| is in reserved(local) state */
4016 	bool isReservedLocal(Stream stream) {
4017 		return stream.state == StreamState.RESERVED && isMyStreamId(stream.id);
4018 	}
4020 	/*
4021 	 * Checks whether received stream_id is valid. 
4022 	 */
4023 	bool isNewPeerStreamId(int stream_id)
4024 	{
4025 		return stream_id != 0 && !isMyStreamId(stream_id) && last_recv_stream_id < stream_id;
4026 	}
4029 	/**
4030 	 * @function
4031 	 *
4032 	 * Returns the last stream ID of a stream for which
4033 	 * $(D Connector.onFrame) was invoked most recently.
4034 	 * The returned value can be used as last_stream_id parameter for
4035 	 * `submitGoAway()` and `terminateSession()`.
4036 	 *
4037 	 * This function always succeeds.
4038 	 */
4039 	int getLastProcStreamID() 
4040 	{
4041 		return last_proc_stream_id;
4042 	}
4044 	bool idleStreamDetect(int stream_id) 
4045 	{
4046 		/* Assume that stream object with stream_id does not exist */
4047 		if (isMyStreamId(stream_id)) {
4048 			if (next_stream_id <= cast(uint)stream_id) 
4049 				return true;
4050 			return false;
4051 		}
4052 		if (isNewPeerStreamId(stream_id))
4053 			return true;
4055 		return false;
4056 	}
4058 	void freeAllStreams() {
4059 		foreach(stream; streams) 
4060 		{
4061 			OutboundItem item = stream.item;
4063 			if (item && !item.queued && item != aob.item) 
4064 			{
4065 				item.free();
4066 				Mem.free(item);
4067 			}
4069 			stream.free();
4070 			Mem.free(stream);
4071 		}
4072 	}
4074 	/*
4075 	 * Returns Stream object whose stream ID is |stream_id|.  It
4076 	 * could be null if such stream does not exist.  This function returns
4077 	 * null if stream is marked as closed.
4078 	 */
4079 	Stream getStream(int stream_id) 
4080 	{
4081 		Stream stream;
4083 		stream = streams.get(stream_id);
4085 		if (!stream || (stream.flags & StreamFlags.CLOSED) || stream.state == StreamState.IDLE)
4086 		{
4087 			return null;
4088 		}
4090 		return stream;
4091 	}
4092 	/*
4093 	 * This function behaves like getStream(), but it
4094 	 * returns stream object even if it is marked as closed or in
4095 	 * StreamState.IDLE state.
4096 	 */
4097 	Stream getStreamRaw(int stream_id) 
4098 	{
4099 		return streams.get(stream_id);
4100 	}
4102 	// terminates the session
4103 	ErrorCode terminateSession(int last_stream_id, FrameError error_code, string reason) 
4104 	{
4105 		ErrorCode rv;
4106 		string debug_data;
4108 		if (goaway_flags & GoAwayFlags.TERM_ON_SEND) {
4109 			return ErrorCode.OK;
4110 		}
4112 		if (!reason) {
4113 			debug_data = null;
4114 		} else {
4115 			debug_data = reason;
4116 		}
4118 		rv = addGoAway(last_stream_id, error_code, debug_data, GoAwayAuxFlags.TERM_ON_SEND);
4120 		if (rv != ErrorCode.OK) {
4121 			return rv;
4122 		}
4124 		goaway_flags |= GoAwayFlags.TERM_ON_SEND;
4126 		return ErrorCode.OK;
4127 	}
4129 	/*
4130 	 * This function returns nonzero if session is closing.
4131 	 */
4132 	bool isClosing()
4133 	{
4134 		return (goaway_flags & GoAwayFlags.TERM_ON_SEND) != 0;
4135 	}
4137 	/*
4138 	 * Check that we can send a frame to the |stream|. This function
4139 	 * returns 0 if we can send a frame to the |frame|, or one of the
4140 	 * following negative error codes:
4141 	 *
4142 	 * ErrorCode.STREAM_CLOSED
4143 	 *   The stream is already closed.
4144 	 * ErrorCode.STREAM_SHUT_WR
4145 	 *   The stream is half-closed for transmission.
4146 	 * ErrorCode.SESSION_CLOSING
4147 	 *   This session is closing.
4148 	 */
4149 	ErrorCode predicateForStreamSend(Stream stream) 
4150 	{
4151 		if (!stream) {
4152 			return ErrorCode.STREAM_CLOSED;
4153 		}
4154 		if (isClosing()) {
4155 			return ErrorCode.SESSION_CLOSING;
4156 		}
4157 		if (stream.shutFlags & ShutdownFlag.WR) {
4158 			return ErrorCode.STREAM_SHUT_WR;
4159 		}
4160 		return ErrorCode.OK;
4161 	}
4163 	/*
4164 	 * This function checks request HEADERS frame, which opens stream, can
4165 	 * be sent at this time.
4166 	 *
4167 	 * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
4168 	 * negative error codes:
4169 	 *
4171 	 *     New stream cannot be created because of GOAWAY: session is
4172 	 *     going down or received last_stream_id is strictly less than
4173 	 *     frame.hd.stream_id.
4174 	 * ErrorCode.STREAM_CLOSING
4175 	 *     request HEADERS was canceled by RST_STREAM while it is in queue.
4176 	 */
4177 	ErrorCode predicateRequestHeadersSend(OutboundItem item) 
4178 	{
4179 		if (item.aux_data.headers.canceled) {
4180 			return ErrorCode.STREAM_CLOSING;
4181 		}
4182 		/* If we are terminating session (GoAwayFlags.TERM_ON_SEND) or
4183 		 * GOAWAY was received from peer, new request is not allowed. */
4185 		if (goaway_flags & (GoAwayFlags.TERM_ON_SEND | GoAwayFlags.RECV)) 
4186 		{
4187 			return ErrorCode.START_STREAM_NOT_ALLOWED;
4188 		}
4189 		return ErrorCode.OK;
4190 	}
4192 	/*
4193 	 * This function checks HEADERS, which is the first frame from the
4194 	 * server, with the |stream| can be sent at this time.  The |stream|
4195 	 * can be null.
4196 	 *
4197 	 * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
4198 	 * negative error codes:
4199 	 *
4200 	 * ErrorCode.STREAM_CLOSED
4201 	 *     The stream is already closed or does not exist.
4202 	 * ErrorCode.STREAM_SHUT_WR
4203 	 *     The transmission is not allowed for this stream (e.g., a frame
4204 	 *     with END_STREAM flag set has already sent)
4205 	 * ErrorCode.INVALID_STREAM_ID
4206 	 *     The stream ID is invalid.
4207 	 * ErrorCode.STREAM_CLOSING
4208 	 *     RST_STREAM was queued for this stream.
4210 	 *     The state of the stream is not valid.
4211 	 * ErrorCode.SESSION_CLOSING
4212 	 *   This session is closing.
4213 	 */
4214 	ErrorCode predicateResponseHeadersSend(Stream stream)
4215 	{
4216 		ErrorCode rv;
4217 		rv = predicateForStreamSend(stream);
4218 		if (rv != ErrorCode.OK) {
4219 			return rv;
4220 		}
4221 		assert(stream);
4222 		if (isMyStreamId(stream.id)) {
4223 			return ErrorCode.INVALID_STREAM_ID;
4224 		}
4225 		if (stream.state == StreamState.OPENING) {
4226 			return ErrorCode.OK;
4227 		}
4228 		if (stream.state == StreamState.CLOSING) {
4229 			return ErrorCode.STREAM_CLOSING;
4230 		}
4231 		return ErrorCode.INVALID_STREAM_STATE;
4232 	}
4234 	/*
4235 	 * This function checks HEADERS for reserved stream can be sent. The
4236 	 * |stream| must be reserved state and the |session| is server side.
4237 	 * The |stream| can be null.
4238 	 *
4239 	 * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
4240 	 * error codes:
4241 	 *
4242 	 * ErrorCode.STREAM_CLOSED
4243 	 *   The stream is already closed.
4244 	 * ErrorCode.STREAM_SHUT_WR
4245 	 *   The stream is half-closed for transmission.
4246 	 * ErrorCode.PROTO
4247 	 *   The stream is not reserved state
4248 	 * ErrorCode.STREAM_CLOSED
4249 	 *   RST_STREAM was queued for this stream.
4250 	 * ErrorCode.SESSION_CLOSING
4251 	 *   This session is closing.
4252 	 */
4253 	ErrorCode predicatePushResponseHeadersSend(Stream stream)
4254 	{
4255 		ErrorCode rv;
4256 		/* TODO Should disallow HEADERS if GOAWAY has already been issued? */
4257 		rv = predicateForStreamSend(stream);
4258 		if (rv != ErrorCode.OK) {
4259 			return rv;
4260 		}
4261 		assert(stream);
4262 		if (stream.state != StreamState.RESERVED) {
4263 			return ErrorCode.PROTO;
4264 		}
4265 		if (stream.state == StreamState.CLOSING) {
4266 			return ErrorCode.STREAM_CLOSING;
4267 		}
4268 		return ErrorCode.OK;
4269 	}
4271 	/*
4272 	 * This function checks HEADERS, which is neither stream-opening nor
4273 	 * first response header, with the |stream| can be sent at this time.
4274 	 * The |stream| can be null.
4275 	 *
4276 	 * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
4277 	 * negative error codes:
4278 	 *
4279 	 * ErrorCode.STREAM_CLOSED
4280 	 *     The stream is already closed or does not exist.
4281 	 * ErrorCode.STREAM_SHUT_WR
4282 	 *     The transmission is not allowed for this stream (e.g., a frame
4283 	 *     with END_STREAM flag set has already sent)
4284 	 * ErrorCode.STREAM_CLOSING
4285 	 *     RST_STREAM was queued for this stream.
4287 	 *     The state of the stream is not valid.
4288 	 * ErrorCode.SESSION_CLOSING
4289 	 *   This session is closing.
4290 	 */
4291 	ErrorCode predicateHeadersSend(Stream stream) 
4292 	{
4293 		ErrorCode rv;
4294 		rv = predicateForStreamSend(stream);
4295 		if (rv != ErrorCode.OK) {
4296 			return rv;
4297 		}
4298 		assert(stream);
4299 		if (isMyStreamId(stream.id)) 
4300 		{
4301 			if (stream.state == StreamState.CLOSING) {
4302 				return ErrorCode.STREAM_CLOSING;
4303 			}
4304 			return ErrorCode.OK;
4305 		}
4306 		if (stream.state == StreamState.OPENED) {
4307 			return ErrorCode.OK;
4308 		}
4309 		if (stream.state == StreamState.CLOSING) {
4310 			return ErrorCode.STREAM_CLOSING;
4311 		}
4312 		return ErrorCode.INVALID_STREAM_STATE;
4313 	}
4315 	/*
4316 	 * This function checks PUSH_PROMISE frame |frame| with the |stream|
4317 	 * can be sent at this time.  The |stream| can be null.
4318 	 *
4319 	 * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
4320 	 * negative error codes:
4321 	 *
4323 	 *     New stream cannot be created because GOAWAY is already sent or
4324 	 *     received.
4325 	 * ErrorCode.PROTO
4326 	 *     The client side attempts to send PUSH_PROMISE, or the server
4327 	 *     sends PUSH_PROMISE for the stream not initiated by the client.
4328 	 * ErrorCode.STREAM_CLOSED
4329 	 *     The stream is already closed or does not exist.
4330 	 * ErrorCode.STREAM_CLOSING
4331 	 *     RST_STREAM was queued for this stream.
4332 	 * ErrorCode.STREAM_SHUT_WR
4333 	 *     The transmission is not allowed for this stream (e.g., a frame
4334 	 *     with END_STREAM flag set has already sent)
4335 	 * ErrorCode.PUSH_DISABLED
4336 	 *     The remote peer disabled reception of PUSH_PROMISE.
4337 	 * ErrorCode.SESSION_CLOSING
4338 	 *   This session is closing.
4339 	 */
4340 	ErrorCode predicatePushPromiseSend(Stream stream) 
4341 	{
4342 		ErrorCode rv;
4344 		if (!is_server) {
4345 			return ErrorCode.PROTO;
4346 		}
4348 		rv = predicateForStreamSend(stream);
4349 		if (rv != ErrorCode.OK) {
4350 			return rv;
4351 		}
4353 		assert(stream);
4355 		if (remote_settings.enable_push == 0) {
4356 			return ErrorCode.PUSH_DISABLED;
4357 		}
4358 		if (stream.state == StreamState.CLOSING) {
4359 			return ErrorCode.STREAM_CLOSING;
4360 		}
4361 		if (goaway_flags & GoAwayFlags.RECV) {
4362 			return ErrorCode.START_STREAM_NOT_ALLOWED;
4363 		}
4364 		return ErrorCode.OK;
4365 	}
4367 	/*
4368 	 * This function checks WINDOW_UPDATE with the stream ID |stream_id|
4369 	 * can be sent at this time. Note that END_STREAM flag of the previous
4370 	 * frame does not affect the transmission of the WINDOW_UPDATE frame.
4371 	 *
4372 	 * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
4373 	 * negative error codes:
4374 	 *
4375 	 * ErrorCode.STREAM_CLOSED
4376 	 *     The stream is already closed or does not exist.
4377 	 * ErrorCode.STREAM_CLOSING
4378 	 *     RST_STREAM was queued for this stream.
4380 	 *     The state of the stream is not valid.
4381 	 * ErrorCode.SESSION_CLOSING
4382 	 *   This session is closing.
4383 	 */
4384 	ErrorCode predicateWindowUpdateSend(int stream_id)
4385 	{
4386 		Stream stream;
4387 		if (stream_id == 0) {
4388 			/* Connection-level window update */
4389 			return ErrorCode.OK;
4390 		}
4391 		stream = getStream(stream_id);
4392 		if (!stream) {
4393 			return ErrorCode.STREAM_CLOSED;
4394 		}
4395 		if (isClosing()) {
4396 			return ErrorCode.SESSION_CLOSING;
4397 		}
4398 		if (stream.state == StreamState.CLOSING) {
4399 			return ErrorCode.STREAM_CLOSING;
4400 		}
4401 		if (isReservedLocal(stream)) {
4402 			return ErrorCode.INVALID_STREAM_STATE;
4403 		}
4404 		return ErrorCode.OK;
4405 	}
4407 	/*
4408 	 * This function checks DATA with the |stream| can be sent at this
4409 	 * time.  The |stream| can be null.
4410 	 *
4411 	 * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
4412 	 * negative error codes:
4413 	 *
4414 	 * ErrorCode.STREAM_CLOSED
4415 	 *     The stream is already closed or does not exist.
4416 	 * ErrorCode.STREAM_SHUT_WR
4417 	 *     The transmission is not allowed for this stream (e.g., a frame
4418 	 *     with END_STREAM flag set has already sent)
4419 	 * ErrorCode.STREAM_CLOSING
4420 	 *     RST_STREAM was queued for this stream.
4422 	 *     The state of the stream is not valid.
4423 	 * ErrorCode.SESSION_CLOSING
4424 	 *   This session is closing.
4425 	 */
4426 	ErrorCode predicateDataSend(Stream stream) 
4427 	{
4428 		ErrorCode rv;
4429 		rv = predicateForStreamSend(stream);
4430 		if (rv != ErrorCode.OK) {
4431 			return rv;
4432 		}
4433 		assert(stream);
4434 		if (isMyStreamId(stream.id)) {
4435 			/* Request body data */
4436 			/* If stream.state is StreamState.CLOSING, RST_STREAM was queued but not yet sent. In this case, we won't send DATA frames. */
4437 			if (stream.state == StreamState.CLOSING) {
4438 				return ErrorCode.STREAM_CLOSING;
4439 			}
4440 			if (stream.state == StreamState.RESERVED) {
4441 				return ErrorCode.INVALID_STREAM_STATE;
4442 			}
4443 			return ErrorCode.OK;
4444 		}
4445 		/* Response body data */
4446 		if (stream.state == StreamState.OPENED) {
4447 			return ErrorCode.OK;
4448 		}
4449 		if (stream.state == StreamState.CLOSING) {
4450 			return ErrorCode.STREAM_CLOSING;
4451 		}
4452 		return ErrorCode.INVALID_STREAM_STATE;
4453 	}
4456 	/* Take into account settings max frame size and both connection-level flow control here */
4457 	int enforceFlowControlLimits(Stream stream, int requested_window_size)
4458 	{
4459 		LOGF("send: remote windowsize connection=%d, remote maxframsize=%u, stream(id %d=%d",
4460 				remote_window_size,
4461 				remote_settings.max_frame_size, stream.id,
4462 				stream.remoteWindowSize);
4464 		return min(min(min(requested_window_size, stream.remoteWindowSize), remote_window_size), cast(int)remote_settings.max_frame_size);
4465 	}
4467 	/*
4468 	 * Now we have SETTINGS synchronization, flow control error can be
4469 	 * detected strictly. If DATA frame is received with length > 0 and
4470 	 * current received window size + delta length is strictly larger than
4471 	 * local window size, it is subject to FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR, so return
4472 	 * false. Note that local_window_size is calculated after SETTINGS ACK is
4473 	 * received from peer, so peer must honor this limit. If the resulting
4474 	 * recv_window_size is strictly larger than MAX_WINDOW_SIZE,
4475 	 * return false too.
4476 	 */
4477 	bool adjustRecvWindowSize(ref int _recv_window_size, size_t delta, int local_window_size) 
4478 	{
4479 		if (_recv_window_size > local_window_size - cast(int)delta ||
4480 			_recv_window_size > MAX_WINDOW_SIZE - cast(int)delta) 
4481 		{
4482 			return false;
4483 		}
4484 		_recv_window_size += delta;
4485 		return true;
4486 	}
4487 	/*
4488 	 * Accumulates received bytes |delta_size| for stream-level flow
4489 	 * control and decides whether to send WINDOW_UPDATE to that stream.
4490 	 * If OptionFlags.NO_AUTO_WINDOW_UPDATE is set, WINDOW_UPDATE will not
4491 	 * be sent.
4492 	 */
4493 	void updateRecvStreamWindowSize(Stream stream, size_t delta_size, int send_window_update) 
4494 	{
4495 		bool ok = adjustRecvWindowSize(stream.recvWindowSize, delta_size, stream.localWindowSize);
4496 		if (!ok) {
4497 			addRstStream(stream.id, FrameError.FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR);
4498 			return;
4499 		}
4500 		/* We don't have to send WINDOW_UPDATE if the data received is the last chunk in the incoming stream. */
4501 		if (send_window_update && !(opt_flags & OptionsMask.NO_AUTO_WINDOW_UPDATE)) {
4502 			/* We have to use local_settings here because it is the constraint the remote endpoint should honor. */
4503 			if (shouldSendWindowUpdate(stream.localWindowSize, stream.recvWindowSize)) {
4504 				addWindowUpdate(FrameFlags.NONE, stream.id, stream.recvWindowSize);
4505 				stream.recvWindowSize = 0;
4506 			}
4507 		}
4508 	}
4510 	/*
4511 	 * Accumulates received bytes |delta_size| for connection-level flow
4512 	 * control and decides whether to send WINDOW_UPDATE to the
4513 	 * connection.  If OptionFlags.NO_AUTO_WINDOW_UPDATE is set,
4514 	 * WINDOW_UPDATE will not be sent.
4515 	 */
4516 	ErrorCode updateRecvConnectionWindowSize(size_t delta_size) 
4517 	{
4518 		ErrorCode rv;
4519 		bool ok = adjustRecvWindowSize(recv_window_size, delta_size, local_window_size);
4520 		if (!ok) {
4521 			return terminateSession(FrameError.FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR);
4522 		}
4523 		if (!(opt_flags & OptionsMask.NO_AUTO_WINDOW_UPDATE))
4524 		{
4526 			if (shouldSendWindowUpdate(local_window_size, recv_window_size)) 
4527 			{
4528 				/* Use stream ID 0 to update connection-level flow control window */
4529 				addWindowUpdate(FrameFlags.NONE, 0, recv_window_size);
4530 				recv_window_size = 0;
4531 			}
4532 		}
4533 		return ErrorCode.OK;
4534 	}
4536 	ErrorCode updateConsumedSize(ref int consumed_size, ref int recv_window_size, int stream_id, size_t delta_size, int local_window_size) 
4537 	{
4538 		int recv_size;
4539 		ErrorCode rv;
4541 		if (cast(size_t)consumed_size > MAX_WINDOW_SIZE - delta_size)
4542 		{
4543 			return terminateSession(FrameError.FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR);
4544 		}
4546 		consumed_size += delta_size;
4548 		/* recv_window_size may be smaller than consumed_size, because it may be decreased by negative value with http2_submit_window_update(). */
4549 		recv_size = min(consumed_size, recv_window_size);
4551 		if (shouldSendWindowUpdate(local_window_size, recv_size)) 
4552 		{
4553 			addWindowUpdate(FrameFlags.NONE, stream_id, recv_size);
4554 			recv_window_size -= recv_size;
4555 			consumed_size -= recv_size;
4556 		}
4558 		return ErrorCode.OK;
4559 	}
4561 	ErrorCode updateStreamConsumedSize(Stream stream, size_t delta_size) 
4562 	{
4563 		return updateConsumedSize(stream.consumedSize, stream.recvWindowSize, stream.id, delta_size, stream.localWindowSize);
4564 	}
4566 	ErrorCode updateConnectionConsumedSize(size_t delta_size) 
4567 	{
4568 		return updateConsumedSize(consumed_size, recv_window_size, 0, delta_size, local_window_size);
4569 	}
4572 	/*
4573 	 * Returns the maximum length of next data read. If the
4574 	 * connection-level and/or stream-wise flow control are enabled, the
4575 	 * return value takes into account those current window sizes. The remote
4576 	 * settings for max frame size is also taken into account.
4577 	 */
4578 	int nextDataRead(Stream stream) 
4579 	{
4580 		int window_size;
4581 		window_size = enforceFlowControlLimits(stream, DATA_PAYLOADLEN);
4583 		LOGF("send: available window=%d", window_size);
4585 		return window_size > 0 ? window_size : 0;
4586 	}
4588 	int callSelectPadding(in Frame frame, size_t max_payloadlen) 
4589 	{
4590 		int rv;
4592 		if (frame.hd.length >= max_payloadlen) {
4593 			return frame.hd.length;
4594 		}
4596 		int max_paddedlen = cast(int) min(frame.hd.length + MAX_PADLEN, max_payloadlen);
4598 		try rv = connector.selectPaddingLength(frame, max_paddedlen);
4599 		catch (Exception e) return cast(int) ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
4600 		if (rv < cast(int)frame.hd.length || rv > cast(int)max_paddedlen) {
4601 			return cast(int) ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
4602 		}
4603 		return rv;
4604 	}	
4606 	ErrorCode callWriteData(OutboundItem item, Buffers framebufs)
4607 	{
4608 		Buffer* buf = &framebufs.cur.buf;
4609 		Frame* frame = &item.frame;
4610 		uint length = frame.hd.length - frame.data.padlen;
4611 		FrameHeader hd;
4612 		hd.unpack(buf.pos[0 .. FRAME_HDLEN]);
4613 		ErrorCode rv = connector.writeData(*frame, buf.pos[0 .. FRAME_HDLEN], length);
4615 		if (rv == ErrorCode.OK || rv == ErrorCode.WOULDBLOCK || rv == ErrorCode.TEMPORAL_CALLBACK_FAILURE)
4616 			return rv;
4617 		return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
4619 	}
4621 	bool callOnFrameReady(in Frame frame)
4622 	{
4623 		try return connector.onFrameReady(frame);
4624 		catch(Exception e) return false;
4625 	}
4627 	bool callOnFrameSent(in Frame frame)
4628 	{
4629 		try return connector.onFrameSent(frame);
4630 		catch(Exception e) return false;
4631 	}
4633 	bool callOnFrameHeader(in FrameHeader hd) 
4634 	{
4635 		try return connector.onFrameHeader(hd);
4636 		catch(Exception e) return false;
4637 	}
4639 	bool callOnHeaders(in Frame frame) 
4640 	{
4641 		LOGF("recv: call onHeaders callback stream_id=%d", frame.hd.stream_id);
4642 		try return connector.onHeaders(frame);
4643 		catch(Exception e) return false;
4644 	}
4646 	bool callOnHeaderField(in Frame frame, in HeaderField hf, ref bool pause, ref bool close) 
4647 	{
4648 		try return connector.onHeaderField(frame, hf, pause, close);
4649 		catch(Exception e) return false;
4650 	}
4652 	int callRead(ubyte[] buf)
4653 	{
4654 		int len;
4655 		try len = connector.read(buf);
4656 		catch(Exception e) return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
4658 		if (len > 0) {
4659 			if (cast(size_t) len > buf.length)
4660 				return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
4661 		} else if (len < 0 && len != cast(int) ErrorCode.WOULDBLOCK && len != cast(int)ErrorCode.EOF)
4662 			return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
4664 		return len;
4665 	}
4667 	bool callOnFrame(in Frame frame) 
4668 	{
4669 		try return connector.onFrame(frame);
4670 		catch(Exception e) return false;
4671 	}
4673 	/*
4674 	 * Checks that we can receive the DATA frame for stream, which is
4675 	 * indicated by |session.iframe.frame.hd.stream_id|. If it is a
4676 	 * connection error situation, GOAWAY frame will be issued by this
4677 	 * function.
4678 	 *
4679 	 * If the DATA frame is allowed, returns 0.
4680 	 *
4681 	 * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
4682 	 * negative error codes:
4683 	 *
4684 	 * ErrorCode.IGN_PAYLOAD
4685 	 *   The reception of DATA frame is connection error; or should be
4686 	 *   ignored.
4687 	 */
4688 	ErrorCode onDataFailFast() 
4689 	{
4690 		ErrorCode rv;
4691 		Stream stream;
4692 		int stream_id;
4693 		string failure_reason;
4694 		FrameError error_code = FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR;
4696 		stream_id = iframe.frame.hd.stream_id;
4698 		if (stream_id == 0) {
4699 			/* The spec says that if a DATA frame is received whose stream ID
4700 	       is 0, the recipient MUST respond with a connection error of
4701 	       type PROTOCOL_ERROR. */
4702 			failure_reason = "DATA: stream_id == 0";
4703 			goto fail;
4704 		}
4705 		stream = getStream(stream_id);
4706 		if (!stream) {
4707 			if (idleStreamDetect(stream_id)) 
4708 			{
4709 				failure_reason = "DATA: stream in idle";
4710 				error_code = FrameError.STREAM_CLOSED;
4711 				goto fail;
4712 			}
4713 			return ErrorCode.IGN_PAYLOAD;
4714 		}
4715 		if (stream.shutFlags & ShutdownFlag.RD) {
4716 			failure_reason = "DATA: stream in half-closed(remote)";
4717 			error_code = FrameError.STREAM_CLOSED;
4718 			goto fail;
4719 		}
4721 		if (isMyStreamId(stream_id)) {
4722 			if (stream.state == StreamState.CLOSING) {
4723 				return ErrorCode.IGN_PAYLOAD;
4724 			}
4725 			if (stream.state != StreamState.OPENED) {
4726 				failure_reason = "DATA: stream not opened";
4727 				goto fail;
4728 			}
4729 			return ErrorCode.OK;
4730 		}
4731 		if (stream.state == StreamState.RESERVED) {
4732 			failure_reason = "DATA: stream in reserved";
4733 			goto fail;
4734 		}
4735 		if (stream.state == StreamState.CLOSING) {
4736 			return ErrorCode.IGN_PAYLOAD;
4737 		}
4738 		return ErrorCode.OK;
4739 	fail:
4740 		rv = terminateSessionWithReason(error_code, failure_reason);
4741 		if (isFatal(rv)) {
4742 			return rv;
4743 		}
4744 		return ErrorCode.IGN_PAYLOAD;
4745 	}
4748 	ErrorCode afterHeaderBlockReceived() 
4749 	{
4750 		ErrorCode rv;
4751 		bool call_cb = true;
4752 		Frame* frame = &iframe.frame;
4753 		Stream stream;
4755 		/* We don't call Connector.onFrame if stream has been closed already or being closed. */
4756 		stream = getStream(frame.hd.stream_id);
4757 		if (!stream || stream.state == StreamState.CLOSING)
4758 		{
4759 			return ErrorCode.OK;
4760 		}
4762 		if (isHTTPMessagingEnabled()) {
4763 			if (frame.hd.type == FrameType.PUSH_PROMISE) {
4764 				Stream subject_stream;
4766 				subject_stream = getStream(frame.push_promise.promised_stream_id);
4767 				if (subject_stream) {
4768 					if (!subject_stream.onRequestHeaders(*frame))
4769 						rv = ErrorCode.ERROR;
4770 				}
4771 			} else {
4772 				assert(frame.hd.type == FrameType.HEADERS);
4773 				with(HeadersCategory) switch (frame.headers.cat) {
4774 					case REQUEST:
4775 						if (!stream.onRequestHeaders(*frame))
4776 							rv = ErrorCode.ERROR;
4777 						break;
4778 					case RESPONSE:
4779 					case PUSH_RESPONSE:
4780 						if (!stream.onResponseHeaders())
4781 							rv = ErrorCode.ERROR;
4782 						break;
4783 					case HEADERS:
4784 						if (stream.httpFlags & HTTPFlags.EXPECT_FINAL_RESPONSE) {
4785 							assert(!is_server);
4786 							if (!stream.onResponseHeaders())
4787 								rv = ErrorCode.ERROR;
4788 						} else {						
4789 							if (!stream.validateTrailerHeaders(*frame))
4790 								rv = ErrorCode.ERROR;
4791 						}
4792 						break;
4793 					default:
4794 						assert(0);
4795 				}
4796 				if (rv == 0 && (frame.hd.flags & FrameFlags.END_STREAM)) {
4797 					if (!stream.validateRemoteEndStream())
4798 						rv = ErrorCode.ERROR;
4799 				}
4800 			}
4801 			if (rv != ErrorCode.OK) {
4802 				int stream_id;
4804 				if (frame.hd.type == FrameType.PUSH_PROMISE) {
4805 					stream_id = frame.push_promise.promised_stream_id;
4806 				} else {
4807 					stream_id = frame.hd.stream_id;
4808 				}
4810 				call_cb = false;
4812 				handleInvalidStream2(stream_id, *frame, FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR);
4813 			}
4814 		}
4816 		if (call_cb) {
4817 			bool ok = callOnFrame(*frame);
4818 			if (!ok) 
4819 				return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
4820 		}
4822 		if (frame.hd.type != FrameType.HEADERS) {
4823 			return ErrorCode.OK;
4824 		}
4826 		switch (frame.headers.cat) {
4827 			case HeadersCategory.REQUEST:
4828 				endRequestHeadersReceived(*frame, stream);
4829 				return ErrorCode.OK;
4830 			case HeadersCategory.RESPONSE:
4831 			case HeadersCategory.PUSH_RESPONSE:
4832 				return endResponseHeadersReceived(*frame, stream);
4833 			case HeadersCategory.HEADERS:
4834 				return endHeadersReceived(*frame, stream);
4835 			default:
4836 				assert(0);
4837 		}
4838 	}
4840 	ErrorCode processHeadersFrame() 
4841 	{
4842 		Frame* frame = &iframe.frame;
4843 		Stream stream;
4845 		frame.headers.unpack(iframe.sbuf[]);
4847 		stream = getStream(frame.hd.stream_id);
4848 		if (!stream) {
4849 			frame.headers.cat = HeadersCategory.REQUEST;
4850 			return onRequestHeaders(*frame);
4851 		}
4853 		if (isMyStreamId(frame.hd.stream_id))
4854 		{
4855 			if (stream.state == StreamState.OPENING) {
4856 				frame.headers.cat = HeadersCategory.RESPONSE;
4857 				return onResponseHeaders(*frame, stream);
4858 			}
4859 			frame.headers.cat = HeadersCategory.HEADERS;
4860 			return onHeaders(*frame, stream);
4861 		}
4862 		if (stream.state == StreamState.RESERVED) {
4863 			frame.headers.cat = HeadersCategory.PUSH_RESPONSE;
4864 			return onPushResponseHeaders(*frame, stream);
4865 		}
4866 		frame.headers.cat = HeadersCategory.HEADERS;
4867 		return onHeaders(*frame, stream);
4868 	}
4870 	ErrorCode processPriorityFrame()
4871 	{
4872 		Frame* frame = &iframe.frame;
4874 		frame.priority.unpack(iframe.sbuf[]);
4876 		return onPriority(*frame);
4877 	}
4879 	ErrorCode processRstStreamFrame()
4880 	{
4881 		Frame* frame = &iframe.frame;
4883 		frame.rst_stream.unpack(iframe.sbuf[]);
4885 		return onRstStream(*frame);
4886 	}
4889 	ErrorCode processSettingsFrame() 
4890 	{
4891 		Frame* frame = &iframe.frame;
4892 		size_t i;
4893 		Setting min_header_size_entry;
4894 		min_header_size_entry = iframe.iva[INBOUND_NUM_IV - 1];
4896 		if (min_header_size_entry.value < uint.max) {
4897 			/* If we have less value, then we must have Setting.HEADER_TABLE_SIZE in i < iframe.niv */
4898 			for (i = 0; i < iframe.niv; ++i) {
4899 				if (iframe.iva[i].id == Setting.HEADER_TABLE_SIZE) {
4900 					break;
4901 				}
4902 			}
4904 			assert(i < iframe.niv);
4906 			if (min_header_size_entry.value != iframe.iva[i].value) {
4907 				iframe.iva[iframe.niv++] = iframe.iva[i];
4908 				iframe.iva[i] = min_header_size_entry;
4909 			}
4910 		}
4912 		frame.settings.unpack(iframe.iva[0 .. iframe.niv]);
4914 		return onSettings(*frame, false /* ACK */);
4915 	}
4917 	ErrorCode processPushPromiseFrame()
4918 	{
4919 		Frame* frame = &iframe.frame;
4921 		frame.push_promise.unpack(iframe.sbuf[]);
4923 		return onPushPromise(*frame);
4924 	}
4926 	ErrorCode processPingFrame()
4927 	{
4928 		Frame* frame = &iframe.frame;
4930 		frame.ping.unpack(iframe.sbuf[]);
4932 		return onPing(*frame);
4933 	}
4935 	ErrorCode processGoAwayFrame() 
4936 	{
4937 		Frame* frame = &iframe.frame;
4939 		frame.goaway.unpack(iframe.sbuf[], iframe.lbuf[]);
4941 		iframe.lbuf = Buffer(null);
4943 		return onGoAway(*frame);
4944 	}
4946 	ErrorCode processWindowUpdateFrame() 
4947 	{
4948 		Frame* frame = &iframe.frame;
4950 		frame.window_update.unpack(iframe.sbuf[]);
4952 		return onWindowUpdate(*frame);
4953 	}
4955 	/* For errors, this function only returns FATAL error. */
4956 	ErrorCode processDataFrame() 
4957 	{
4958 		ErrorCode rv;
4959 		rv = onData(iframe.frame);
4960 		if (isFatal(rv)) {
4961 			return rv;
4962 		}
4963 		return ErrorCode.OK;
4964 	}
4966 	ErrorCode handleInvalidStream(Frame frame, FrameError error_code) {
4968 		return handleInvalidStream2(frame.hd.stream_id, frame, error_code);
4969 	}
4971 	ErrorCode handleInvalidStream2(int stream_id, Frame frame, FrameError error_code) {
4973 		addRstStream(stream_id, error_code);
4975 		try 
4976 			if (!connector.onInvalidFrame(frame, error_code))
4977 				return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
4978 		catch (Exception e) return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
4980 		return ErrorCode.OK;
4981 	}
4983 	ErrorCode handleInflateInvalidStream(Frame frame, FrameError error_code) {
4984 		ErrorCode rv;
4985 		rv = handleInvalidStream(frame, error_code);
4986 		if (isFatal(rv)) {
4987 			return rv;
4988 		}
4989 		return ErrorCode.IGN_HEADER_BLOCK;
4990 	}
4992 	/*
4993 	 * Handles invalid frame which causes connection error.
4994 	 */
4995 	ErrorCode handleInvalidConnection(Frame frame, FrameError error_code, string reason)
4996 	{
4997 		try 
4998 			if (!connector.onInvalidFrame(frame, error_code))
4999 				return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
5000 		catch (Exception e) return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
5002 		return terminateSessionWithReason(error_code, reason);
5003 	}
5005 	ErrorCode handleInflateInvalidConnection(Frame frame, FrameError error_code, string reason) {
5006 		ErrorCode rv;
5007 		rv = handleInvalidConnection(frame, error_code, reason);
5008 		if (isFatal(rv)) {
5009 			return rv;
5010 		}
5011 		return ErrorCode.IGN_HEADER_BLOCK;
5012 	}
5015 	/* Add padding to HEADERS or PUSH_PROMISE. We use frame.headers.padlen in this function 
5016 	 * to use the fact that frame.push_promise has also padlen in the same position. */
5017 	ErrorCode headersAddPad(Frame frame)
5018 	{
5019 		ErrorCode rv;
5020 		int padded_payloadlen;
5021 		Buffers framebufs = aob.framebufs;
5022 		int padlen;
5023 		int max_payloadlen;
5025 		max_payloadlen = min(MAX_PAYLOADLEN, frame.hd.length + MAX_PADLEN);
5027 		padded_payloadlen = callSelectPadding(frame, max_payloadlen);
5029 		if (isFatal(padded_payloadlen)) {
5030 			return cast(ErrorCode)padded_payloadlen;
5031 		}
5033 		padlen = padded_payloadlen - frame.hd.length;
5035 		LOGF("send: padding selected: payloadlen=%d, padlen=%d", padded_payloadlen, padlen);
5037 		frame.hd.addPad(framebufs, padlen, false);
5039 		frame.headers.padlen = padlen;
5041 		return ErrorCode.OK;
5042 	}
5044 	size_t estimateHeadersPayload(in HeaderField[] hfa, size_t additional) 
5045 	{
5046 		return hd_deflater.upperBound(hfa) + additional;
5047 	}	
5049 	/*
5050 	 * Updates the remote initial window size of all active streams.  If
5051 	 * error occurs, all streams may not be updated.
5052 	 *
5053 	 */
5054 	ErrorCode updateRemoteInitialWindowSize(int new_initial_window_size) 
5055 	{
5056 		ErrorCode rv;
5057 		auto new_window_size = new_initial_window_size;
5058 		auto old_window_size = remote_settings.initial_window_size;
5060 		foreach (stream; streams) 
5061 		{
5063 			bool ok = stream.updateRemoteInitialWindowSize(new_window_size, old_window_size);
5064 			if (!ok) 
5065 				return terminateSession(FrameError.FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR);
5067 			/* If window size gets positive, push deferred DATA frame to outbound queue. */
5068 			if (stream.remoteWindowSize > 0 && stream.isDeferredByFlowControl())				
5069 				stream.resumeDeferredItem(StreamFlags.DEFERRED_FLOW_CONTROL, this);
5071 		}
5073 		return rv;
5074 	}
5077 	/*
5078 	 * Updates the local initial window size of all active streams.  If
5079 	 * error occurs, all streams may not be updated.
5080 	 */
5081 	ErrorCode updateLocalInitialWindowSize(int new_initial_window_size, int old_initial_window_size)
5082 	{
5083 		ErrorCode rv;
5084 		auto new_window_size = new_initial_window_size;
5085 		auto old_window_size = old_initial_window_size;
5087 		foreach(stream; streams) {
5088 			if (!stream.updateLocalInitialWindowSize(new_window_size, old_window_size))
5089 				return terminateSession(FrameError.FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR);
5091 			if (!(opt_flags & OptionsMask.NO_AUTO_WINDOW_UPDATE)) {
5093 				if (shouldSendWindowUpdate(stream.localWindowSize, stream.recvWindowSize)) {
5095 					addWindowUpdate(FrameFlags.NONE, stream.id, stream.recvWindowSize);
5096 					stream.recvWindowSize = 0;
5097 				}
5098 			}
5099 		}
5100 		return rv;
5101 	}
5103 	/*
5104 	 * Returns the number of active streams, which includes streams in
5105 	 * reserved state.
5106 	 */
5107 	size_t getNumActiveStreams() {
5108 		return streams.length - num_closed_streams - num_idle_streams;
5109 	}
5111 	/* Closes non-idle and non-closed streams whose stream ID > last_stream_id. 
5112 	 * If incoming is nonzero, we are going to close incoming streams.  
5113 	 * Otherwise, close outgoing streams. */
5114 	ErrorCode closeStreamOnGoAway(int last_stream_id, bool incoming)
5115 	{
5116 		ErrorCode rv;
5118 		foreach(stream; streams) {
5120 			if ((!isMyStreamId(stream.id) && !incoming) || (isMyStreamId(stream.id) && incoming))
5121 				continue;
5123 			if (stream.state != StreamState.IDLE && !(stream.flags & StreamFlags.CLOSED) && stream.id > last_stream_id)
5124 			{
5125 				rv = closeStream(stream.id, FrameError.REFUSED_STREAM);
5126 				if (isFatal(rv))
5127 					return rv;
5128 			}
5129 		}
5131 		return rv;
5132 	}
5134 	void cycleWeightOutboundItem(OutboundItem item, int ini_weight) 
5135 	{
5136 		if (item.weight == MIN_WEIGHT || item.weight > ini_weight) {
5138 			item.weight = ini_weight;
5140 			if (item.cycle == last_cycle) {
5141 				item.cycle = ++last_cycle;
5142 			} else {
5143 				item.cycle = last_cycle;
5144 			}
5145 		} else {
5146 			--item.weight;
5147 		}
5148 	}
5150 	/*
5151 	 * This function serializes frame for transmission.
5152 	 *
5153 	 * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of negative error
5154 	 * codes, including both fatal and non-fatal ones.
5155 	 */
5156 	ErrorCode prepareFrame(OutboundItem item)
5157 	{
5158 		ErrorCode rv;
5159 		Frame* frame = &item.frame;
5160 		if (frame.hd.type != FrameType.DATA) {
5161 			with(FrameType) switch (frame.hd.type) {
5162 				case HEADERS: {
5163 					HeadersAuxData *aux_data;
5164 					size_t estimated_payloadlen;
5166 					aux_data = &item.aux_data.headers;
5168 					estimated_payloadlen = estimateHeadersPayload(frame.headers.hfa, PRIORITY_SPECLEN);
5170 					if (estimated_payloadlen > MAX_HEADERSLEN) {
5171 						return ErrorCode.FRAME_SIZE_ERROR;
5172 					}
5174 					if (frame.headers.cat == HeadersCategory.REQUEST) {
5175 						/* initial HEADERS, which opens stream */
5176 						Stream stream = openStream(frame.hd.stream_id, StreamFlags.NONE, frame.headers.pri_spec, StreamState.INITIAL, aux_data.stream_user_data);
5178 						rv = predicateRequestHeadersSend(item);
5179 						if (rv != ErrorCode.OK) {
5180 							return rv;
5181 						}
5183 						if (isHTTPMessagingEnabled()) {
5184 							stream.setRequestMethod(*frame);
5185 						}
5186 					} else {
5187 						Stream stream = getStream(frame.hd.stream_id);
5189 						if (predicatePushResponseHeadersSend(stream) == 0)
5190 						{
5191 							frame.headers.cat = HeadersCategory.PUSH_RESPONSE;                        
5192 							if (aux_data.stream_user_data)
5193 								stream.userData = aux_data.stream_user_data;
5194 						} else if (predicateResponseHeadersSend(stream) == 0) {
5195 							frame.headers.cat = HeadersCategory.RESPONSE;
5196 						} else {
5197 							frame.headers.cat = HeadersCategory.HEADERS;
5199 							rv = predicateHeadersSend(stream);
5201 							if (rv != ErrorCode.OK) {
5202 								if (stream && stream.item == item) 
5203 									stream.detachItem(this);
5204 								return rv;
5205 							}
5206 						}
5207 					}
5209 					rv = frame.headers.pack(aob.framebufs, hd_deflater);
5211 					if (rv != ErrorCode.OK) {
5212 						return rv;
5213 					}
5215 					LOGF("send: before padding, HEADERS serialized in %d bytes", aob.framebufs.length);
5217 					rv = headersAddPad(*frame);
5219 					if (rv != ErrorCode.OK) {
5220 						return rv;
5221 					}
5223 					LOGF("send: HEADERS finally serialized in %d bytes", aob.framebufs.length);
5225 					break;
5226 				}
5227 				case PRIORITY: {
5228 					if (isClosing()) {
5229 						return ErrorCode.SESSION_CLOSING;
5230 					}
5231 					/* PRIORITY frame can be sent at any time and to any stream ID. */
5232 					frame.priority.pack(aob.framebufs);
5234 					/* Peer can send PRIORITY frame against idle stream to create
5235 				       "anchor" in dependency tree.  Only client can do this in
5236 				       libhttp2.  In libhttp2, only server retains non-active (closed
5237 				       or idle) streams in memory, so we don't open stream here. */
5238 					break;
5239 				}
5240 				case RST_STREAM:
5241 					if (isClosing()) {
5242 						return ErrorCode.SESSION_CLOSING;
5243 					}
5244 					frame.rst_stream.pack(aob.framebufs);
5245 					break;
5246 				case SETTINGS: {
5247 					rv = frame.settings.pack(aob.framebufs);
5248 					if (rv != ErrorCode.OK) {
5249 						return rv;
5250 					}
5251 					break;
5252 				}
5253 				case PUSH_PROMISE: {
5254 					Stream stream;
5255 					HeadersAuxData *aux_data;
5256 					PrioritySpec pri_spec;
5257 					size_t estimated_payloadlen;
5259 					aux_data = &item.aux_data.headers;
5261 					stream = getStream(frame.hd.stream_id);
5263 					/* stream could be null if associated stream was already closed. */
5264 					if (stream)
5265 						pri_spec = PrioritySpec(stream.id, DEFAULT_WEIGHT, 0);
5267 					openStream(frame.push_promise.promised_stream_id, StreamFlags.NONE, pri_spec, StreamState.RESERVED, aux_data.stream_user_data);
5269 					estimated_payloadlen = estimateHeadersPayload(frame.push_promise.hfa, 0);
5271 					if (estimated_payloadlen > MAX_HEADERSLEN)
5272 						return ErrorCode.FRAME_SIZE_ERROR;
5274 					/* predicte should fail if stream is null. */
5275 					rv = predicatePushPromiseSend(stream);
5276 					if (rv != ErrorCode.OK) {
5277 						return rv;
5278 					}
5280 					assert(stream);
5282 					rv = frame.push_promise.pack(aob.framebufs, hd_deflater);
5283 					if (rv != 0)
5284 						return rv;
5286 					rv = headersAddPad(*frame);
5287 					if (rv != 0)
5288 						return rv;               
5290 					break;
5291 				}
5292 				case PING:
5293 					if (isClosing()) {
5294 						return ErrorCode.SESSION_CLOSING;
5295 					}
5296 					frame.ping.pack(aob.framebufs);
5297 					break;
5298 				case WINDOW_UPDATE: {
5299 					rv = predicateWindowUpdateSend(frame.hd.stream_id);
5300 					if (rv != ErrorCode.OK) {
5301 						return rv;
5302 					}
5303 					frame.window_update.pack(aob.framebufs);
5304 					break;
5305 				}
5306 				case GOAWAY:
5307 					rv = frame.goaway.pack(aob.framebufs);
5308 					if (rv != ErrorCode.OK) {
5309 						return rv;
5310 					}
5311 					local_last_stream_id = frame.goaway.last_stream_id;
5313 					break;
5314 				default:
5315 					return ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
5316 			}
5317 			return ErrorCode.OK;
5318 		} else {
5319 			int next_readmax;
5320 			Stream stream = getStream(frame.hd.stream_id);
5322 			if (stream) {
5323 				assert(stream.item == item);
5324 			}
5326 			rv = predicateDataSend(stream);
5327 			if (rv != ErrorCode.OK) {
5328 				if (stream)
5329 					stream.detachItem(this);          
5331 				return rv;
5332 			}
5333 			/* Assuming stream is not null */
5334 			assert(stream);
5335 			next_readmax = nextDataRead(stream);
5337 			if (next_readmax == 0) {
5339 				/* This must be true since we only pop DATA frame item from queue when session.remote_window_size > 0 */
5340 				assert(remote_window_size > 0);
5342 				stream.deferItem(StreamFlags.DEFERRED_FLOW_CONTROL, this);            
5343 				aob.item = null;
5344 				aob.reset();
5345 				return ErrorCode.DEFERRED;
5346 			}
5348 			rv = packData(aob.framebufs, next_readmax, *frame, item.aux_data.data);
5349 			if (rv == ErrorCode.DEFERRED) {
5350 				stream.deferItem(StreamFlags.DEFERRED_USER, this);
5351 				aob.item = null;
5352 				aob.reset();
5353 				return ErrorCode.DEFERRED;
5354 			}
5355 			if (rv == ErrorCode.TEMPORAL_CALLBACK_FAILURE) {
5356 				stream.detachItem(this);            
5357 				addRstStream(frame.hd.stream_id, FrameError.INTERNAL_ERROR);
5358 				return ErrorCode.TEMPORAL_CALLBACK_FAILURE;
5359 			}
5360 			if (rv != 0) {
5361 				stream.detachItem(this);
5362 				return rv;
5363 			}
5364 			return ErrorCode.OK;
5365 		}
5366 	}
5368 	/*
5369 	 * Called after a frame is sent.  This function runs
5370 	 * $(D Connector.onFrameSent) and handles stream closure upon END_STREAM
5371 	 * or RST_STREAM.  This function does not reset aob.  It is a
5372 	 * responsibility of $(D resetActiveOutboundItem).
5373 	 *
5374 	 * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
5375 	 * negative error codes:
5376 	 *
5377 	 * ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE
5378 	 *     The callback function failed.
5379 	 */
5380 	ErrorCode afterFrameSent() 
5381 	{
5382 		ErrorCode rv;
5383 		OutboundItem item = aob.item;
5384 		Buffers framebufs = aob.framebufs;
5385 		Frame* frame = &item.frame;
5387 		if (frame.hd.type != FrameType.DATA) {
5389 			if (frame.hd.type == FrameType.HEADERS || frame.hd.type == FrameType.PUSH_PROMISE) {
5391 				if (framebufs.nextPresent()) {
5392 					LOGF("send: CONTINUATION exists, just return");
5393 					return ErrorCode.OK;
5394 				}
5395 			}
5396 			bool ok = callOnFrameSent(*frame);
5397 			if (!ok) {
5398 				return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
5399 			}
5400 			with(FrameType) switch (frame.hd.type) {
5401 				case HEADERS: {
5402 					HeadersAuxData *aux_data;
5403 					Stream stream = getStream(frame.hd.stream_id);
5404 					if (!stream) 
5405 						break;                
5406 					if (stream.item == item)
5407 						stream.detachItem(this);
5409 					final switch (frame.headers.cat) {
5410 						case HeadersCategory.REQUEST: {
5411 							stream.state = StreamState.OPENING;
5412 							if (frame.hd.flags & FrameFlags.END_STREAM) {
5413 								stream.shutdown(ShutdownFlag.WR);
5414 							}
5415 							rv = closeStreamIfShutRdWr(stream);
5416 							if (isFatal(rv)) {
5417 								return rv;
5418 							}
5419 							/* We assume aux_data is a pointer to HeadersAuxData */
5420 							aux_data = &item.aux_data.headers;
5421 							if (aux_data.data_prd) {
5422 								/* submitData() makes a copy of aux_data.data_prd */
5423 								rv = submitData(this, FrameFlags.END_STREAM, frame.hd.stream_id, aux_data.data_prd);
5424 								if (isFatal(rv)) {
5425 									return rv;
5426 								}
5427 								/* TODO: submitData() may fail if stream has already DATA frame item.  We might have to handle it here. */
5428 							}
5429 							break;
5430 						}
5431 						case HeadersCategory.PUSH_RESPONSE:
5432 							stream.flags = cast(StreamFlags)(stream.flags & ~StreamFlags.PUSH);
5433 							++num_outgoing_streams;
5434 							goto case HeadersCategory.RESPONSE;
5435 						case HeadersCategory.RESPONSE:
5436 							stream.state = StreamState.OPENED;
5437 							goto case HeadersCategory.HEADERS;
5438 						case HeadersCategory.HEADERS:
5439 							if (frame.hd.flags & FrameFlags.END_STREAM) {
5440 								stream.shutdown(ShutdownFlag.WR);
5441 							}
5442 							rv = closeStreamIfShutRdWr(stream);
5443 							if (isFatal(rv)) {
5444 								return rv;
5445 							}
5446 							/* We assume aux_data is a pointer to HeadersAuxData */
5447 							aux_data = &item.aux_data.headers;
5448 							if (aux_data.data_prd) {
5449 								rv = submitData(this, FrameFlags.END_STREAM, frame.hd.stream_id, aux_data.data_prd);
5450 								if (isFatal(rv)) {
5451 									return rv;
5452 								}
5453 								/* TODO submitData() may fail if stream has already DATA frame item. 
5454                              * We might have to handle it here. */
5455 							}
5456 							break;
5457 					}
5458 					break;
5459 				}
5460 				case PRIORITY: {
5461 					Stream stream;
5463 					if (is_server) {
5464 						break;
5465 					}
5467 					stream = getStreamRaw(frame.hd.stream_id);
5469 					if (!stream) {
5470 						break;
5471 					}
5473 					reprioritizeStream(stream, frame.priority.pri_spec);
5475 					break;
5476 				}
5477 				case RST_STREAM:
5478 					rv = closeStream(frame.hd.stream_id, frame.rst_stream.error_code);
5479 					if (isFatal(rv)) {
5480 						return rv;
5481 					}
5482 					break;
5483 				case GOAWAY: {
5484 					GoAwayAuxData aux_data = item.aux_data.goaway;
5486 					if ((aux_data.flags & GoAwayAuxFlags.SHUTDOWN_NOTICE) == 0) {
5488 						if (aux_data.flags & GoAwayAuxFlags.TERM_ON_SEND) {
5489 							goaway_flags |= GoAwayFlags.TERM_SENT;
5490 						}
5492 						goaway_flags |= GoAwayFlags.SENT;
5494 						rv = closeStreamOnGoAway(frame.goaway.last_stream_id, true);
5496 						if (isFatal(rv)) {
5497 							return rv;
5498 						}
5499 					}
5501 					break;
5502 				}
5503 				default:
5504 					break;
5505 			}
5507 			return ErrorCode.OK;
5508 		}
5510 		Stream stream = getStream(frame.hd.stream_id);
5511 		DataAuxData *aux_data = &item.aux_data.data;
5512 		/* We update flow control window after a frame was completely
5513 	       sent. This is possible because we choose payload length not to
5514 	       exceed the window */
5515 		remote_window_size -= frame.hd.length;
5516 		if (stream) {
5517 			stream.remoteWindowSize = stream.remoteWindowSize - frame.hd.length;
5518 		}
5520 		if (stream && aux_data.eof) {
5521 			stream.detachItem(this);
5523 			/* Call onFrameSent after detachItem(), so that application can issue submitData() in the callback. */
5524 			bool ok = callOnFrameSent(*frame);
5525 			if (!ok) {
5526 				return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
5527 			}
5529 			if (frame.hd.flags & FrameFlags.END_STREAM) {
5530 				int stream_closed;
5532 				stream_closed = (stream.shutFlags & ShutdownFlag.RDWR) == ShutdownFlag.RDWR;
5534 				stream.shutdown(ShutdownFlag.WR);
5536 				rv = closeStreamIfShutRdWr(stream);
5537 				if (isFatal(rv)) {
5538 					return rv;
5539 				}
5540 				/* stream may be null if it was closed */
5541 				if (stream_closed)
5542 					stream = null;
5543 			}
5544 			return ErrorCode.OK;
5545 		}
5547 		bool ok = callOnFrameSent(*frame);
5549 		if (!ok) {
5550 			return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
5551 		}
5553 		return ErrorCode.OK;
5554 	}
5556 	/*
5557 	 * Called after a frame is sent and after $(D afterFrameSent). 
5558 	 * This function is responsible for resetting aob.
5559 	 *
5560 	 * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
5561 	 * negative error codes:
5562 	 *
5563 	 * ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE
5564 	 *     The callback function failed.
5565 	 */
5566 	ErrorCode resetActiveOutboundItem() 
5567 	{
5568 		ErrorCode rv;
5569 		OutboundItem item = aob.item;
5570 		Buffers framebufs = aob.framebufs;
5571 		Frame* frame = &item.frame;
5573 		if (frame.hd.type != FrameType.DATA) {
5575 			if (frame.hd.type == FrameType.HEADERS ||
5576 				frame.hd.type == FrameType.PUSH_PROMISE) {
5578 				if (framebufs.nextPresent()) {
5579 					framebufs.cur = framebufs.cur.next;
5581 					LOGF("send: next CONTINUATION frame, %d bytes", framebufs.cur.buf.length);
5583 					return ErrorCode.OK;
5584 				}
5585 			}
5587 			aob.reset();
5589 			return ErrorCode.OK;
5591 		}
5593 		OutboundItem next_item;
5594 		Stream stream;
5595 		DataAuxData* aux_data = &item.aux_data.data;
5597 		/* On EOF, we have already detached data.  Please note that
5598 	       application may issue submitData() in
5599 	       $(D Connector.onFrameSent) (call from afterFrameSent),
5600 	       which attach data to stream.  We don't want to detach it. */
5601 		if (aux_data.eof) {
5602 			aob.reset();
5603 			return ErrorCode.OK;
5604 		}
5606 		aux_data.no_copy = false;
5608 		stream = getStream(frame.hd.stream_id);
5610 		/* If Session is closed or RST_STREAM was queued, we won't send further data. */
5611 		if (predicateDataSend(stream) != 0) {
5612 			if (stream)
5613 				stream.detachItem(this);            
5614 			aob.reset();
5616 			return ErrorCode.OK;
5617 		}
5619 		/* Assuming stream is not null */
5620 		assert(stream);
5621 		next_item = getNextOutboundItem();
5623 		/* Imagine we hit connection window size limit while sending DATA
5624 	       frame.  If we decrement weight here, its stream might get
5625 	       inferior share because the other streams' weight is not
5626 	       decremented because of flow control. */
5627 		if (remote_window_size > 0 || stream.remoteWindowSize <= 0) {
5628 			cycleWeightOutboundItem(aob.item, stream.effectiveWeight);
5629 		}
5631 		/* If priority of this stream is higher or equal to other stream
5632 	       waiting at the top of the queue, we continue to send this
5633 	       data. */
5634 		if (stream.dpri == StreamDPRI.TOP && (!next_item || PriorityQueue.compare(item, next_item) < 0)) 
5635 		{
5636 			int next_readmax = nextDataRead(stream);
5638 			if (next_readmax == 0) {
5640 				if (remote_window_size == 0 && stream.remoteWindowSize > 0) {
5642 					/* If DATA cannot be sent solely due to connection level
5643 		             window size, just push item to queue again.  We never pop
5644 		             DATA item while connection level window size is 0. */
5645 					ob_da_pq.push(aob.item);
5647 					if (isFatal(rv)) {
5648 						return rv;
5649 					}
5651 					aob.item.queued = 1;
5652 				} else
5653 					stream.deferItem(StreamFlags.DEFERRED_FLOW_CONTROL, this);
5655 				aob.item = null;
5656 				aob.reset();
5658 				return ErrorCode.OK;
5659 			}
5661 			framebufs.reset();
5663 			rv = packData(framebufs, next_readmax, *frame, item.aux_data.data);
5664 			if (isFatal(rv)) {
5665 				return rv;
5666 			}
5668 			if (rv == ErrorCode.DEFERRED) {
5669 				stream.deferItem(StreamFlags.DEFERRED_USER, this);
5671 				aob.item = null;
5672 				aob.reset();
5674 				return ErrorCode.OK;
5675 			}
5676 			if (rv == ErrorCode.TEMPORAL_CALLBACK_FAILURE)
5677 			{
5678 				/* Stop DATA frame chain and issue RST_STREAM to close the stream.  We don't return ErrorCode.TEMPORAL_CALLBACK_FAILURE intentionally. */
5679 				addRstStream(frame.hd.stream_id, FrameError.INTERNAL_ERROR);
5680 				stream.detachItem(this);
5681 				aob.reset();
5682 				return ErrorCode.OK;
5683 			}
5685 			assert(rv == 0);
5687 			if (aux_data.no_copy)
5688 				aob.state = OutboundState.SEND_NO_COPY;
5689 			else
5690 				aob.state = OutboundState.SEND_DATA;
5691 			return ErrorCode.OK;
5692 		}
5694 		if (stream.dpri == StreamDPRI.TOP) {
5695 			ob_da_pq.push(aob.item);
5697 			aob.item.queued = true;
5698 		}
5700 		aob.item = null;
5701 		aob.reset();
5702 		return ErrorCode.OK;
5703 	}
5705 	// fetch data and feed it to data_arr
5706 	ErrorCode memSendInternal(ref ubyte[] data_arr, bool fast_cb)
5707 	{
5708 		ErrorCode rv;
5709 		Buffers framebufs = aob.framebufs;
5711 		data_arr = null;
5713 		for (;;) {
5714 			final switch (aob.state) {
5715 				case OutboundState.POP_ITEM: {
5716 					OutboundItem item;
5718 					item = popNextOutboundItem();
5719 					if (!item) {
5720 						return ErrorCode.OK;
5721 					}
5723 					if (item.frame.hd.type == FrameType.DATA || item.frame.hd.type == FrameType.HEADERS) {
5724 						Frame* frame = &item.frame;
5725 						Stream stream = getStream(frame.hd.stream_id);
5727 						if (stream && item == stream.item && stream.dpri != StreamDPRI.TOP) {
5728 							// We have DATA with higher priority in queue within the same dependency tree.
5729 							break;
5730 						}
5731 					}
5733 					rv = prepareFrame(item);
5734 					if (rv == ErrorCode.DEFERRED) {
5735 						LOGF("send: frame transmission deferred");
5736 						break;
5737 					}
5739 					if (rv < 0) {
5740 						int opened_stream_id;
5741 						FrameError error_code = FrameError.INTERNAL_ERROR;
5742 						import libhttp2.helpers : toString;
5743 						LOGF("send: frame preparation failed with %s", toString(cast(ErrorCode)rv));
5744 						/* TODO: If the error comes from compressor, the connection must be closed. */
5745 						if (item.frame.hd.type != FrameType.DATA && !isFatal(rv)) {
5746 							Frame* frame = &item.frame;
5747 							/* The library is responsible for the transmission of WINDOW_UPDATE frame, so we don't call error callback for it. */
5748 							try if (frame.hd.type != FrameType.WINDOW_UPDATE && !connector.onFrameFailure(*frame, rv))
5749 							{
5750 								item.free();
5751 								Mem.free(item);
5752 								return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
5753 							} catch (Exception e) {
5754 								item.free();
5755 								Mem.free(item);
5756 								return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
5757 							}
5758 						}
5760 						/* We have to close stream opened by failed request HEADERS or PUSH_PROMISE. */
5761 						switch (item.frame.hd.type) {
5762 							case FrameType.HEADERS:
5763 								if (item.frame.headers.cat == HeadersCategory.REQUEST) {
5764 									opened_stream_id = item.frame.hd.stream_id;
5765 									if (item.aux_data.headers.canceled) {
5766 										error_code = item.aux_data.headers.error_code;
5767 									}
5768 								}
5769 								break;
5770 							case FrameType.PUSH_PROMISE:
5771 								opened_stream_id = item.frame.push_promise.promised_stream_id;
5772 								break;
5774 							default: break;
5775 						}
5776 						if (opened_stream_id) {
5777 							/* careful not to override rv */
5778 							ErrorCode rv2;
5779 							rv2 = closeStream(opened_stream_id, error_code);
5781 							if (isFatal(rv2)) {
5782 								return rv2;
5783 							}
5784 						}
5786 						item.free();
5787 						Mem.free(item);
5788 						aob.reset();
5790 						if (rv == ErrorCode.HEADER_COMP) {
5791 							/* If header compression error occurred, should terminiate connection. */
5792 							rv = terminateSession(FrameError.INTERNAL_ERROR);
5793 						}
5794 						if (isFatal(rv)) {
5795 							return rv;
5796 						}
5797 						break;
5798 					}
5800 					aob.item = item;
5802 					framebufs.rewind();
5804 					if (item.frame.hd.type != FrameType.DATA) {
5805 						Frame* frame = &item.frame;
5807 						LOGF("send: next frame: payloadlen=%d, type=%u, flags=0x%02x, stream_id=%d",
5808 								frame.hd.length, frame.hd.type, frame.hd.flags,
5809 								frame.hd.stream_id);
5811 						bool ok = callOnFrameReady(*frame);
5812 						if (!ok) {
5813 							return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
5814 						}
5815 					} else {
5816 						LOGF("send: next frame: DATA");
5818 						if (item.aux_data.data.no_copy)
5819 						{
5820 							aob.state = OutboundState.SEND_NO_COPY;
5821 							break;
5822 						}
5823 					}
5825 					LOGF("send: start transmitting frame type=%u, length=%d",
5826 							framebufs.cur.buf.pos[3],
5827 							framebufs.cur.buf.last - framebufs.cur.buf.pos);
5829 					aob.state = OutboundState.SEND_DATA;
5831 					break;
5832 				}
5833 				case OutboundState.SEND_DATA: {
5834 					size_t datalen;
5835 					Buffer* buf = &framebufs.cur.buf;
5837 					if (buf.pos is buf.last) {
5838 						LOGF("send: end transmission of a frame");
5840 						/* Frame has completely sent */
5841 						if (fast_cb) {
5842 							rv = resetActiveOutboundItem();
5843 						} else {
5844 							rv = afterFrameSent();
5845 							if (rv < 0) {
5846 								/* FATAL */
5847 								assert(isFatal(rv));
5848 								return rv;
5849 							}
5850 							rv = resetActiveOutboundItem();
5851 						}
5852 						if (rv < 0) {
5853 							/* FATAL */
5854 							assert(isFatal(rv));
5855 							return rv;
5856 						}
5857 						/* We have already adjusted the next state */
5858 						break;
5859 					}
5861 					datalen = buf.length;
5862 					data_arr = buf.pos[0 .. datalen];
5864 					/* We increment the offset here. If write() does not send everything, we will adjust it. */
5865 					buf.pos += datalen;
5867 					return ErrorCode.OK;
5868 				}
5869 				case OutboundState.SEND_NO_COPY:
5870 				{
5871 					LOGF("send: no copy DATA\n");
5873 					Frame* frame = &aob.item.frame;
5874 					Stream stream = getStream(frame.hd.stream_id);
5877 					if (!stream) {
5878 						LOGF("send: no copy DATA cancelled because stream was closed\n");						
5879 						aob.reset();						
5880 						break;
5881 					}
5883 					rv = callWriteData(aob.item, framebufs);
5884 					if (isFatal(rv)) {
5885 						return rv;
5886 					}
5888 					if (rv == ErrorCode.TEMPORAL_CALLBACK_FAILURE) {
5889 						stream.detachItem(this);
5891 						addRstStream(frame.hd.stream_id, FrameError.INTERNAL_ERROR);
5893 						aob.reset();
5895 						break;
5896 					}
5898 					if (rv == ErrorCode.WOULDBLOCK) {
5899 						return ErrorCode.OK;
5900 					}
5902 					assert(rv == ErrorCode.OK);
5904 					rv = afterFrameSent();
5905 					if (rv < 0) {
5906 						assert(isFatal(rv));
5907 						return rv;
5908 					}
5909 					rv = resetActiveOutboundItem();
5910 					if (rv < 0) {
5911 						assert(isFatal(rv));
5912 						return rv;
5913 					}
5915 					/* We have already adjusted the next state */
5917 					break;
5918 				}
5919 			}
5920 		}
5921 	}
5923 	/*
5924 	 * Inflates header block in the memory pointed by |input| with |input.length|
5925 	 * bytes. If this function returns ErrorCode.PAUSE, the caller must
5926 	 * call this function again, until it returns 0 or one of negative
5927 	 * error code.  If |call_header_cb| is zero, the on_header_callback
5928 	 * are not invoked and the function never return ErrorCode.PAUSE. If
5929 	 * the given |in| is the last chunk of header block, the |final| must
5930 	 * be nonzero. If header block is successfully processed (which is
5931 	 * indicated by the return value 0, ErrorCode.PAUSE or
5932 	 * ErrorCode.TEMPORAL_CALLBACK_FAILURE), the number of processed
5933 	 * input bytes is assigned to the |*readlen_ptr|.
5934 	 *
5935 	 * This function return 0 if it succeeds, or one of the negative error
5936 	 * codes:
5937 	 *
5938 	 * ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE
5939 	 *     The callback function failed.
5941 	 *     The callback returns this error code, indicating that this
5942 	 *     stream should be RST_STREAMed..
5943 	 * ErrorCode.PAUSE
5944 	 *     The callback function returned ErrorCode.PAUSE
5945 	 * ErrorCode.HEADER_COMP
5946 	 *     Header decompression failed
5947 	 */
5948 	ErrorCode inflateHeaderBlock(Frame frame, ref size_t readlen_ref, ubyte[] input, bool is_final, bool call_header_cb) 
5949 	{
5950 		int proclen;
5951 		ErrorCode rv;
5952 		InflateFlag inflate_flag;
5953 		HeaderField hf;
5954 		Stream stream;
5955 		Stream subject_stream;
5956 		bool trailer;
5958 		readlen_ref = 0;
5959 		stream = getStream(frame.hd.stream_id);
5961 		if (frame.hd.type == FrameType.PUSH_PROMISE) {
5962 			subject_stream = getStream(frame.push_promise.promised_stream_id);
5963 		} else {
5964 			subject_stream = stream;
5965 			trailer = isTrailerHeaders(stream, frame);
5966 		}
5968 		LOGF("recv: decoding header block %d bytes", input.length);
5969 		size_t inlen = input.length;
5970 		ubyte* inptr = input.ptr;
5971 		for (;;) {
5972 			inflate_flag = InflateFlag.NONE;
5973 			proclen = hd_inflater.inflate(hf, inflate_flag, inptr[0 .. inlen], is_final);
5975 			if (isFatal(cast(int)proclen)) {
5976 				return cast(ErrorCode)proclen;
5977 			}
5979 			if (proclen < 0) {
5980 				if (iframe.state == InboundState.READ_HEADER_BLOCK) 
5981 				{
5982 					if (stream && stream.state != StreamState.CLOSING) 
5983 					{
5984 						/* Adding RST_STREAM here is very important. It prevents
5985                        from invoking subsequent callbacks for the same stream ID. */
5986 						addRstStream(frame.hd.stream_id, FrameError.COMPRESSION_ERROR);
5988 					}
5989 				}
5990 				rv = terminateSession(FrameError.COMPRESSION_ERROR);
5991 				if (isFatal(rv)) {
5992 					return rv;
5993 				}
5995 				return ErrorCode.HEADER_COMP;
5996 			}
5998 			inptr += proclen;
5999 			inlen -= proclen;
6000 			readlen_ref += proclen;
6002 			LOGF("recv: proclen=%d", proclen);
6004 			if (call_header_cb && (inflate_flag & InflateFlag.EMIT)) {
6005 				rv = ErrorCode.OK;
6006 				if (subject_stream && isHTTPMessagingEnabled()) {
6007 					rv = validateHeaderField(subject_stream, frame, hf, trailer);
6008 					if (rv == ErrorCode.HTTP_HEADER) {
6009 						LOGF("recv: HTTP error: type=%d, id=%d, header %.*s: %.*s",
6010 								frame.hd.type, subject_stream.id, cast(int)hf.name.length,
6011 								hf.name, cast(int)hf.value.length, hf.value);
6013 						handleInvalidStream2(subject_stream.id, frame, FrameError.PROTOCOL_ERROR);
6014 						return ErrorCode.TEMPORAL_CALLBACK_FAILURE;
6015 					}
6016 					else if (rv == ErrorCode.IGN_HTTP_HEADER) {
6017 						/* header is ignored */
6018 						LOGF("recv: HTTP ignored: type=%d, id=%d, header %s: %s", frame.hd.type, subject_stream.id, hf.name, hf.value);
6019 					}
6021 				}
6023 				if (rv == ErrorCode.OK) {
6024 					bool pause;
6025 					bool close;
6026 					bool ok = callOnHeaderField(frame, hf, pause, close);
6027 					if (!ok)
6028 						return ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE;
6029 					if (close)
6030 						return ErrorCode.TEMPORAL_CALLBACK_FAILURE;
6031 					if (pause)
6032 						return ErrorCode.PAUSE;				
6033 				}
6034 			}
6036 			if (inflate_flag & InflateFlag.FINAL) {
6037 				hd_inflater.endHeaders();
6038 				break;
6039 			}
6040 			if ((inflate_flag & InflateFlag.EMIT) == 0 && inlen == 0) {
6041 				break;
6042 			}
6043 		}
6044 		return ErrorCode.OK;
6045 	}
6047 package: /* Used only for tests */
6048 	/*
6049 	 * Returns top of outbound frame queue. This function returns null if
6050 	 * queue is empty.
6051 	 */
6052 	@property OutboundItem ob_pq_top() {
6053 		return ob_pq.top;
6054 	}
6056 package:
6057 	HashMap!(int, Stream) streams;
6059 	StreamRoots roots;
6061 	/// Priority Queue for outbound frames other than stream-starting HEADERS and DATA
6062 	PriorityQueue ob_pq;
6064 	/// Priority Queue for outbound stream-starting HEADERS frame
6065 	PriorityQueue ob_ss_pq;
6067 	/// Priority Queue for DATA frame 
6068 	PriorityQueue ob_da_pq;
6070 	ActiveOutboundItem aob;
6071 	InboundFrame iframe;
6072 	Deflater hd_deflater;
6073 	Inflater hd_inflater;
6074 	Connector connector;
6076 	/// Sequence number of outbound frame to maintain the order of enqueue if priority is equal.
6077 	long next_seq;
6079 	/** Reset count of OutboundItem's weight.  We decrements
6080         weight each time DATA is sent to simulate resource sharing.  We
6081         use priority queue and larger weight has the precedence.  If
6082         weight is reached to lowest weight, it resets to its initial
6083         weight.  If this happens, other items which have the lower weight
6084         currently but same initial weight cannot send DATA until item
6085         having large weight is decreased.  To avoid this, we use this
6086         cycle variable.  Initally, this is set to 1.  If weight gets
6087         lowest weight, and if item's cycle == last_cycle, we increments
6088         last_cycle and assigns it to item's cycle.  Otherwise, just
6089         assign last_cycle.  In priority queue comparator, we first
6090         compare items' cycle value.  Lower cycle value has the
6091         precedence. */
6092 	ulong last_cycle = 1;
6094 	/// Points to the latest closed stream.  null if there is no closed stream.  
6095 	/// Notes: Only used when session is initialized as server.
6096 	Stream closed_stream_head;
6098 	/// Points to the oldest closed stream.  null if there is no closed stream.  
6099 	/// Notes: Only used when session is initialized as server.
6100 	Stream closed_stream_tail;
6102 	/// Points to the latest idle stream.  null if there is no idle stream.  
6103 	/// Notes: Only used when session is initialized as server .
6104 	Stream idle_stream_head;
6106 	/// Points to the oldest idle stream.  null if there is no idle stream. 
6107 	/// Notes: Only used when session is initialized as server.
6108 	Stream idle_stream_tail;
6110 	/// In-flight SETTINGS values. null for no in-flight SETTINGS. 
6111 	Setting[] inflight_iva;
6113 	/// The number of outgoing streams. This will be capped by remote_settings.max_concurrent_streams.
6114 	size_t num_outgoing_streams;
6116 	/// The number of incoming streams. This will be capped by local_settings.max_concurrent_streams.
6117 	size_t num_incoming_streams;
6119 	/// The number of closed streams still kept in |streams| hash.  The closed streams can be accessed
6120 	/// through single linked list |closed_stream_head|. 
6121 	/// Notes: The current implementation only keeps incoming streams if session is initialized as server.
6122 	size_t num_closed_streams;
6124 	/// The number of idle streams kept in |streams| hash. The idle streams can be accessed through doubly linked list
6125 	/// |idle_stream_head|.  
6126 	/// Notes: The current implementation only keeps idle streams if session is initialized as server.
6127 	size_t num_idle_streams;
6129 	/// Next Stream ID. Made unsigned int to detect >= (1 << 31). 
6130 	uint next_stream_id;
6132 	/// The largest stream ID received so far
6133 	int last_recv_stream_id;
6135 	/// The largest stream ID which has been processed in some way. 
6136 	/// Notes: This value will be used as last-stream-id when sending GOAWAY frame.
6137 	int last_proc_stream_id;
6139 	/// Counter of unique ID of PING. Wraps when it exceeds max_UNIQUE_ID */
6140 	uint next_unique_id;
6142 	/// This is the last-stream-ID we have sent in GOAWAY
6143 	int local_last_stream_id = (1u << 31) - 1;
6145 	/// This is the value in GOAWAY frame received from remote endpoint.
6146 	int remote_last_stream_id = (1u << 31) - 1;
6148 	/// Current sender window size. This value is computed against the current initial window size of remote endpoint.
6149 	int remote_window_size = INITIAL_CONNECTION_WINDOW_SIZE;
6151 	/// Keep track of the number of bytes received without WINDOW_UPDATE. This could be negative after
6152 	/// submitting negative value to WINDOW_UPDATE.
6153 	int recv_window_size;
6155 	/// The number of bytes consumed by the application and now is subject to WINDOW_UPDATE. 
6156 	/// Notes: This is only used when auto WINDOW_UPDATE is turned off. 
6157 	int consumed_size;
6159 	/// The amount of recv_window_size cut using submitting negative value to WINDOW_UPDATE
6160 	int recv_reduction;
6162 	/// window size for local flow control. It is initially set to INITIAL_CONNECTION_WINDOW_SIZE and could be
6163 	/// increased/decreased by submitting WINDOW_UPDATE. See submitWindowUpdate().
6164 	int local_window_size = INITIAL_CONNECTION_WINDOW_SIZE;	
6166 	/// Settings value received from the remote endpoint. We just use ID as index. The index = 0 is unused. 
6167 	SettingsStorage remote_settings;
6169 	/// Settings value of the local endpoint.
6170 	SettingsStorage local_settings;
6172 	/// Option flags. This is bitwise-OR of 0 or more of OptionsMask.
6173 	OptionsMask opt_flags;
6175 	/// Unacked local Setting.MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS value. We use this to refuse the incoming stream if it exceeds this value. 
6176 	uint pending_local_max_concurrent_stream = INITIAL_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS;
6178 	/// Unacked local ENABLE_PUSH value.  We use this to refuse PUSH_PROMISE before SETTINGS ACK is received. 
6179 	bool pending_enable_push = true;
6181 	/// true if the session is server side. 
6182 	bool is_server;
6184 	/// Flags indicating GOAWAY is sent and/or recieved. 
6185 	GoAwayFlags goaway_flags = GoAwayFlags.NONE;
6188 }
6189 /**
6190  * @function
6191  *
6192  * Serializes the SETTINGS values |iv| in the |buf|.  The size of the
6193  * |buf| is specified by |buflen|.  The number of entries in the |iv|
6194  * array is given by |niv|.  The required space in |buf| for the |niv|
6195  * entries is `8*niv` bytes and if the given buffer is too small, an
6196  * error is returned.  This function is used mainly for creating a
6197  * SETTINGS payload to be sent with the `HTTP2-Settings` header
6198  * field in an HTTP Upgrade request.  The data written in |buf| is NOT
6199  * base64url encoded and the application is responsible for encoding.
6200  *
6201  * This function returns the number of bytes written in |buf|, or one
6202  * of the following negative error codes:
6203  *
6204  * $(D ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
6205  *     The |iv| contains duplicate settings ID or invalid value.
6206  *
6207  * $(D ErrorCode.INSUFF_BUFSIZE)
6208  *     The provided |buflen| size is too small to hold the output.
6209  */
6210 int packSettingsPayload(ubyte[] buf, in Setting[] iva)
6211 {
6212 	if (!iva.check()) {
6213 		return ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
6214 	}
6216 	if (buf.length < (iva.length * FRAME_SETTINGS_ENTRY_LENGTH)) {
6217 		return ErrorCode.INSUFF_BUFSIZE;
6218 	}
6220 	return Settings.pack(buf, iva);
6221 }
6223 /**
6224  * Submits HEADERS frame and optionally one or more DATA frames.
6225  *
6226  * The |pri_spec| is priority specification of this request. 
6227  * To specify the priority, use `PrioritySpec()`.
6228  *
6229  * The `pri_spec.weight` must be in [$(D MIN_WEIGHT),
6230  * $(D MAX_WEIGHT)], inclusive.  If `pri_spec.weight` is
6231  * strictly less than $(D MIN_WEIGHT), it becomes
6232  * $(D MIN_WEIGHT).  If it is strictly greater than
6233  * $(D MAX_WEIGHT), it becomes $(D MAX_WEIGHT).
6234  *
6235  * The |hfa| is an array of header fields $(D HeaderField) with
6236  * |hfa.length| elements.  The application is responsible to include
6237  * required pseudo-header fields (header field whose name starts with
6238  * ":") in |hfa| and must place pseudo-headers before regular header
6239  * fields.
6240  *
6241  * This function creates copies of all header fields in |hfa|.  It
6242  * also lower-cases all names in |hfa|.  The order of elements in
6243  * |hfa| is preserved.
6244  *
6245  * HTTP/2 specification has requirement about header fields in the
6246  * request HEADERS.  See the specification for more details.
6247  *
6248  * If |data_prd| is not `null`, it provides data which will be sent
6249  * in subsequent DATA frames.  In this case, a method that allows
6250  * request message bodies
6251  * (http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec9.html#sec9) must
6252  * be specified with `:method` key in |hfa| (e.g. `POST`).  This
6253  * function does not take ownership of the |data_prd|.  The function
6254  * copies the members of the |data_prd|.  If |data_prd| is `null`,
6255  * HEADERS have END_STREAM set.  The |stream_user_data| is data
6256  * associated to the stream opened by this request and can be an
6257  * arbitrary pointer, which can be retrieved later by
6258  * `getStreamUserData()`.
6259  *
6260  * This function returns assigned stream ID if it succeeds, or one of
6261  * the following negative error codes:
6262  * 
6263  * $(D ErrorCode.STREAM_ID_NOT_AVAILABLE)
6264  *     No stream ID is available because maximum stream ID was
6265  *     reached.
6266  *
6267  * .. warning::
6268  *
6269  *   This function returns assigned stream ID if it succeeds.  But
6270  *   that stream is not opened yet. The application must not submit
6271  *   a frame to that stream ID before $(D Connector.onFrameReady) is called for this
6272  *   frame.
6273  *
6274  */
6275 int submitRequest(Session session, in PrioritySpec pri_spec, in HeaderField[] hfa, in DataProvider data_prd, void* stream_user_data = null)
6276 {
6277 	FrameFlags flags = setRequestFlags(pri_spec, data_prd);
6279 	return submitHeadersSharedHfa(session, flags, -1, pri_spec, hfa, data_prd, stream_user_data, false);
6280 }
6282 /**
6283  * Submits response HEADERS frame and optionally one or more DATA
6284  * frames against the stream |stream_id|.
6285  *
6286  * The |hfa| is an array of $(D HeaderField) with
6287  * |hfa.length| elements.  The application is responsible to include
6288  * required pseudo-header fields (header field whose name starts with
6289  * ":") in |hfa| and must place pseudo-headers before regular header
6290  * fields.
6291  *
6292  * This function creates copies of all header fields in |hfa|.  It
6293  * also lower-cases all names in |hfa|.  The order of elements in
6294  * |hfa| is preserved.
6295  *
6296  * HTTP/2 specification has requirement about header fields in the
6297  * response HEADERS.  See the specification for more details.
6298  *
6299  * If |data_prd| is not `null`, it provides data which will be sent
6300  * in subsequent DATA frames. If |data_prd| is `null`, HEADERS will have
6301  * END_STREAM flag set.
6302  *
6303  * This method can be used as normal HTTP response and push response.
6304  * When pushing a resource using this function, the $(D Session) must be
6305  * configured using `new Session()` or its variants and
6306  * the target stream denoted by the |stream_id| must be reserved using
6307  * `submitPushPromise()`.
6308  *
6309  * To send non-final response headers (e.g., HTTP status 101), don't
6310  * use this function because this function half-closes the outbound
6311  * stream. Instead, use `submitHeaders()` for this purpose.
6312  *
6313  * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
6314  * negative error codes:
6315  * 
6316  * $(D ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
6317  *     The |stream_id| is 0.
6318  *
6319  * .. warning::
6320  *
6321  *   Calling this function twice for the same stream ID may lead to
6322  *   program crash.  It is generally considered to a programming error
6323  *   to commit response twice.
6324  */
6325 ErrorCode submitResponse(Session session, int stream_id, in HeaderField[] hfa, in DataProvider data_prd)
6326 {
6327 	FrameFlags flags = setResponseFlags(data_prd);
6328 	return cast(ErrorCode)submitHeadersSharedHfa(session, flags, stream_id, PrioritySpec.init, hfa, data_prd, null, true);
6329 }
6331 /**
6332  * Submits HEADERS frame. The |flags| is bitwise OR of the
6333  * following values:
6334  *
6335  * * $(D FrameFlags.END_STREAM)
6336  *
6337  * If |flags| includes $(D FrameFlags.END_STREAM), this frame has
6338  * END_STREAM flag set.
6339  *
6340  * The library handles the CONTINUATION frame internally and it
6341  * correctly sets END_HEADERS to the last sequence of the PUSH_PROMISE
6342  * or CONTINUATION frame.
6343  *
6344  * If the |stream_id| is -1, this frame is assumed as request (i.e.,
6345  * request HEADERS frame which opens new stream).  In this case, the
6346  * assigned stream ID will be returned.  Otherwise, specify stream ID
6347  * in |stream_id|.
6348  *
6349  * The |pri_spec| is priority specification of this request.  init
6350  * means the default priority.  To specify the priority,
6351  * use $(D PrioritySpec) constructor. 
6352  *
6353  * The `pri_spec.weight` must be in [$(D MIN_WEIGHT),
6354  * $(D MAX_WEIGHT)], inclusive.  If `pri_spec.weight` is
6355  * strictly less than $(D MIN_WEIGHT), it becomes
6356  * $(D MIN_WEIGHT).  If it is strictly greater than
6357  * $(D MAX_WEIGHT), it becomes $(D MAX_WEIGHT).
6358  *
6359  * The |hfa| is an array of header fields $(D HeaderField) with
6360  * |hfa.length| elements.  The application is responsible to include
6361  * required pseudo-header fields (header field whose name starts with
6362  * ":") in |hfa| and must place pseudo-headers before regular header
6363  * fields.
6364  *
6365  * This function creates copies of all header fields in |hfa|.  It
6366  * also lower-cases all names in |hfa|.  The order of elements in
6367  * |hfa| is preserved.
6368  *
6369  * The |stream_user_data| is a pointer to an arbitrary data which is
6370  * associated to the stream this frame will open.  Therefore it is
6371  * only used if this frame opens streams, in other words, it changes
6372  * stream state from idle or reserved to open.
6373  *
6374  * This function is low-level in a sense that the application code can
6375  * specify flags directly.  For usual HTTP request,
6376  * `submitRequest()` is useful.
6377  *
6378  * This function returns newly assigned stream ID if it succeeds and
6379  * |stream_id| is -1.  Otherwise, this function returns 0 if it
6380  * succeeds, or one of the following negative error codes:
6381  * 
6382  * $(D ErrorCode.STREAM_ID_NOT_AVAILABLE)
6383  *     No stream ID is available because maximum stream ID was
6384  *     reached.
6385  * $(D ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
6386  *     The |stream_id| is 0.
6387  *
6388  * .. warning::
6389  *
6390  *   This function returns assigned stream ID if it succeeds and
6391  *   |stream_id| is -1.  But that stream is not opened yet.  The
6392  *   application must not submit frame to that stream ID before
6393  *   $(D Connector.onFrameHeader) is called for this
6394  *   frame.
6395  *
6396  */
6397 int submitHeaders(Session session, FrameFlags flags, int stream_id = -1, in PrioritySpec pri_spec = PrioritySpec.init, in HeaderField[] hfa = null, void *stream_user_data = null)
6398 {
6399 	flags &= FrameFlags.END_STREAM;
6401 	if (pri_spec != PrioritySpec.init)
6402 		flags |= FrameFlags.PRIORITY;
6404 	return submitHeadersSharedHfa(session, flags, stream_id, pri_spec, hfa, DataProvider.init, stream_user_data, false);
6405 }
6407 /**
6408  * Submits one or more DATA frames to the stream |stream_id|.  The
6409  * data to be sent are provided by |data_prd|.  If |flags| contains
6410  * $(D FrameFlags.END_STREAM), the last DATA frame has END_STREAM
6411  * flag set.
6412  *
6413  * This function does not take ownership of the |data_prd|.  The
6414  * function copies the members of the |data_prd|.
6415  *
6416  * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
6417  * negative error codes:
6418  * 
6419  * $(D ErrorCode.DATA_EXIST)
6420  *     DATA has been already submitted and not fully processed yet.
6421  * $(D ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
6422  *     The |stream_id| is 0.
6423  * $(D ErrorCode.STREAM_CLOSED)
6424  *     The stream was alreay closed; or the |stream_id| is invalid.
6425  *
6426  * .. note::
6427  *
6428  *   Currently, only one data is allowed for a stream at a time.
6429  *   Submitting data more than once before first data is finished
6430  *   results in $(D ErrorCode.DATA_EXIST) error code.  The
6431  *   earliest callback which tells that previous data is done is
6432  *   $(D Connector.onFrameSent).  In side that callback,
6433  *   new data can be submitted using `submitData()`.  Of
6434  *   course, all data except for last one must not have
6435  *   $(D FrameFlags.END_STREAM) flag set in |flags|.
6436  */
6437 ErrorCode submitData(Session session, FrameFlags flags, int stream_id, in DataProvider data_prd)
6438 {
6439 	OutboundItem item;
6440 	Frame* frame;
6441 	DataAuxData* aux_data;
6442 	DataFlags nflags = cast(DataFlags)(flags & FrameFlags.END_STREAM);
6444 	if (stream_id == 0)
6445 		return ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
6447 	item = Mem.alloc!OutboundItem(session);
6448 	scope(failure) Mem.free(item);
6450 	frame = &item.frame;
6451 	aux_data = &item.aux_data.data;
6452 	aux_data.data_prd = data_prd;
6453 	aux_data.eof = false;
6454 	aux_data.flags = nflags;
6456 	/* flags are sent on transmission */
6457 	frame.data = Data(FrameFlags.NONE, stream_id);
6458 	scope(failure) frame.data.free();
6459 	ErrorCode rv = session.addItem(item);
6460 	if (rv != 0) {
6461 		frame.data.free();
6462 		Mem.free(item);
6463 		return rv;
6464 	}
6465 	return ErrorCode.OK;
6466 }
6468 /**
6469  * Submits PRIORITY frame to change the priority of stream |stream_id|
6470  * to the priority specification |pri_spec|.
6471  *
6472  *
6473  * The |pri_spec| is priority specification of this request.  `null`
6474  * is not allowed for this function. To specify the priority, use
6475  * `PrioritySpec.init`.  This function will copy its data
6476  * members.
6477  *
6478  * The `pri_spec.weight` must be in [$(D MIN_WEIGHT),
6479  * $(D MAX_WEIGHT)], inclusive.  If `pri_spec.weight` is
6480  * strictly less than $(D MIN_WEIGHT), it becomes
6481  * $(D MIN_WEIGHT).  If it is strictly greater than
6482  * $(D MAX_WEIGHT), it becomes $(D MAX_WEIGHT).
6483  *
6484  * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
6485  * negative error codes:
6486  *
6487  * $(D ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
6488  *     The |stream_id| is 0; or the |pri_spec| is null; or trying to
6489  *     depend on itself.
6490  */
6491 ErrorCode submitPriority(Session session, int stream_id, in PrioritySpec pri_spec)
6492 {
6493 	OutboundItem item;
6494 	Frame* frame;
6495 	PrioritySpec copy_pri_spec;
6497 	if (stream_id == 0 || pri_spec == PrioritySpec.init)
6498 		return ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
6500 	if (stream_id == pri_spec.stream_id)
6501 		return ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
6503 	copy_pri_spec = pri_spec;
6505 	copy_pri_spec.adjustWeight();
6507 	item = Mem.alloc!OutboundItem(session);
6508 	scope(failure) Mem.free(item);
6509 	frame = &item.frame;
6511 	frame.priority = Priority(stream_id, copy_pri_spec);
6512 	scope(failure) frame.priority.free();
6514 	session.addItem(item);
6515 	return ErrorCode.OK;
6516 }
6519 /**
6520  * @function
6521  *
6522  * Submits RST_STREAM frame to cancel/reject the stream |stream_id|
6523  * with the error code |error_code|.
6524  *
6525  * The pre-defined error code is one of $(D FrameError).
6526  *
6527  * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
6528  * negative error codes:
6529  *
6530  * $(D ErrorCode.NOMEM)
6531  *     Out of memory.
6532  * $(D ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
6533  *     The |stream_id| is 0.
6534  */
6535 ErrorCode submitRstStream(Session session, int stream_id, FrameError error_code)
6536 {
6537 	if (stream_id == 0)
6538 		return ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
6540 	session.addRstStream(stream_id, error_code);
6541 	return ErrorCode.OK;
6542 }
6544 /**
6545  * @function
6546  *
6547  * Stores local settings and submits SETTINGS frame.  The |iva| is the
6548  * pointer to the array of $(D Setting).  The |iv.length|
6549  * indicates the number of settings.
6550  *
6551  * This function does not take ownership of the |iva|.  This function
6552  * copies all the elements in the |iva|.
6553  *
6554  * While updating individual stream's local window size, if the window
6555  * size becomes strictly larger than max_WINDOW_SIZE,
6556  * RST_STREAM is issued against such a stream.
6557  *
6558  * SETTINGS with $(D FrameFlags.ACK) is automatically submitted
6559  * by the library and application could not send it at its will.
6560  *
6561  * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
6562  * negative error codes:
6563  *
6564  * $(D ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
6565  *     The |iv| contains invalid value (e.g., initial window size
6566  *     strictly greater than (1 << 31) - 1.
6568  *     There is already another in-flight SETTINGS.  Note that the
6569  *     current implementation only allows 1 in-flight SETTINGS frame
6570  *     without ACK flag set.
6571  * $(D ErrorCode.NOMEM)
6572  *     Out of memory.
6573  */
6574 ErrorCode submitSettings(Session session, in Setting[] iva)
6575 {
6576 	return session.addSettings(FrameFlags.NONE, iva);
6577 }
6579 /**
6580  * Submits PUSH_PROMISE frame.
6581  *
6582  * The |stream_id| must be client initiated stream ID.
6583  *
6584  * The |hfa| is an array of $(D HeaderField) with
6585  * |hfa.length| elements.  The application is responsible to include
6586  * required pseudo-header fields (header field whose name starts with
6587  * ":") in |hfa| and must place pseudo-headers before regular header
6588  * fields.
6589  *
6590  * This function creates copies of all header fieldss in |hfa|.  It
6591  * also lower-cases all names in |hfa|.  The order of elements in
6592  * |hfa| is preserved.
6593  *
6594  * The |promised_stream_user_data| is a pointer to an arbitrary data
6595  * which is associated to the promised stream this frame will open and
6596  * make it in reserved state.  It is available using $(D Session.getStreamUserData).  
6597  * The application can access it in $(D Connector.onFrameHeader) and
6598  * $(D Connector.onFrameSent) of this frame.
6599  *
6600  * The client side is not allowed to use this function.
6601  *
6602  * To submit response headers and data, use
6603  * `submitResponse()`.
6604  *
6605  * This function returns assigned promised stream ID if it succeeds,
6606  * or one of the following negative error codes:
6607  * 
6608  * $(D ErrorCode.PROTO)
6609  *     This function was invoked when $(D Session) is initialized as
6610  *     client.
6611  * $(D ErrorCode.STREAM_ID_NOT_AVAILABLE)
6612  *     No stream ID is available because maximum stream ID was
6613  *     reached.
6614  * $(D ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
6615  *     The |stream_id| is 0; The |stream_id| does not designate stream
6616  *     that peer initiated.
6617  *
6618  * .. warning::
6619  *
6620  *   This function returns assigned promised stream ID if it succeeds.
6621  *   But that stream is not opened yet.  The application must not
6622  *   submit frame to that stream ID before
6623  *   $(D Connector.onFrameHeader) is called for this
6624  *   frame.
6625  *
6626  */
6627 int submitPushPromise(Session session, int stream_id, in HeaderField[] hfa, void* promised_stream_user_data)
6628 {
6629 	OutboundItem item;
6630 	Frame* frame;
6631 	HeaderField[] hfa_copy;
6632 	FrameFlags flags_copy;
6633 	int promised_stream_id;
6635 	if (stream_id == 0 || session.isMyStreamId(stream_id)) {
6636 		return ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
6637 	}
6639 	if (!session.is_server)
6640 		return ErrorCode.PROTO;
6642 	/* All 32bit signed stream IDs are spent. */
6643 	if (session.next_stream_id > int.max) {
6644 		return ErrorCode.STREAM_ID_NOT_AVAILABLE;
6645 	}
6647 	item = Mem.alloc!OutboundItem(session);
6648 	scope(failure) 
6649 		Mem.free(item);
6651 	item.aux_data.headers.stream_user_data = promised_stream_user_data;
6653 	frame = &item.frame;
6654 	bool is_owner;
6655 	hfa_copy = hfa.copy();
6656 	is_owner = true;
6657 	scope(failure) if (is_owner) Mem.free(hfa_copy);
6658 	flags_copy = FrameFlags.END_HEADERS;
6660 	promised_stream_id = session.next_stream_id;
6661 	session.next_stream_id += 2;
6663 	is_owner = false;
6664 	frame.push_promise = PushPromise(flags_copy, stream_id,	promised_stream_id, hfa_copy);
6665 	scope(failure) frame.push_promise.free();
6667 	session.addItem(item);
6669 	return promised_stream_id;
6670 }
6672 /**
6673  * Submits PING frame.  You don't have to send PING back when you
6674  * received PING frame.  The library automatically submits PING frame
6675  * in this case.
6676  *
6677  *
6678  * If the |opaque_data| is non `null`, then it should point to the 8
6679  * bytes array of memory to specify opaque data to send with PING
6680  * frame.  If the |opaque_data| is `null`, zero-cleared 8 bytes will
6681  * be sent as opaque data.
6682  */
6683 void submitPing(Session session, in ubyte[] opaque_data)
6684 {
6685 	return session.addPing(FrameFlags.NONE, opaque_data);
6686 }
6688 /**
6689  * @function
6690  *
6691  * Submits GOAWAY frame with the last stream ID |last_stream_id| and
6692  * the error code |error_code|.
6693  *
6694  * The pre-defined error code is one of $(D FrameError).
6695  *
6696  * The |flags| is currently ignored and should be
6697  * $(D FrameFlags.NONE).
6698  *
6699  * The |last_stream_id| is peer's stream ID or 0.  So if $(D Session) is
6700  * initialized as client, |last_stream_id| must be even or 0.  If
6701  * $(D Session) is initialized as server, |last_stream_id| must be odd or
6702  * 0.
6703  *
6704  * The HTTP/2 specification says last_stream_id must not be increased
6705  * from the value previously sent.  So the actual value sent as
6706  * last_stream_id is the minimum value between the given
6707  * |last_stream_id| and the last_stream_id previously sent to the
6708  * peer.
6709  *
6710  * If the |opaque_data| is not `null` and |opaque_data_len| is not
6711  * zero, those data will be sent as additional debug data.  The
6712  * library makes a copy of the memory region pointed by |opaque_data|
6713  * with the length |opaque_data_len|, so the caller does not need to
6714  * keep this memory after the return of this function.  If the
6715  * |opaque_data_len| is 0, the |opaque_data| could be `null`.
6716  *
6717  * After successful transmission of GOAWAY, following things happen.
6718  * All incoming streams having strictly more than |last_stream_id| are
6719  * closed.  All incoming HEADERS which starts new stream are simply
6720  * ignored.  After all active streams are handled, both
6721  * `wantRead()` and `wantWrite()` return 0 and the application can close session.
6722  *
6723  * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
6724  * negative error codes:
6725  * 
6726  * $(D ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
6727  *     The |opaque_data.length| is too large; the |last_stream_id| is invalid.
6728  */
6729 ErrorCode submitGoAway(Session session, int last_stream_id, FrameError error_code, in string opaque_data)
6730 {
6731 	if (session.goaway_flags & GoAwayFlags.TERM_ON_SEND) {
6732 		return ErrorCode.OK;
6733 	}
6734 	return session.addGoAway(last_stream_id, error_code, opaque_data, GoAwayAuxFlags.NONE);
6735 }
6737 /**
6738  * Submits WINDOW_UPDATE frame.
6739  *
6740  * The |flags| is currently ignored and should be
6741  * $(D FrameFlags.NONE).
6742  *
6743  * If the |window_size_increment| is positive, the WINDOW_UPDATE with
6744  * that value as window_size_increment is queued.  If the
6745  * |window_size_increment| is larger than the received bytes from the
6746  * remote endpoint, the local window size is increased by that
6747  * difference.
6748  *
6749  * If the |window_size_increment| is negative, the local window size
6750  * is decreased by -|window_size_increment|.  If automatic
6751  * WINDOW_UPDATE is enabled
6752  * $(D Options.setNoAutoWindowUpdate), and the library
6753  * decided that the WINDOW_UPDATE should be submitted, then
6754  * WINDOW_UPDATE is queued with the current received bytes count.
6755  *
6756  * If the |window_size_increment| is 0, the function does nothing and
6757  * returns 0.
6758  *
6759  * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
6760  * negative error codes:
6761  *
6762  * $(D ErrorCode.FLOW_CONTROL)
6763  *     The local window size overflow or gets negative.
6764  */
6765 ErrorCode submitWindowUpdate(Session session, int stream_id, int window_size_increment)
6766 {
6767 	ErrorCode rv;
6768 	Stream stream;
6769 	if (window_size_increment == 0) {
6770 		return ErrorCode.OK;
6771 	}
6772 	FrameFlags flags;
6773 	if (stream_id == 0) {
6774 		rv = adjustLocalWindowSize(session.local_window_size, session.recv_window_size, session.recv_reduction, window_size_increment);
6775 		if (rv != ErrorCode.OK) {
6776 			return rv;
6777 		}
6778 	} else {
6779 		stream = session.getStream(stream_id);
6780 		if (!stream) {
6781 			return ErrorCode.OK;
6782 		}
6784 		rv = adjustLocalWindowSize(stream.localWindowSize, stream.recvWindowSize, stream.recvReduction, window_size_increment);
6785 		if (rv != ErrorCode.OK) {
6786 			return rv;
6787 		}
6788 	}
6790 	if (window_size_increment > 0) {
6791 		if (stream_id == 0) {
6792 			session.consumed_size = max(0, session.consumed_size - window_size_increment);
6793 		} else {
6794 			stream.consumedSize = max(0, stream.consumedSize - window_size_increment);
6795 		}
6797 		session.addWindowUpdate(flags, stream_id, window_size_increment);
6798 	}
6799 	return ErrorCode.OK;
6800 }
6803 /**
6804  * Signals to the client that the server started graceful shutdown
6805  * procedure.
6806  *
6807  * This function is only usable for server.  If this function is
6808  * called with client side session, this function returns
6809  * $(D ErrorCode.INVALID_STATE).
6810  *
6811  * To gracefully shutdown HTTP/2 session, server should call this
6812  * function to send GOAWAY with last_stream_id (1u << 31) - 1.  And
6813  * after some delay (e.g., 1 RTT), send another GOAWAY with the stream
6814  * ID that the server has some processing using
6815  * `submitGoAway()`.  See also `getLastProcStreamID()`.
6816  *
6817  * Unlike `submitGoAway()`, this function just sends GOAWAY
6818  * and does nothing more.  This is a mere indication to the client
6819  * that session shutdown is imminent.  The application should call
6820  * `submitGoAway()` with appropriate last_stream_id after
6821  * this call.
6822  *
6823  * If one or more GOAWAY frame have been already sent by either
6824  * `submitGoAway()` or `terminateSession()`, this function has no effect.
6825  *
6826  * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
6827  * negative error codes:
6828  *
6829  * $(D ErrorCode.NOMEM)
6830  *     Out of memory.
6831  * $(D ErrorCode.INVALID_STATE)
6832  *     The $(D Session) is initialized as client.
6833  */
6834 ErrorCode submitShutdownNotice(Session session)
6835 {
6836 	if (!session.is_server) {
6837 		return ErrorCode.INVALID_STATE;
6838 	}
6839 	if (session.goaway_flags)
6840 		return ErrorCode.OK;
6842 	return session.addGoAway((1u << 31) - 1, FrameError.NO_ERROR, null, GoAwayAuxFlags.SHUTDOWN_NOTICE);
6843 }
6845 private: 
6847 FrameFlags setResponseFlags(in DataProvider data_prd) 
6848 {
6849 	FrameFlags flags = FrameFlags.NONE;
6851 	if (!data_prd) 
6852 		flags |= FrameFlags.END_STREAM;
6854 	return flags;
6855 }
6857 FrameFlags setRequestFlags(in PrioritySpec pri_spec, in DataProvider data_prd)
6858 {
6859 	FrameFlags flags = FrameFlags.NONE;
6860 	if (!data_prd)
6861 		flags |= FrameFlags.END_STREAM;
6863 	if (pri_spec != PrioritySpec.init) 
6864 		flags |= FrameFlags.PRIORITY;
6866 	return flags;
6867 }
6869 /* This function takes ownership of |hfa_copy|. Regardless of the
6870    return value, the caller must not free |hfa_copy| after this
6871    function returns. */
6872 int submitHeadersShared(Session session, FrameFlags flags, int stream_id, 
6873 						const ref PrioritySpec pri_spec, HeaderField[] hfa_copy,
6874 						in DataProvider data_prd, void *stream_user_data, bool attach_stream)
6875 {
6876 	ErrorCode rv;
6877 	FrameFlags flags_copy;
6878 	OutboundItem item;
6879 	Frame* frame;
6880 	HeadersCategory hcat;
6881 	bool owns_hfa = true;
6882 	scope(failure) 
6883 		if (owns_hfa && hfa_copy) 
6884 			hfa_copy.free();
6886 	if (stream_id == 0) {
6887 		hfa_copy.free();
6888 		return ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
6889 	}
6891 	item = Mem.alloc!OutboundItem(session);
6892 	scope(failure) {
6893 		if (item) Mem.free(item);
6894 	}
6895 	if (data_prd) {
6896 		item.aux_data.headers.data_prd = data_prd;
6897 	}
6899 	item.aux_data.headers.stream_user_data = stream_user_data;
6900 	item.aux_data.headers.attach_stream = attach_stream;
6902 	flags_copy = cast(FrameFlags)((flags & (FrameFlags.END_STREAM | FrameFlags.PRIORITY)) | FrameFlags.END_HEADERS);
6904 	if (stream_id == -1) {
6905 		if (session.next_stream_id > int.max) {
6906 			if (item) Mem.free(item);
6907 			if (hfa_copy) 
6908 				hfa_copy.free();
6909 			return ErrorCode.STREAM_ID_NOT_AVAILABLE;
6910 		}
6912 		stream_id = session.next_stream_id;
6913 		session.next_stream_id += 2;
6915 		hcat = HeadersCategory.REQUEST;
6916 	} else {
6917 		/* More specific categorization will be done later. */
6918 		hcat = HeadersCategory.HEADERS;
6919 	}
6921 	frame = &item.frame;
6923 	owns_hfa = false;
6924 	frame.headers = Headers(flags_copy, stream_id, hcat, pri_spec, hfa_copy);
6925 	session.addItem(item);
6927 	if (rv != ErrorCode.OK) {
6928 		if (item) { Mem.free(item); }
6929 		if (hfa_copy) 
6930 			hfa_copy.free();
6931 		return rv;
6932 	}
6934 	if (hcat == HeadersCategory.REQUEST)
6935 		return stream_id;
6937 	return ErrorCode.OK;
6938 }
6942 int submitHeadersSharedHfa(Session session, FrameFlags flags, int stream_id, in PrioritySpec pri_spec, in HeaderField[] hfa, 
6943 						   in DataProvider data_prd, void *stream_user_data, bool attach_stream) 
6944 {
6945 	HeaderField[] hfa_copy = hfa.copy();
6946 	PrioritySpec copy_pri_spec = pri_spec;
6947 	copy_pri_spec.adjustWeight();
6949 	return submitHeadersShared(session, flags, stream_id, copy_pri_spec, hfa_copy, data_prd, stream_user_data, attach_stream);
6950 }
6952 public:
6954 /**
6955  * A helper function for dealing with NPN in client side or ALPN in
6956  * server side.  The |input| contains peer's protocol list in preferable
6957  * order.  The format of |input| is length-prefixed and not
6958  * null-terminated.  For example, `HTTP-draft-04/2.0` and
6959  * `http/1.1` stored in |input| like this::
6960  *
6961  *     in[0] = 17
6962  *     in[1..17] = "HTTP-draft-04/2.0"
6963  *     in[18] = 8
6964  *     in[19..26] = "http/1.1"
6965  *     inlen = 27
6966  *
6967  * The selection algorithm is as follows:
6968  *
6969  * 1. If peer's list contains HTTP/2 protocol the library supports,
6970  *    it is selected and returns 1. The following step is not taken.
6971  *
6972  * 2. If peer's list contains `http/1.1`, this function selects
6973  *    `http/1.1` and returns 0.  The following step is not taken.
6974  *
6975  * 3. This function selects nothing and returns -1 (So called
6976  *    non-overlap case).  In this case, |output| is left
6977  *    untouched.
6978  *
6979  * Selecting `HTTP-draft-04/2.0` means that `HTTP-draft-04/2.0` is
6980  * written into |*out| and its length (which is 17) is assigned to
6981  * |*outlen|.
6982  *
6983  * For ALPN, refer to
6984  * https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-tls-applayerprotoneg-05
6985  *
6986  * See http://technotes.googlecode.com/git/nextprotoneg.html for more
6987  * details about NPN.
6988  *
6989  * For NPN, to use this method you should do something like::
6990  *
6991  *     static int select_next_proto_cb(SSL* ssl,
6992  *                                     unsigned char **out,
6993  *                                     unsigned char *outlen,
6994  *                                     const unsigned char *in,
6995  *                                     unsigned int inlen,
6996  *                                     void *arg)
6997  *     {
6998  *         int rv;
6999  *         rv = selectNextProtocol(out, outlen, in, inlen);
7000  *         if(rv == 1) {
7001  *             (cast(MyType*)arg).http2_selected = 1;
7002  *         }
7003  *         return SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_OK;
7004  *     }
7005  *     ...
7006  *     SSL_CTX_set_next_proto_select_cb(ssl_ctx, select_next_proto_cb, my_obj);
7007  *
7008  */
7009 int selectNextProtocol(ref ubyte[] output, in ubyte[] input, ubyte[] other_proto = null)
7010 {
7011 	size_t i;
7012 	size_t len;
7013 	while (i < input.length)
7014 	{
7015 		len = input[i];
7016 		++i;
7017 		ubyte[] proto = cast(ubyte[]) input[i .. i+len];
7018 		i += len;
7019 		if (other_proto && other_proto == proto)
7020 		{
7021 			output = proto;
7022 			return 1;
7023 		}
7025 		if (proto == PROTOCOL_ALPN) {
7026 			output = proto;
7027 			return 1;
7028 		}
7029 		if (proto == HTTP_1_1_ALPN) {
7030 			output = proto;
7031 			return ErrorCode.OK;
7032 		}
7033 	}
7034 	return -1;
7035 }
7039 /**
7040  * Returns true if the $(D RV) library error code
7041  * |lib_error| is fatal.
7042  */
7043 bool isFatal(int lib_error) { return lib_error < ErrorCode.FATAL; }
7046 /// Configuration options
7047 enum OptionFlags {
7048 	/**
7049    * This option prevents the library from sending WINDOW_UPDATE for a
7050    * connection automatically.  If this option is set to nonzero, the
7051    * library won't send WINDOW_UPDATE for DATA until application calls
7052    * $(D Session.consume) to indicate the amount of consumed
7053    * DATA.  By default, this option is set to zero.
7054    */
7056 	/**
7057    * This option sets the Setting.MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS value of
7058    * remote endpoint as if it is received in SETTINGS frame. Without
7059    * specifying this option, before the local endpoint receives
7060    * Setting.MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS in SETTINGS frame from remote
7061    * endpoint, Setting.MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS is unlimited. This may
7062    * cause problem if local endpoint submits lots of requests
7063    * initially and sending them at once to the remote peer may lead to
7064    * the rejection of some requests. Specifying this option to the
7065    * sensible value, say 100, may avoid this kind of issue. This value
7066    * will be overwritten if the local endpoint receives
7067    * Setting.MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS from the remote endpoint.
7068    */
7070 	RECV_CLIENT_PREFACE = 1 << 2,
7071 	NO_HTTP_MESSAGING = 1 << 3,
7072 }
7074 /// Struct to store option values for http2_session.
7075 struct Options {
7076 private:
7077 	/// Bitwise OR of http2_option_flag to determine which fields are specified.
7078 	uint m_opt_set_mask;
7080 	uint m_peer_max_concurrent_streams;
7082 	bool m_no_auto_window_update;
7084 	bool m_recv_client_preface;
7086 	bool m_no_http_messaging;
7087 public:
7088 	@property uint peer_max_concurrent_streams() const { return m_peer_max_concurrent_streams; }
7089 	@property uint opt_set_mask() const { return m_opt_set_mask; }
7090 	@property bool no_auto_window_update() const { return m_no_auto_window_update; }
7091 	@property bool recv_client_preface() const { return m_recv_client_preface; }
7092 	@property bool no_http_messaging() const { return m_no_http_messaging; }
7094 	/**
7095 	 * This option prevents the library from sending WINDOW_UPDATE for a
7096 	 * connection automatically.  If this option is set to nonzero, the
7097 	 * library won't send WINDOW_UPDATE for DATA until application calls
7098 	 * `consume()` to indicate the consumed amount of
7099 	 * data.  Don't use $(D submitWindowUpdate) for this purpose.
7100 	 * By default, this option is set to zero.
7101 	 */
7102 	@property void setNoAutoWindowUpdate(bool val)
7103 	{
7104 		if (val) m_opt_set_mask |= OptionFlags.NO_AUTO_WINDOW_UPDATE;
7105 		else m_opt_set_mask |= ~OptionFlags.NO_AUTO_WINDOW_UPDATE;
7106 		m_no_auto_window_update = val;
7107 	}
7109 	/**
7110 	 * This option sets the Setting.MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS value of
7111 	 * remote endpoint as if it is received in SETTINGS frame.  Without
7112 	 * specifying this option, before the local endpoint receives
7113 	 * Setting.MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS in SETTINGS frame from remote
7114 	 * endpoint, Setting.MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS is unlimited.  This may
7115 	 * cause problem if local endpoint submits lots of requests initially
7116 	 * and sending them at once to the remote peer may lead to the
7117 	 * rejection of some requests.  Specifying this option to the sensible
7118 	 * value, say 100, may avoid this kind of issue. This value will be
7119 	 * overwritten if the local endpoint receives
7120 	 * Setting.MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS from the remote endpoint.
7121 	 */
7122 	void setPeerMaxConcurrentStreams(uint val)
7123 	{
7124 		m_opt_set_mask |= OptionFlags.PEER_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS;
7125 		m_peer_max_concurrent_streams = val;
7126 	}
7128 	/**
7129 	 * By default, libhttp2 library only handles HTTP/2 frames and does not
7130 	 * recognize first 24 bytes of client connection preface.  This design
7131 	 * choice is done due to the fact that server may want to detect the
7132 	 * application protocol based on first few bytes on clear text
7133 	 * communication.  But for simple servers which only speak HTTP/2, it
7134 	 * is easier for developers if libhttp2 library takes care of client
7135 	 * connection preface.
7136 	 *
7137 	 * If this option is used with nonzero |val|, libhttp2 library checks
7138 	 * first 24 bytes client connection preface.  If it is not a valid
7139 	 * one, $(D Session.recv) and $(D Session.memRecv) will
7140 	 * return error $(D ErrorCode.BAD_PREFACE), which is fatal error.
7141 	 */
7142 	void setRecvClientPreface(bool val)
7143 	{
7144 		m_opt_set_mask |= OptionFlags.RECV_CLIENT_PREFACE;
7145 		m_recv_client_preface = val;
7146 	}
7148 	/**
7149 	 * By default, libhttp2 library enforces subset of HTTP Messaging rules
7150 	 * described in `HTTP/2 specification, section 8
7151 	 * <https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-http2-17#section-8>`_.
7152 	 * See `HTTP Messaging`_ section for details.  For those applications
7153 	 * who use libhttp2 library as non-HTTP use, give nonzero to |val| to
7154 	 * disable this enforcement.
7155 	 */
7156 	void setNoHTTPMessaging(bool val)
7157 	{
7158 		m_opt_set_mask |= OptionFlags.NO_HTTP_MESSAGING;
7159 		m_no_http_messaging = val;
7160 	}
7162 }