
Callback function invoked when library wants to get max length of data to send data to the remote peer. The implementation of this function should return a value in the following range. [1, min(|session_remote_window_size|, |stream_remote_window_size|, |remote_max_frame_size|)]. If a value greater than this range is returned than the max allow value will be used. Returning a value smaller than this range is treated as ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE. The |frame_type| is provided for future extensibility and identifies the type of frame (see FrameType) for which to get the length for. Currently supported frame types are: HTTP2_DATA.

This callback can be used to control the length in bytes for which DataProvider is allowed to send to the remote endpoint. This callback is optional. Returning ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE will signal the entire session failure..
