
Callback function invoked when a chunk of data in DATA frame is received. The |stream_id| is the stream this DATA frame belongs to. The |flags| is the flags of DATA frame which this data chunk is contained. `(flags & FrameFlags.END_STREAM) != 0` does not necessarily mean this chunk of data is the last one in the stream. You should use Connector.onFrame to determine that all data frames are received.

class Connector
in ubyte[] data
ref bool pause

Detailed Description

The memory pointed by the |data| is not copied within Session.memRecv or Session.recv, so the data provider controls its lifetime. This can be either for Session.recv, or a ubyte[] slice from the one provided to Session.memRecv

If the application uses Session.memRecv, it can set |pause| to make Session.memRecv return without processing further input bytes.

If the function returns false, Session.memRecv or Session.recv would return with ErrorCode.CALLBACK_FAILURE.
